《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 4


Yoongi's p.o.v:

I'm so anxious. Why he's taking too long to come?

I sighed and looked at the beautiful painting.

"Wha! What a beautiful eyes! You must be not real. At least, I wanna know who drew you. I just wanna give them some reward."

I leaned against the headboard and waiting for Jungkook to come soon. Or, I can go myself.

As I was about to get up, he walks in. I immediately stood up.

"What did you find out?"

He smiled, "I've a news. I don't will you take it as good or bad."

What's he talking?

I nod my head and listened to him.

He sighed, "well, the painting."

He watched him attentively. He's teasing me.

"Well, the painting is..."

"Cut the crap, kook. Tell me."

He laughed, "fine, fine. I'm just teasing. The beautiful painting is a man."


I immediately turned to painting and walked closer. Is this true or he's messing with me? I watched the beautiful eyes. How's it possible for a man to look this beautiful?

I cleared my throat, "so, who drew this? And, what kind of man is this beauty?"

Jungkook smirked, "well, it's not just a painting. He's real and alive."

I immediately turned to him.

"Who? Where? Is this true? Where can I see him?"

Jungkook laughed, "wow, calm down. I've never seen you getting this excited over anyone. That painting really turned you into something."

I just started at him.

"This doesn't answer any of my questions."

Jungkook smiled, "I'm sorry. He's the prince of Jung kingdom. Well, he's somewhat special since he's the only son that survived."

I frowned, "what do you mean?"

"Well, Mr. Jung had some kind of curse that his baby will die as soon as it came out of the womb. But, Hoseok was the one who's alive."


He nods his head, "that's his name. Jung Hoseok. People call him as little prince and lucky charmer."

I laughed, "why lucky charmer?"

"Hmm, this kingdom became wealthier after he born. So, people consider him as a lucky charmer . That's why, everyone has this painting."

"That's interesting. May I know his age?"

Jungkook smirked, " twenty. What are you thinking?"

I shake my head and looked at the painting again.

Oh, Hoseok, the real beauty. You're gonna be mine very soon.

I turned to Jungkook.

"I want you to go to meet Mr. Jung, tomorrow."

Jungkook nods his head, "yeah, that's why we came here."

I shake my head.

"I want him."

I pointed the painting. I want that boy. To be mine. All mine.

"But, what kind of "want" you want from him? Like for sexual or..."

"I want to marry him."

Hoseok's p.o.v:

I dropped the stones on the floor. Is it him? Why does he looks familiar? What does he meant by his king want to marry me? Who the hell is he?

"Hoseokie, my baby, why did you dropped the stones?"

I snapped out of my thoughts when my father walked to me. I immediately bend down and started to collect the stone that are scattered on the ground.

"I..I'm sorry father . It's my mistake."

"No, dear. Wait, father will help you. How about be a good boy and go to your room? Go and have a good rest. I'll send some hot soup for you."

He stroked my cheeks and smiled at me. I smiled back. I know I'll trust my father.


I left the room after looking at the guy for one more time. He's still smirking at me. How disgusting and shameless.

I went to my room and took a bath. I was waiting for taehyung to come. I wanna know what they're talking about and who's that guy.

"God, tae, come soon."

I immediately stood up when someone opened the door. My expectations gone when I see a servant lady with a bowl of soup.

"Our little prince, our king told us to prepare a delicious healthy soup which made of...."

I stopped her. Why do they always have to explain about everything? It's not like I'm gonna cook. I love how they always take extra care of me.

"Madam, I know it'll be delicious. I'm gonna finish this soon. You can leave now. And, if you see taehyung, tell him to meet me."

She bowed and left.

Jungkook's p.o.v:

The pretty boy left. I think he still remembers me. I should've seen his face on that day. He'd be mine but god had another plan.

"What did you say?"

I snapped to the old man who's looking at me angrily.

