《My kingdom (Yoonseok /sope ) (Completed)》chapter 1


Five month pregnant Hoseok clutched his stomach on his one hand and hugged his husband on his another hand. He struggled to walk with his unconscious husband. He placed his husband's unconscious body on the boat.

It's raining. The river flow was very fast. The lightening and thunder sounds makes him to feel dizzy. He looked at the burning palace one last time and gets into the boat. He wiped his tears and prayed to the water god.

"Please, my goddess, save us."

The boat was moving on its own because of the flood. He pulled his husband to his chest and hugged him tightly. He kept on praying non stop. His heart break when his husband coughed some blood. He started to cry louder. He never imagined this day would come. Betrayal.

"Oh my god, my king. Please, don't leave me."

Hoseok can't stop his tears flowing even the rain was washing his face. He hugged his husband tightly and prayed non stop.

"My goddess, I'm from Jung kingdom, son of Jung, please keep us safe. Please, help my husband. You saved my life when I was a baby, I want you to save my husband too. Please, help us. I'll be forever thankful for you."

After two hours, the boat stopped in the middle of the forest when it was hit by the huge rock. The rain was already stopped. Hoseok clinging to his dying husband. He's shivering non stop. He's scared and left in a dark forest. He can't even see anything. He checked his husband's heartbeat but he didn't heard it. He started to cry louder. He tried to warm his husband's cold body.

"No, no , it can't be. My king, please, don't leave me. Please, wake up for your son. Please, don't leave us. Oh my god, what do I do?"

He hugged him and started to cry. He saw a dim light inside the forest. The forest was pitch black except the dim light. He wiped his cheeks and took his long knife. He carried his husband on his arm, more like dragged him to the house.

He knocked the door non stop. He checked his husband temperature. It's so cold. He started to cry harder while clutching stomach. His stomach started to ache.

"No, you can't leave me like that. Please, my king, wake up for me. I..I love you. Can you hear this? I really love you. You wanted me to say this, don't you? I love you. Please, breath for me." He sat on the floor with his husband on his lap. He kept on rubbing his palm to create warmth and placed his hot hands on his husband's cheeks.


After 10 minutes, the door opened and a old lady came outside. Hoseok turned immediately and bowed down.

"P...please, save us."

He went unconscious as soon as the words left his lips.His husband was laid on his lap lifeless.

The old lady watched the couple for a minute. She sighed and dragged them inside. She checked their heartbeat. She smiled when she checked Hoseok's.

"He's pregnant with twins."

She checked the other's hand and frowned.

"Is he dead?"

She immediately went to her room and brought a portion. She feeds both and waited for the medicine to work. After a hour, Hoseok wake up with a cough while the other shows no reaction. Hoseok wiped his lips and looked at his husband.

"Madam, how's he? Wake him up too." He panicked looking at his husband's lifeless body.

She frowned, "he's dead."

Hoseok heart stops beating. He started to tear up. He shake the other to wake him.

"My dear, my majesty, please, come to us. It's me, your beloved. Don't you wanna hear me? I said I love you. Don't you wanna see our baby?please. Please, come back to me. MIN YOONGI" His cries filled the whole forest.

He turned to the old lady.

"Madam, please, I beg you. Save my husband. Please, I'll give anything you want. Please, please.." he knelt down and begged her.

The lady felt so bad watching Hoseok. She went back to her room and came with another portion.

"Son, this has some side effects. I'm not sure if it helps him. Can I give it to him?"

Hoseok sniffles, "W..what kind of side effects?"

"I'm not sure. But, it's not a serious one."

Hoseok nods his head and wiped his tears.

"I want him alive."

She gave the portion to Yoongi . She told Hoseok to bring hot water and cleaned the other's wound. After few hours, She tried to check other's heartbeat. She smiled widely .

Hoseok grinned, "is he alive?"

