《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Chapter 5


We were all sitting in a nearby café and just talked. It was really relaxing and nice and the atmosphere was just great. The guys had a day off and Dee Dee was kind enough to request that we'd spend it together. Johnny, who I still thought didn't really like me, wasn't too excited about the idea though.

"I already have plans." he said, trying to get out of today's schedule.

Dee Dee gave him a warning look, "No you don't. We're all spending the day together, whether you want to or not."

I felt a little awkward, listening to their conversation and decided to engage in a conversation with Joey and Tommy instead.

"You must be glad that you're finally getting a day off, huh?" I asked, desperate to change the topic.

"Oh you have no idea." Joey said, letting out a big sigh. "The last days have been... a lot."

Tommy nodded, "He's right. We're releasing our first real album next year and there's just a lot of work and stress building up to that moment."

"We're thrilled though! We can't complain." Dee Dee chimed in with a smile.

He seemed to have won the discussion with Johnny. The fact that Johnny didn't even try to make a secret out of not liking me really bothered me. It made me extremely uncomfortable and I felt like I needed to adress it to him as we're going to spend so much time together.

"Johnny.. uh.. can we talk for a second?" I asked, gathering all my courage.

"Shoot." he just said, clearly not paying proper attention.

"No I meant alone," I stood up from my seat "Let's go outside for a second. Please?"

Dee Dee gave him a nudge in the ribs and nodded on Johnnys behalf.


Johnny then rose from his seat as well and followed me out of the café.

"So what did you want to say, that couldn't be said in front of the others? Are you asking me out?" he looked at me with the same blank expression which he always gave me.

"No I just really get the impression that you don't like me. Personally, I don't know what I did to you but if you really do dislike me that much then I want you to keep in mind that we're going to see each other a lot in the future, so I'd appreciate if you just put any differences aside. At least pretend that you like me."

His blank expression now changed, his eyes being wide open. He clearly did not expect me calling him out on his attitude.

He then let out a sigh and said, "I just don't really see the position as a manager as very neccessary. I don't need someone acting as if they are my father or mother and boss me around or something like that. I'd do just fine managing our band on my own. It's nothing personal towards you it's just the whole manager thing."

"Johnny I am not here to boss anyone around. I am not here to be your mother. Neither am I here to tell you how to lead your lives. All I want to do and all my job requires is to help you by doing some of your tasks. By arranging your schedules. By being there for you all. Please don't see me as a threat because all I wanna do is help. Okay?" I explained the whole situation to him.

He nodded, "Okay. That's good."

I nodded too and waited for him to tell me we're cool now or something but instead we just walked back in.


"Dee Dee has already had the fifth coffee. Can we go somewhere else?", Tommy begged.

"It is so good though." Dee Dee said while emptying his, according to Johnny, fifth cup.

I waved a waiter over to our table and paid for us all.

"Please believe me if I knew that you'd pay for us then I wouldn't have ordered that much coffee..." Dee Dee said, while we walked out of the café.

I just shrugged and laughed, "It's fine. Let's say you owe me."

"Deal." he smiled.

It's never a bad thing for soneone to owe you. You can always use it whenever you really need it. I had no idea what the plans were for today, Dee Dee just decided that we'd all spend the day together but no one really mentioned what we would do. I don't think any of them really knew, not even Dee Dee. Good, I thought. Let's be spontanious then.


"So Dee Dee, are we just going to keep wandering around or have you actually had something in mind when you proposed we spend the day together?" Johnny asked, speaking out what we were all thinking, after just randomly walking for an hour straight.

"Honestly I don't mind the whole wandering around. It's weirdly relaxing don't you think?" he said, being half serious and half sarcastic.

Well, he wasn't wrong.

"I agree." I said with a smile, trying to support his idea.

"Well thank you very much." he smiled too.

"It's a beautiful day too." Joey added, helping us.

Tommy nodded in agreement and Johnny said "I guess..."

Now that this was settled we just kept walking and talking. We talked a lot about music, our dreams, our wishes and so on. Just getting to know each other better and better. Not much to my surprise but I could already feel myself bonding with Dee Dee. After all he has made me feel so welcome from the very first second and we have a lot in common. Tommy was really nice as well and we got to talk more as well. Joey is so sweet and already warming up to me. Johnny will get there, I think.


"Hey guys I'm sorry but I really need to go home... I have some cats to feed.." I admitted after looking at my watch.

"Can I see your cats?" Joey asked.

"Joey has cats himself," Dee Dee explained, "I'll come with you as well."

"Okay sure, fine." I shrugged with a smile.

I then said goodbye to Tommy and Johnny and walked home with Joey and Dee Dee.

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