"King. Jung, our great king. Min Yoongi, the king of the most powerful and biggest clan wants to marry your son."


"In order to built a good relationship with our two clan. Your kingdom was small and has low security which will attract so many clans to attack you. We just want protect you."

He arched his brows, "since when did you started to worry about our clans safety?"

Well, since my king saw your son but I can't say it to you.

"Well, we just wanted to trade our goods. Your clan was rich and have so many mineral resources.,"

He stopped me.

"What does that have to do with my son?"

I sighed, "we're ready for the war. We want this land. We know how to take this land and your son too..."

He's fuming in anger.

I continued, "but, if you give your son to my king, we can built a healthy relationship. You can keep your land and we'll give you extra protection by guarding our men at the border. How many soldiers do you have? 50k or 60k. We'll give you 200k soldiers for your protection with equipment."

He laughed, "interesting deal. Do you think I'll fall for it? Tell your mad king to learn how to ask a guy for a marriage. We don't need any protection as long as our goddess and my son is with me. Now, leave before I snap your head."

What the hell? This guy is crazy.

"Rethink. You can't win against us. You'll lose your land."

He scoffed, "your age is my experience. Don't give me your bullshit advice and get out."

"You're gonna regret."

I left the place and left Jung's kingdom. My king was already left this place. One of our clan is near to this kingdom. So we're gonna stay there. I'm sure my king is gonna get pissed. I'm so excited.

Hoseok's p.o.v:

"Tae, tell me. What did you heard? What they're talking?"

I send my saviour to eavesdrop. But, he's not talking to me. What happened there? He looks serious.

"My little baby, when did you grown up? I heard that the most powerful king wants to marry you."

I'm sure he's teasing me. I pout at him.

"I'm still your little baby. I don't wanna marry any stupid king. What did father said? Did he accepted? Please, tae. Tell me."


He smiled and dragged me to my bed. He made me to sit and sat next to me.

"What happened to you? Don't worry, no one can do anything against your will. As long as I'm alive no one can take you away from me."

I smiled, "so, you didn't heard what my father said?"

He grins, " I can't hear much. Sorry. Hey, your father will tell when you ask him."

I sighed, "I know but I just want to know beforehand. By the way, where's he?"

My room door opens and my mother walked to me. More like speed walked to me. She looks angry.

I stood up, "mother, do you need any help?"

Taehyung bowed and greeted her. She nods her head and looked at me. She's scaring me.

She cupped my cheek, "what did I told about being careful? How did you met the king? Do you love him? TELL ME"

I flinched when she's shouts at me.

Taehyung interrupts, "my queen, Hoseok did nothing wrong. He...."


I jumped at my spot. Taehyung bowed and stood up. He looked at me apologetically and left.

As soon as he left my mom pulled me for a tight hug and started to cry. What's happening?

"Mother, why are you crying? I'm sorry if I hurt you but I don't know who's that king. I don't even know his name. Please, believe me."

She nods her head after breaking the hug. I wiped her cheeks and realized I'm also crying. I don't know the reason but I'll always tear up when I see my mom cry.

"My little pumpkin, our time is not good. Someone trying to take you away from us. I won't let anyone take you away from me."

I calmed my mom and left my room after she slept. I searched for taehyung and found him in the backyard. He's talking with some soldiers. Why does he looks so serious?

I walked to him, "tae~~~"

He immediately ran to me. He hugged me again.

"I'm sorry I can't speak for you "

I laughed, "it's fine. She's my mother. You don't have to protect me from her. She'll never hurt me."

He nods while smiling.

"What are you doing?"

He smiled, "getting ready for a battle."

"W..what battle?"

Taehyung holds my hands, "My cute little prince, promise me that you'll never leave this castle. No matter what happens."

He's worrying me. What's happening? I'm so scared.

"Tae, are you hiding something from me?"

He shakes his head," no baby, just wanted to make sure you're safe."

