《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 11


"Did you heard that?" A man asked his friend.

"What?" The other replied while drinking the alcohol.

The man whispered , "A rumor from the castle."


"Sshhh..... my sister is a maid. She told me some weird secret."

"Is this about our queen? Because I'm curious." The another man grinned.

"First of all, it's not a queen."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a boy. Our king married a boy."

"Wow, wow, are you sure your sister is normal? Is she jealous or something? Why'd she say something weird? And, you believed her. You're so stupid. Our king would never do something disgusting and low." He laughed.

"At first, I also thought like that but she told me they're living in a different building. And, I also saw that."

"Wait, what non sense are you speaking? Why'd they live separately? If someone hears us, we'll die for sure. I don't wanna talk about our queen. It's prohibited. Don't get me in trouble."

"Aren't you curious about that?"

"Well, I expected you to say something about her looks but you're spouting nonsense."

"You don't trust me? It's fine. I'll bring some proof next time."

"Hmm, okay, I'll give you my wine bottle if it's true."


Seokjin panicked after hearing their conversation. He felt so disgusted over their opinion about same sex marriage. One thing he's sure is the truth reveal is not good for Hoseok.

Seokjin was out of town. He didn't know what happened to Hoseok. As soon as he entered the place, he felt weird.

"Where are the other guards?"

A guard bowed to him, "our prince told them to go back."

Seokjin frowned, "hmm, okay."

He went to his room and took a bath. He left his room and saw Mimi was rushing to somewhere. He stopped her.

Mimi gasped in surprise, " Our Jin?" She bowed to him.

She told everything to him.

Seokjin immediately rushed to Hoseok room. He saw the other was sleeping peacefully on the bed. He smiled and walked to him. He caught Hoseok when he was about to fell from the bed.

Hoseok hummed and turned to other side. He pulled the pillow and hugged it.

Seokjin smiled and combed his hair. He remembers how playful was Hoseok. Who always gets in trouble, playing with kids and wearing maids uniform and sneaks out. He chuckles thinking about when he helped Hoseok to hide in his room when taehyung was searching him.

He felt so hurt about what was happening to the happy kid. Why his fate turned out like this? Why he's enduring so much pain? He placed his hand on the other's back. He took it back immediately when Hoseok hissed in pain.

Hoseok immediately gets away from the other and reached out for a sword.

"It's me. It's me. Hoseok,..."

Seokjin was panicked when he saw the other was reaching out for a long sword . He gulped when Hoseok smiled at him.

"Jinnie~~~ when did you came? I missed you so much."

He hugged him.

Seokjin smiled and pats his back.

"I'm sorry."

Hoseok breaks the hug and blinked at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry for not being there. If I was there, I'd have definitely helped you."

"I know." Hoseok smiled.

Seokjin felt awful for leaving the other on that night.

"Hyungie~~ what did you brought me? "

Seokjin smiled and pats his head.

"I brought so many accessories for you. And, I brought some healthy medicinal plants too."


Hoseok pouts.

Seokjin chuckled, "fine, fine . I brought your favorite rice cake."

"Heyyyy... thank you so much hyungie. Seokie loves you."


It's been two days, Yoongi went back to his place. His work was successful but he didn't felt happiness. He still felt void. He can't enjoy anything. As soon as he reached his room, he immediately rushed to his window. He stumbled on his way but he didn't care. His heart crushed when he saw the other's window was still closed.

"Why do you hate me so much? I know it's my fault. I shouldn't have done that knowing you already hate me. That incident made you to hate me so much. I don't have any chance, do I ?"

He chuckled bitterly and left the place . He took a bath and rushed to the window. He dressed up and rushed to the window to check whether it's opened or not. He left His room heavy hearted.

Jungkook walked to him and bowed.

"My king, the person is here."

Yoongi nods his head excitedly. An old man entered the hall and bowed.

"Your highness."

Yoongi nods his head.

"I'll give a painting. I want you to draw the painting in different views all around the castle. Drew him like a God."

The old man took the painting and looked at it.

"Wah, such a beautiful painting."

Jungkook coughs while Yoongi glared at the old man.

"You can leave now. "

Yoongi signals Jungkook.

Jungkook hands the old man a bag of gold coins .

"Thank you, your majesty." The man bowed and left.

Jungkook sighed but didn't voiced out his opinion. He knows about his kings mental condition. He decided to talk with Hoseok.

Hoseok skipped into the woods while eating the candies seokjin brought for him.

"I'll feed some fishes." He giggled and reached the pond.

He sat on the rock and looked at them. As soon as his reflection falls on the water, the fishes swam to him. He giggled and puts the candies.

"Did you missed me? Why are you not eating it?" He pouts.

"Candies are not good for fishes"

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "how allowed you here. Aish, my guards are really useless."

"Cause they're from Jung."

