《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 3


Not a proofread ~~

"Wow! Your eyes..."

The man tried to touch Hoseok's face to remove the cloth which was hiding the beauty.

Hoseok immediately placed the short knife on the other's throat and glared at him.

"Take off your hands before I slice your throat."

Hoseok said with a glare. He tried to get his hand free from the other's grip.

The man face was shock written. He frowned.

"Are you a boy?"

He tried to remove the cloth again but Hoseok pressed the knife little harder. His blue eyes glared at him in fuming anger.

"I'm a man."

The man broke into laughter. He checked out the boy standing in front him. His body is slim, has a beautiful long hair which was waving because of the air. His eyes were so pretty which you make you to forgot about yourself. He won't leave the boy without seeing his face. He can see a glimpse of the boys face behind the cloth which excited him more to see his face.

"You look like a teenage boy. What are you doing in a dangerous forest? Oh my god, did you got lost? I'll take you to your home." The man smiled.

Hoseok felt the man was getting closer. He closed his eyes and pressed the knife a little bit harder . He don't like to hurt others. He prayed his goddess to send him help.

"Y..you're gonna die in my.....ahhh, w..what are you doing?"

The man grabbed Hoseok hand from his neck. He holds Hoseok's both hands behind him with his one hand and pressed Hoseok body so close to the tree so that the other can't run away.

"Tell me who are you? Are you spying? Which kingdom sent you?"

Hoseok was dumbfounded when the man asked the questions he wanted to ask him. He don't know what to say. He kept on looking at the other in confusion .

"Stop, are you trying to hypnotize me?" The man smirked while looking at the other's eyes .

Hoseok nods his head which made the man to laugh. He took the chance and kicked the other's ball and ran away. He didn't even turned to check the man. He ran for this dear life.

He reached the village. He's a panting mess. He dragged his feet to the shop and asked a drink.

The shopkeeper immediately ran to him with a drink. His face shows he's worried.

"Our little prince, I don't have rights to say this but I care for you. Y...you can play with children but you should take care of yourself."

Hoseok drank the whole bottle and smiled at the shopkeeper.

"It's fine. I'm just having fun. Thanks for worrying....wait, how do you know it's me?"


Hoseok realised his face was not covered. Probably, the man snatched it. He pouts thinking about the event. He's about to get into a big trouble.


Hoseok jumped at the sudden voice. Soon, 20+ soldiers surrounded him. Hoseok sighed.

"Tae, I'm fin...."

"No, you're not."

Taehyung gets down from the horse and walked to Hoseok. He's not happy. He's so serious and angry. He told Hoseok to never leave anywhere without him but the other didn't accept it.

Taehyung reached Hoseok and examined him. He realized something abnormal.

"Why didn't you covered your face?"

Hoseok smiled brightly, "oh, I forgot about it. Tae, you promised that you'll teach me some now techniques today. Come let's go to home."

He stood up excitedly and linked his arms with his best friend. Taehyung smiled at him. He'll do whatever the other say after all he's his saviour.

Hoseok's past story ends~~~


Yoongi and Jungkook reached to the Jung kingdom as a trader and tourist. They're both changed their looks. No one can tell who they're.

Yoongi was so surprised and shocked because of the wealth of the peoples. The Jung kingdom was small but wealthier. Their country is rich is agriculture, seaside trading, pearls and rare diamonds and stones were found in the pond. They've a pond which they call "soul" where their priceless stones are available. It's a secret no one other than royal family knows about this.

People just worship the pond became of their water goddess. But, they don't know about the secret. The top most secret is only Hoseok can find the stones or diamonds. He doesn't even know the worth of the stones he's been collecting. He just plays with it and give it to his father.

Yoongi hummed, "hmm, so you're right. They're so wealthy but not in our level. But, they're so weak."

Jungkook looked at him confused.

Yoongi smirked, "they don't have enough soldier power, kook. And, look at these people. They're so innocent and friendly. Other kingdoms will try to take them and destroy this beautiful place. We've to save this small kingdom. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Jungkook nods with a smirk.

They reached a hotel and ordered a drink. Yoongi is so good at analysing everything. He noticed something weird. Almost every shops had a painting of a beautiful woman with a long hair. Maybe, it's their goddess, he thought.

"Sir, are you new to our kingdom?"

A painter smiled at them. Jungkook nods his head.

"Sir, I'll paint you. Since you're a tourist I'll reduce the amount."

Yoongi rejects the offer and tired to walk away. But, he stopped when he saw a certain painting. He points at the painting of the beautiful woman.


"Did you draw this?"

The man nods his head, "yes, sir. Do you like it? You can take them. It's free."