He's not lying. Maybe, he's hiding something else from me. I nod my head and went back to my room. Everything looks so suspicious. Why there's so much security for me? They locked me like a criminal in my room. This is not fair.

I wore my servant costume and tied my hair as a bun. I wore a big hat and sneaked out of my room. This time no one can find me. But, where to go. The best way to get a information is from market. Yeah, I'm gonna go there.

I took one of the horse and rides to the market. Please God, don't let them find me. I went to the bar.

"I'm so scared."

"Yeah, I don't know what to do. I hope it'll end up in a good way."

"Let's pray to our goddess."

Wait, why are my people worried. What happened. I cleared my throat and changed my voice slightly.

"What happened?" My voice came out really weird making me to embarrass.

One man looked at me

"Where are you from?"

"I..I'm from the castle. I'm a chef."

The man looked at me suspiciously, "well, you're working in the castle. Don't you know what happened?"

"I..I just came from a trip. I don't know."

"Well, Min's clan gonna attack us in 24 hours. We're in danger."

"Yes. I'm so scared. Our soldier capacity is 60k while they've a million soldiers. They're gonna destroy our place." Another man said.

Oh my god, where is this going? Why did they hid it from me? I wanna protect my people.

No one's p.o.v:

Yoongi was listening to the plans of how and where to attack.

He stops Jungkook, "they don't have any power. But, how did they survived. Are you sure there's no one attacked them before?"

Jungkook clears his throat, "I don't know if it's true but there's a saying that their whole kingdom was surrounded by a river which protects them from enemy. But, I don't know how ."

Yoongi laughs, "well we gonna see it soon. They're being delusional. No one gonna save them."

A soldier comes in, "our highness, there's someone to meet you."

Yoongi arched his brow, "who?"

"From Jung kingdom."

Yoongi nods his head, "did they came to beg? Ha, let them in." He scoffs.

Soon, someone entered the room. A small figure dressed in a blue silk hanbok. Beautiful pale skin shines in the light, the same beautiful deep blue eyes and long wavy hair decorated with beads and flowers.

Yoongi stands up from his seat mesmerized by the beauty standing in front of him.

"LEAVE." He said to Jungkook without even looking at him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and left the room.

Yoongi walks slowly to the goddess of beauty.

"Oh man, what I did to be blessed by this beautiful human being."

He kneels in front of him for the first time in his life. Yoongi completely has no idea of what he's doing. He's drunk by the other's beauty.

Hoseok looked down and reached our to other. He touched the other's shoulder and made him to stand.

Yoongi was grinning, "are you Hoseok?"

Hoseok looked at him and nod his head. Yoongi lost on the spot after looking at the beautiful eyes. But, he's curious to see the whole face which was covered by a cloth.

As he was about to remove the cloth, Hoseok took a step back and shakes his head.

Yoongi felt offended, "what? Am I not allowed to see your face?"

Hoseok didn't responded.

Yoongi sighed, "fine. Why did you came to see me? Wait, you got curious how do I look?"

Hoseok shakes his head.

"I want you to leave my country." He said in his tiny voice.

"With you ."

Hoseok looked at him,"huh?"

Yoongi shakes his head, "I'll leave your country with you by my side. As my partner."

Hoseok frowns. His shiny eyes lost it's brightness which made Yoongi to worry.

"You're a powerful king. Why'd you need our small kingdom?"

"Because I want it."

Hoseok doesn't feel good. He's about to leave but his peoples image strikes in his mind. He don't wanna hurt his people because of his pride. He sighed and turned to the mad king.

"Promise me you'll leave my country if I marry you."

Hoseok showed his hand.

Yoongi smirked and holds the other hand.

"So soft and delicate hands."

Hoseok immediately took his hand back and glared at him.

Yoongi laughed. "Fine, I promise I'll protect your country after you marry me."

Hoseok gulps, "I..I...I'll marry you."

Thanks for reading 😘😘😘

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