Hoseok turned with a glare. But, Jungkook gave him a bunny smile with a wink. He sits next to Hoseok and throw some bread crumbs on the water. The fishes started to eat.

Hoseok gasped, "you're all betraying me"

Jungkook chuckled, "you're so cute when talking to the fishes. Cause you look like dumb."

Hoseok closed the eyes and took a deep breath. He tried to calm his mind.

"Are you mediating?"


"Hmm, fine. Wait, is that a snake?"

Hoseok immediately jumped and sat on the other's lap.


He's hugging the other's neck making the other to struggle in breathing.

Jungkook coughed and pushed the other. He pressed his neck and massages it.

"Wow, looking so small but your weight is..God, I can't move my legs. Did you crushed it?"

Hoseok hits his head with a lotus, "did you lied? All Min's are same. Useless and arrogant asshole."

Jungkook raised his brow and smiled later.

"I'm not a min."

"Huh? I thought you're one." Hoseok snatched the bread crumbs from him and feeds the fishes.

"Well, I was born and raised as a min but my blood line is not related to min."

Hoseok frowns, "a refugee?"

"Hmm, more like. Well, I'm not here to talk about me."


Hoseok rolls his eyes, "I'm not interested too."

Jungkook chuckled, "I was shocked when I saw you on that day. Top of that, you even remember me."

"How do I forgot about a thief who tried to kill me when I was playing hide and seek."

Jungkook laughs again, "I thought you're a spy. You looked so cute."

Hoseok cheeks get red, "well, I still have that small knife. So, stay away from me." He threatened him.

"I feel so bad for Yoongi."

Hoseok clapped his hands and laughed out loud. Jungkook felt the other was weird.

"Are you okay?" He asked him.

Hoseok stops laughing and nods his head, "I'm sorry it's funny."


"Did he sent you ?"

Jungkook shakes his head, "don't think so low of our king. He's so prideful. He'll never let other's talk for him."

Hoseok sighs, "then, why did you came here? You're not my friend. I don't wanna spend time with you. Stop wasting my precious time."

Jungkook sighed, "I've been living with him since I was born. He's more like a brother to me. I've seen his low and high of his life and stayed with him. When his parents died at his young age, he mourned for a weak and went to study harder to become a king. He studied and learned about everything. He travelled to so many places and learned different techniques. He's mastered in many martial arts."

Hoseok listened to him interestedly.

"I've never thought his downfall will start when he placed his foot on your kingdom. The moment he saw your painting he lost his mind. His bad time started. He voluntarily married to his death and brought to his kingdom. You're only lucky for your kingdom but for others you're a curse. You're kingdom grows when he steps your foot but for others it'll be their downfall."

Hoseok can't take it anymore. He closed his ears and stands up. He turns to leave. No one has ever talked to him like that. He's treated as a precious gem in his entire life. Jungkook words hurts him.

"Where are you leaving?"

Jungkook caught his hands and stopped him.

Hoseok bites his trembling lips.

"Leave. My. Hands."

Jungkook smiled, "how do you feel knowing about your true self?"

Hoseok grits his teeth and took his hands back.

"That's not true. You're so cruel like your king. You want a revenge for hurting your king, don't you?"

Jungkook shakes his head, "I'm not a kind of person who seeks for revenge. I want to know what's so special about you that made our king's life a living hell. You can be an angel or a lucky charm for your country but for us, for our king, you're a devil and bad luck. You're gonna be our kingdom's downfall."

Hoseok closed his ears and cried.

"Stop, stop it. I'll never bring anyone down. Please, don't hurt me with your words. I'm not a bad luck."

"Aren't you doing this on purpose? You want a revenge. Did you seduced him with your body and made him go crazy about you. Now, he became your puppet. His 18 years of hardworking gonna destroyed because of you. Are you gonna see our kingdom fall?"

Hoseok looked at him, "what do you mean? Why are you blaming me?"

"Because, you're destroying his peace. If his peace gets destroyed its not good for our kingdom and our people gonna suffer. Hoseok, you don't have any idea about how big is Min kingdom. Our king ruling this big kingdom on his own hardworking. A small pretty doll like boy gonna ruin his hard work."

Hoseok frowned, "what do you want? I'm sure you hate me. But, I'm not stupid to trust you. You want me to feel bad and forgive him. To go back to him so that your king will be happy. Just say that, why are you making up stories? The great King, Min Yoongi, the most powerful and dangerous young man will never let anyone to lose his kingdom. Do you think I can do that?"

Jungkook sighed when his plan didn't worked. He thought Hoseok will feel bad and get back to Yoongi in order to save their kingdom. But, Hoseok didn't fall for him.

"Fine, I'm sorry for speaking like that. I don't have any idea to get you back to Yoongi. He misses you so badly. To the point, he decided to paint the whole castle with your painting."

Hoseok chuckled, "really?"