Yoongi frowns, "free? So, that's why everyone has this painting?"

The man shakes his head, "no, it's sin to sell this painting. We will never do this. You can take if you want or leave. I've to catch some customers."

Yoongi was still looking at the picture. He can't able to digest the beauty in the painting. It looks so real. Those beautiful blue eyes were shining at him. The long hair was dancing in the air. Those red beautiful lips were so pretty. He felt like he was put in a spell .

"Let's go." Jungkook tried to drag Yoongi.

Jungkook sighed when the other didn't bulges. He reached close and whispered to Yoongi.

"My king, let's leave."

Yoongi nods his head still looking at the painting.

They left the market and booked a room in a hotel.

"Tomorrow, are you coming with me or ?"

Yoongi shakes his head, "I don't think I've to do anything. You deal this on yourself. If they don't accept, then I'll come."

Jungkook nods his head and sips the drink.

"Until then, what are you gonna do?"

Yoongi smiled, "just gonna stay here and look at the painting."

He said while looking at the same painting which was hanging in their hotel room.

Jungkook sighs, "isn't it weird? Why do they have this painting everywhere?"

Yoongi sighs after lying on the bed.

"Who knows? I think it's their goddess. I don't know who drew this original painting but they did a beautiful job. They literally brought the whole beauty in this single painting."

Jungkook finishes the drink.

"Lemme get some news about this painting."

Yoongi nods his head, "finally, you decided to be useful for once. Hurry up."

Jungkook arched his brows and left the room.

Next day ~~~

Hoseok was learning a sword fighting with taehyung. Taehyung has been teaching him for so long secretly since Hoseok parents don't want their son to get hurt.

Hoseok raised his hand and breathed harder.

"I...I can't. Let's take a break."

Taehyung smiled and hurried to Hoseok. He cupped Hoseok cheeks and kissed his nose.

"You did so amazing. I'm so proud of you."

Hoseok cheeks gets pink. He gets shy when someone praise him but he loves it.

"Come, let's take a break. I've already packed some food for us."

Hoseok eyes become large with excitement.

"You're the best, tae. I love you so much. I'm so hungry."

The both started to eat the food. They're sitting near the pond and having some conversation.

Hoseok was lying next to taehyung on the grass.



"I heard that you're in a relationship, is it true?"

Taehyung immediately turned to the other with a frown.

"I'd never hide anything from you. It's not true. I don't have time for anyone except you."

Hoseok grins, "I know, I just wanna hear that again from you. Haha..."

Taehyung smiled, "you've my words, my little prince. You're my only priority."

Hoseok pouts, "what if I leave you one day."

Taehyung grits his teeth. His eyes become red and a tear dropped from his eyes.

"I'll end myself."

Hoseok pulled the other for a tight hug.

"Silly, I'm just kidding. I'll never leave you. I'll take you with me wherever I go. If I die before, I'll come and take you with me."

Taehyung burst into laughter. He knows his relationship with Hoseok is little complicated. He's his life saviour and friend.He's so protective and can't live without him. He can't even like a hour without seeing the other's face. He always carries Hoseok painting with him if he leave to other country.

"I'm so tired. Come, let's go to my room and have a nap."

They both decided to go back to the castle.

Meanwhile, Jungkook enters into the castle to meet Mr. Jung.

"My king, there's someone from Min's clan to meet you."

Jung sighed, "they're so adamant. Let him in.

Jungkook entered inside and bows to the king.

"Jungkook from min clan."

Mr. Jung nods his head.

"We'd like to make a deal..."

Mr. Jung cuts him off.

"Look, it'll never happen. I'll not give my land to you. Just because you've a big clan doesn't mean we've to surrender under you."

Jungkook smiled, "but, King. I didn't even told our deal."

Jung scoffs, "tell me."

Hoseok ran into the room.

"Father~~~ look what I found in the pond." He giggles.

Jungkook attention caught to the beautiful male. He noticed the sudden change in the king's face. Mr. Jung was smiling widely at his son. He opens his arms where Hoseok jumped and hugged him.

"My baby, are you playing in the pond? I was worried about you." He pouts at his son.

Hoseok giggled, "Father, I was playing with tae. I'm safe. Don't worry."

"Did that brat taught you anything?"

Hoseok nods his head while laughing. He noticed the other's presence.

"Oh god, are you in meeting? Sorry for ruining. I'll leave now."

He turned and started to walk away.

"Our king wants to marry your son."

"WHAT?" Mr. Jung fumed in anger.

Hoseok stopped in his rrack and turned to the man. He gasped when he looked at the man who he had seen few months before.

Jungkook winked at him.

Thanks for reading 😘💜💜

I'll update my other book soon.

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