《Sir (Man X Man) (Teacher x Student) ✔》Chapter 16. Pay back


Mathew tackled Ryan onto bed upon entering into room and asked "What did you do?"

"Well, I did many things. What are you asking about?" Ryan asked from beneath him.

"Don't think I didn't notice the looks everyone was giving me."


"What did you do to make them look at me like that?"

"Wow. I can't believe you're blaming me for a hot mess you made of yourself."

"Cut it out Ry. I'm not in the mood to play games. Tell me exactly what you did." he said with seriousness.

Ryan got up from the bed and walked Mathew to the full body mirror that was in his room. Standing behind him he said "Just gave you The Sex look Sir."

"I look like a mess, not hot." he said looking at himself.

"Gimme a minute" Ryan said turning his teacher to face him, messed with his hair, shirt and tie before turning him to face the mirror once again "You looked exactly like this."

Mathew gasped on seeing his reflection "I look like I just came out of a sèxcapade gone well."

"Yup." Ryan said with a proud face.

"How do you do it that well? I don't think I look that good after a good fùck."

"Courtesy of being forced to watch Romance movies with a crazy mother."

As he was admiring himself Matthew's suddenly went to two large hickies which were on his neck and collar bone. He slowly ran his fingers on them.

"They stung" he said looking at Ryan through mirror. "Can't you be a little bit gentle? Last time it took two weeks for them to be gone completely." Ryan just shrugged.

"What would have you done if somebody walked in at the wrong time?" he said referring to the time they almost get caught.

"I don't know about you, but I was there to submit my assignment." to which he got a look.

"A well organized plan. Huh?" with a suspicious look he added "Why do I feel like you know I can't say no to ice cream?"

"Because I do." Ryan replied simply.

"Why do I also" he dragged the last word "feel like you know my body's reaction to that?"


"Because you're smart." he said nonchalantly and walked towards the bed.

Mathew stood there mouth hanging open. "You really went that far?

"Well" Ryan started make his bed as he didn't get the chance that morning. "I've never lost to anyone."

"Neither am I " Mathew stripped down to his boxers and started to search for his night clothes.

"It's better to start accepting the fact then. I'm not loosing, not especially when you're the one who started it." Ryan said handing him his own clothes "We haven't done the laundry."

"Yeah. I should bring a couple more of pairs." he said getting into over-sized sweats and T-shirt.

When the fabric touched his skin he hissed and said. "Haven't anyone told you that it shouldn't hurt this much when you make hickies?"

"I haven't had a girlfriend. And I can't go around marking people" he shrugged.

"Don't tell me I'm the only one you've ever done this to." he pointed to his neck remembering the way his lips and teeth moved inexperienced. Ryan didn't reply.

"How the hell didn't I notice that?" he mumbled to himself.

Few minutes passed as they were doing their stuff when Ryan suddenly asked "Seriously? Why would you say you're taken? Do I have to play your boyfriend role in college too? Do you know it can get both of us in a lot of trouble?"

"I can't exactly say I'm single after the marks you've made on me. And relax, nobody in college knows we know each other. Also, they don't need anymore proof to believe I'm not single. So you don't have to play any role." he added "Also it'll stop them from fantasizing about me."

Ryan said laughing to himself "I doubt that."

After that they had dinner with Amanda and was doing their work. Mathew was sneezing frequently, wiping his nose in their room. His throat felt even more itchy and he even started coughing. Ryan couldn't stand it anymore, he went out of the room and came back with a hot soup.

"Drink this."

Mathew studied that for a second "I'm full."

"You didn't even eat much. Stop lying and drink this."

"I don't like this soup." Mathew finally admitted.


"Well, I don't like hearing you sneezing and having coughing fits but I'm not complaining." which irritated Mathew. He took the soup, placed it at a nice distance from him and attacked Ryan's mouth with his own. He made sure his tongue went as deep as it could get. Mathew didn't stop even he was out of breath, he's on a mission now, he definitely is not backing down till he accomplished it. Their noses touched, teeth clashed.

Ryan was surprised at the sudden action and it took him a few moments to process what was happening and he instantly pushed Mathew away.

"If you think you can distract me like that. You're failing miserably Sir." he said wiping his mouth.

Mathew didn't say anything is he started counting numbers. "10. 9. 8."

"What the heck are you counting for? Drink the soup sir." he ordered.

Mathew didn't say anything as he took the soup like a good boy and started drinking it but didn't s stop counting numbers "5. 4."

Ryan was confused but didn't pay much attention as he was doing what was told.

"3. 2."

"Achoo" Ryan sneezed "Bingo" Mathew said gobbling down the soup.

"What?" Ryan asked grabbing a tissue.

"Pay back my friend. I can't be the only one having cold and irritating you."

"I deserve it. " Ryan said before sneezing into the tissue once again.


A couple days passed as their sickness got the better of them. Ryan couldn't concentrate on his studies so he's in the living room watching some sci-fi. His mother's whole concentration was on her phone. He don't know what she was doing, but he's thankful for that, otherwise she would have made him watch some chick flick with her.

Mathew just came from somewhere which Ryan didn't care much, did his business and came with a blanket around him as he felt cold. He was on phone talking to someone politely and saying a lot of yes's. When he took the empty space beside Ryan, he felt him shiver slightly from the cold, he touched his forehead which seemed to be a little bit cold so he took off his own blanket and covered Ryan with it.

"Yes Mr. Smith. I appreciate it." pause "Yes. Thank you very much." pause "I'll be on it."

He opened his laptop and started his work. A blanket came around him. It didn't cover him fully so he was pulled into a warm body. He didn't pay much attention as he felt warm and cozy and typing away at his laptop.

It seems even Ryan didn't seem to care about what he did as he was so involved in the movie. But, Amanda saw and paid attention to everything that has just happened and has a happy look on her face, watching them both be that comfortable around each other and taking care of each other.

Ryan caught her staring at them and asked "What?"

"What?" Amanda repeated with a small smile.

"You've got that look."

"What look?" she asked quickly schooling her expression.

"The look you give when you watch a main character kissed his girlfriend for the first time or does some sappy stuff."

"Boyfriend" she simply said.


"It's his boyfriend not girlfriend." she explained.

"You're into gay stuff now?" he pointed at her phone concluding as reading something on there "Why am I not surprised?" while wrapping the blanket closely around him which made him get even closer to Mathew.

Amanda's eyes followed that action as she said "Because you know me too well?" Ryan gave a you're hopeless look before turning to his movie.

"Don't judge me. You know nothing about romance and you never will if you don't start going out."

"I'll pass. Thank you mom." he left his mother to live in her fantasies.

"Amanda we both know Mary won't leave the house unless it's for college or library. Why bother?" Mathew joined in.

"Mary?" Ryan questioned.

"Yeah. You. You're a Virgin Mary. "

Ryan's face became as red as a tomato. It's not like he will shy away every time sèx is mentioned. No it's far from it. He gets all flustered and embarrassed when someone points out his virgin status.

Amanda laughed at the name. For once someone gave a name to him and not the other way around.

"So. Do you always have fun Mr. Dildo?" he questioned making sure the double meaning got through even though his face is still red as he walked off. Mathew didn't know what to say to that.

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