《Sir (Man X Man) (Teacher x Student) ✔》Chapter 21: Caught


Mathew didn't go anywhere the entire weekend, spent time with the mourning boy, stayed beside him, did little work in the process but didn't care as his main goal was to take care of the stubborn teenager.

Ryan is halfway through a boring class and that's saying a lot because he normally finds everything related to school interesting. When someone came and said the Dean wanted to meet him. He followed the messenger to Dean's room and found Mathew there. As usual he didn't say anything to him and acted like he only know him by college.

"Good Morning Mr.Gomez" he greeted the Dean. Good thing there was a name plate. "You called?"

"Good morning. Sit down." he motioned to the seat beside the teacher. Mr.Gomez opened his drawer and started to search for something as he said "I saw your profile, you're a good student with good grades." said student stayed silent as he didn't know where this is going. He looked at his teacher questioning if he knew anything to which he got a shrug as response. "But" he finally found what he was searching for and placed it on the table. "There seemed to be some rumors about you. What do you have to say about them?" he asked looking directly at him.

"Nothing." he said confused "I haven't heard anything. May be I'll say something if I know what they are about."

"It involved certain teacher of yours." he looked pointedly at Mathew who was directly in his line of sight. Mathew got tensed a little at that. "May be he will know what to say." he raised an eyebrow at the teacher waiting for an answer. He didn't say anything just stared at the questioner. Since he wasn't answering anything the student replied on behalf of his teacher "I don't know what you're talking about Mr. Gomez."

"Well it seems I have to show you since you don't seem to understand what I am talking about." he pushed the envelope he just brought from the draw in front of them. Ryan waited for the older one to make the first move, it seemed as though he is kinda stuck or something. So he opened it by himself and found pictures of him and his teacher. In those pictures Mathew was hugging him as tightly as he could. He couldn't remember when it was but he noticed where it was from the setting in the picture. It is the club they both go to, it didn't take him much to figure it was from his drunken night. There are like four to five pictures of them hugging in a corner of the club. Now, he got an idea what the rumors are might be "I don't understand why you are showing me these." he said as prepared himself for any type of questions.

"So you're saying that you're not in those pictures?"

"I never said that. All I'm asking is why these has anything to do with the rumors you're talking about."

"I know you're not that dumb but, let me spell it out for you." as Mr. Gomez got tired of playing around the bush. "I got that from an anonymous person as the evidence for you both having a relationship."

"I'm sorry Mr.Gomez but I've to deny those rumors. And nothing in these shows about us having any kind of relationship that can get us into trouble." Ryan didn't sound guilty or lying.


"And I suppose you have a good explanation for hugging your teacher like that? You can be expelled and your career can be over even before it started." he looked at the teacher who sat silent throughout the whole ordeal.

Ryan stayed silent for a bit as he didn't want to admit out loud that "My mother died." his voice cracked a bit as he didn't fully process the fact, but he's strong. He have to be strong. "I was drunk to drown that out and causing trouble I guess, I don't remember much, so he helped me." he took a deep breath "Before you say anything to that, we both know each other before college. Sir knew my mother, he helped me with the funeral and other things."

"My condolences."Mr. Gomez offered.

"Thank you." he continued "If you have any doubts about that you can question my neighbors back in my hometown. You can also bring out my assignments and test papers for verification if you think my grades were biased." he was challenging the Dean to prove anything that can add on to those rumors.

"No need for that. And if I think your grades were biased I have to bring out your every other assignment from other professors too. I don't think they would appreciate that." he laughed a little saying that.

"As for expulsion and career being over, you don't have to do any of that. I'm applying for class change. We've worked too hard to get this far to be ruined by some baseless rumors." he'll be damned if he let anyone or anything to ruin this for them.

The Dean quick to reply "No no. I'm not going to do any of that. Your profiles scream how much hard work you put into this. Besides you both are valuable to this university " he waved his hands off "However it's a good decision to change classes as we don't want any of these spreading around." he pointed to the pictures which are now in Mathew's hands who seemed to be got out of whatever the world he was stuck in. "You both can go now." he offered a smile which was bashfully refused by the student as he just nodded with his 'bitch face' as called by his mother. However, the teacher returned it with a sign of relief.

At the end of the day they both reached home as usual in Ryan's car. The car ride has been awfully quite as Ryan was pissed off at his teacher. Just as he parked he couldn't control his anger so he went off "What the hell was that Sir?" he said unbuckling his belt. "You looked like you were guilty of something." he got out of the car and shut the door with force needed than necessary "Why didn't you say anything?" he walked to the passenger side "What the hell happened to you?" he was at Mathew's side "Why -" he was cut off by car door opening and shutting in just seconds.