Jungkook groaned, "what's so funny about seeing my king being so miserable in love? You're so cruel. I take that back. You're indeed a devil."

Hoseok shakes his head while laughing.

"I'm glad you're not min. At least, you're funny and dumb."

Jungkook sighed, "fine, I can be whatever you want but please understand. I've never seen him this depressed in his life. You're really ruining his mind. Just do something."


Jungkook eyes came out, "WHAT? I'm older than you."

Hoseok sighed, "fine, Jungkook hyung, I can do whatever I want. I don't care about your king. I don't care about his mental or physical health. Leave me alone. I've to tighten my security." He left the place.

Jungkook sighed and sneaked out.

Next day, Hoseok walks up with a smile. He smelt something fresh and pleasant. He opened his eyes and saw a bunch of flower next to his bed.


Soon, she entered his room.

Hoseok covered his body, "who placed this flower here?" He asked with smile while patting the flowers.

Mimi bowed, "my prince, it's specially send by our king. He picked it by himself with love for you...."

Before she finishes, the flower base shattered on the floor.

"Throw it away. Don't place anything in my room without my permission."

She bowed and started to collect the flowers.

Yoongi felt hurt when he watched them throwing the flowers out. He plucked the roses for Hoseok. He smiled and left the garden.

Days passed, Hoseok still received different types of flowers daily. But,not on his room. He throws away the flower daily. He started to receive clothes, accessories and even foods from Yoongi. But, he returned everything.

One day, Hoseok didn't received anything till evening. He called his maid.


She rushed to his room and bowed.

Hoseok clears his throat.

"Hmm, is dinner ready?"

She nods her head, "yes, my prince. Can I bring here?"

Hoseok gets up, "no need, I'll eat with you all. I don't like eating alone. And between , what did he send today? It's not like I'm interested. I just wanna return it. That's why."

Mimi smiles, "nothing, my prince."

Hoseok frowned, "nothing?"

She smiled, "are you expecting something?"

Hoseok shakes his head, "no, no, why'd I? Haha, finally, he learnt his lesson. I'm super hungry. Let's have dinner."

A week passed, Hoseok felt so terrible. He don't know what he's feeling but it's not good. He didn't received anything. He didn't heard anything. This is what he asked him but why he's not happy. Hoseok didn't asked about Yoongi to anyone since it hurts his pride. He didn't even saw jungkook.

Hoseok lost his appetite and locked himself in his room. The realisation hits him.

"He started to ignore me." He mumbled and pushed his face further on the pillow.

He gets up with a disheveled hair.

"Fine, at least I'll know what he's doing? Maybe, he's out of town. I'll ask Mimi. No, she'll make fun of me."

Hoseok grinned and rushed to seokjin room. But, he's not there. He pouts and turned to leave. Seokjin rushed into the room.

"Hyungie~~~ where did you went? I was searching for you." He smiled pretty.

Seokjin jumped at his sudden voice and placed his hand on his heart.

"Oh, Hoseok. Don't scare me, I'm in hurry. I came to take my kit."

Hoseok frowned, "I'm sorry. Did something happened to someone?" He asked with concern.

Seokjin nods his head, "our king..."

"What happened to him?" Hoseok started to panic.

Seokjin smiled, "don't worry, your husband is fine. Just a fever."

Hoseok's heart started to beat fast.

"H..hyung, just a simple fever, right? Nothing big?" He's so worried that showed in his face.

Seokjin assured him and left.

Hoseok waited for him to come back. He didn't eat anything. He rushed to seokjin. It's late night.

"Hyung, how's he?"

Seokjin frowned, "Hoseok, did you stayed in my room from morning?"

Hoseok nods his head, "I wanted to know how's he?"

Seokjin frowned, "really, are you worried about him or are you happy...."

"HYUNG?" Hoseok shouts at him.

"How could you say ? You've been with me since i born. I've never wished anything bad for anyone. On top of that, he's MY HUSBAND."

Seokjin smiled, "I know. I just wanted to see your reaction. Hoseok, I'm sorry, I hid something from you."

Hoseok holds his hand, "jin hyung, please don't scare me." His eyes started to fill with tears.

Seokjin bites his lips, "Yoongi has been suffering from severe fever for a week. But, past two days were so horrible. I tried everything. I don't...."

Before he finish, Hoseok left the room. He ran to the castle. He didn't care about anyone who's passing his way. He pushed them and ran straight to his husband room. He rushed to the other.

Hoseok closed his mouth as soon as he saw his husband was lying on the bed looking lifeless.

The doctors and maids left them.

Hoseok slowly walked to the other and sits next to him. He placed his hands on the other's cheek. He felt so hot. His lips started to tremble. He started to cry. He laid next to him and hugged yoongi.

"Wake up, my king. Your queen is here."

He placed his head on the other's chest and hugged him tightly.

Do you think Yoongi heard his words?

Thanks for reading....💜💜😘

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