She nods her head. Hoseok ran to his husband and kissed his entire face. He felt so happy that he came back to his life.

"Thank you so much, madam." He bowed down to her.

She nods with a wicked smile, "I don't want your thanks. I want an reward."

Hoseok frowned, "w..what reward?"

She points at Hoseok stomach. Hoseok immediately covers it.




A month passed, Hoseok was living a painful life since his husband didn't wake up from his sleep. He wiped his tears which fell on his husband's cheek. He sniffles his nose and smiled at his sleeping husband.

"How long are you gonna make me suffer? Is this a revenge?" He played with his husband's hair.

"Hoseok, prepare the lunch."

Hoseok immediately went to the woman. He smiled at her.

"I really wanted to help you. But, you're not even allowing me to leave this home." He pouts.

He took the bag from her and placed it on the table. He checks the vegetables she brought from the market.

The woman sat on the couch and took a deep breath.

"You're pregnant. I don't wanna stress you. And, you don't even know how to go to the market. It's fair way."

Hoseok pouts, "but, I wanna repay you."

She smirks, "I already told you what I want from you. You don't have to do anything."

Hoseok heart stops. He don't wanna give what the woman asked him. But, he want to bring back his husband. He took the vegetables and walked to the kitchen.

"Hoseok, I brought some fruits for you. Don't forgot to eat that. It's good for your baby."

Hoseok nods his head and went to the kitchen. He placed the bag on the counter and started to think about his sleeping husband. He started to think about their past.

Few years back~~~

"M...my majesty, I...I didn't do it. I...I'll never betray you." A man bowed down to the king.

The king smirked, "oh, I know that you're my loyal servant."

Min Yoongi, the kind of Min's clan. He became a king at the age of 17. The most fearful and ambitious king. Feared by all clans around the world. He loves to spread his kingdom. So, he captives places around his kingdom and widens his power.

Everyone fears by hearing his name itself. He's so strict but he has kind heart. He feared by others but loved by his peoples. Yoongi lost his both parents at the age of 4. So, his parents are basically his kingdom people who raised him. He's only scary for people who has bad intentions.

The man smiled, "y..yes, my majesty, I'll neve ....."

The man's head flew away from his body and blood splatters everywhere.

Min Yoongi gives his bloody knife to his servant. He loves his knife. His right hand is his knife

"Wash this clean."

The servant bowed and left the place to wash the knife, more like running for his dear life. Even though public loves him but his palace servants fears him.

"I'll never forgive the betrayals. There's no place for sheeps . Not in my kingdom." His words roared.

Jungkook entered the room and looked at the lifeless body without any expression. It's kinda normal for him to see dead body's in his kings court.

He bowed to Yoongi.

"Majesty, we have some issue."

Yoongi arched his brow and turned to the younger. Jungkook literally grown in the palace. His father worked as a doctor for royal family. He's the only person Yoongi trust in his life. He's like a little brother for Yoongi but he never showed his love by words.

He nods his head telling the other to continue.

"We can't capture Jung's land."

A small frown formed in between his brows, "and, May I know the reason?"

Jungkook looked at his king.

"They replied to our request. They said that the Jung's kingdom will never bow down to us."

Yoongi grits his teeth.

Jungkook continues, "but, majesty, it's a small kingdom. And, the most part of their place is filled with water. Why do we..."

"I want it. I don't care if it small or big. If it contains forest or mountain or water. I want it."

Jungkook knows well about his kings behaviour. If Yoongi wants, he gets.

"Kook, get ready, we have some sight to see." He smirks.

Jungkook nod his head and left to prepare for their departure.

Yoongi took his knife and checked whether it's cleaned perfect or not. He smiled when he saw his face reflection on the knife blade.

"We have some work to do, my baby."

Thanks for reading.

I wanted to try this type of story for so long. I'm not sure if it's good or not. But, I'll try to improve my writing.

Thanks for supporting me. Love you.💜💜😘

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