He realized he was inside the car, on Mathew's lap and was shocked when his lips came crashing onto his. He stayed still for a moment trying to wrap his brain around what was happening, but Mathew was having none of it as he held the boy by his nape tightly and pulled him impossibly closer to his face. The boy opened his mouth to breathe as he has no way of breathing by his nose. His struggle to breathe came to an end when the man took mercy on him and decided to let share his breath by blowing into his mouth. Ryan took a big gulp of air. Letting a thrusting tongue into his mouth, he has to let the tongue do what it wants in order for him to breathe. So that's what he did.


He relaxed into the kiss, since he can't do anything with his trapped hands between them in an odd angle. Which let easy access to their mouths yet constricting his movements to be free. Just when he started to kiss back, the hand which wasn't engaged in punishing his neck came in contact with his bare skin under his T-shirt, traced his abs, went up, up until it brushed over his right nipple eliciting a low moan from him. The hand holding his nape traveled upwards and into his hair tugging at it which caused an audible groan, the hand pulled again, this time harder which made his entire being concentrate on certain anatomy of his body.

He didn't know how he got his hands out of their trapped state, the only thing he was aware at that moment was his hands exploring the hard body that is grinding against him, kissing him, taking his breathe away or rather letting him breathe, the hands that were exploring his own body. The hand that was leaving feather touches on his hardened nipples descended down to something harder than them. It lingered in that area for a few seconds before entirely disappearing and came to his shoulder indicating a stop from doing anything further.

At first, lust was clear in his face then came the confusion. "What?" he asked panting still sitting uncomfortably in the lap.The car was too small for them to feel comfortable. Without saying anything Mathew motioned his hands to get out of the car. Ryan did as indicated and straightened his crumpled shirt. The teacher followed suit by saying "This is what happened." he paused a bit "Except the roles were reversed." and walked off without looking back.

Ryan stood there processing what just happened and cursed under his breath. He got glimpses of memories from his drunken night. Now he felt like shit going off like that without knowing exactly what happened. He jogged to his teacher who was opening their house door with his set of keys, he got Amanda's keys after her death. "I'm sorry sir. I just thought that you were giving up just like that without any reason."

"Seriously Mary, how many times have we kissed? Those pictures would have been from any of those times."

"All those times were inside your house. Nobody would have known unless of course it was your brother." he followed the teacher into their bedroom who started to strip and throw pieces of clothes angrily around the room. "I didn't remember the last time."

"How could you, when you were drunk off your ass?"

"At least I would've lost my virginity." he joked hoping he would calm down which only fueled Mathew as he glared at him. He did a double take at the glare "Sorry sorry. Everything is fine now can you forgive me?" he blocked bathroom door preventing his teacher from entering it without forgiving him. "Please sir."

Well, who could be mad at someone who were pleading like that? Of course it's not like he has any sweet spot for the person who was doing the pleading. "They say way to a man's heart is through his stomach." he said not wanting to look like he forgave easily.

"Then I'm planning to pave runway in your heart." he grinned, mentally planning what to prepare and walked off.

It's the first time he smiled after his mother's death. Mathew couldn't be more happy that he was starting to come around.

Mathew landed on his side bed with a thud, panting heavily. "You're too damn good." He turned to look at the figure beside him, sheets covering his lower half. Bedlight letting him see the muscles and a cheesy grin on his student's face. "I try." he sounded just as much tired.

Ryan went over board with his cooking. Both of them couldn't help themselves as they stuffed the entire food, mostly it was consumed by the person who was to be pleased. They both did some push ups and squats in order to digest their food. "I'm guessing I was successful with my task then?"

"Damn right you are. You own my whole ass heart." he replied. He could spend his entire life just by eating the boy's food, do nothing and have no regrets. "How the hell can you cook that well?"

"May be it was a sign to cooking for myself and living a lone life." he said watching the ceiling.

Mathew noticed the sudden change in mood and got into his line of sight by hovering over him. Before he could say anything Ryan continued "I lost my dad when I was just a kid." looking into his eyes "Now mom too." tears started to flow like a dam that just broke. "I- I-" his voice cracked.

"Shhhh" Mathew stopped him from talking further. "I understand it's difficult but you have to be stronger. Amanda wouldn't want you to be like this."

"Easy for her to say." he sounded like a child throwing a tantrum as tears didn't stop.

"Shhh Mary." he balanced his entire weight on his right hand. With his left hand he silenced the crying boy by placing his thumb finger on lips, remaining fingers stroking his chin with feather like touches "It's going to be okay. I promised you I would always be with you. Didn't I?" he waited for the response. At the nod he continued "Concentrate on good memories. She left you too many of them for you to mull over what didn't happen and what could have happened. I know it's difficult but I'm here. Okay?" as he got another nod "Now sleep." He kissed teary left eye "They've cried enough for a life time." kissed the right one "It's time for them to take rest." just like that, those teary black eyes got closed. He rubbed his thumb over his lips which felt dry. So he did the one thing he could think of at that moment to make them wet. He licked them letting his saliva coat them and let his lips do the work of spreading it equally. This act is out of pure instinct and didn't involve lust or much thought.

Ryan fell asleep to those soft lips moving against his. Not knowing when they stopped or if they stopped at all.

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