《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 42


"Then die I don't care anymore" these words stuck in my head like a nail in the wall. They keep repeating in my head like chanting and I couldn't able to handle the pain in my chest. I don't care for anything anymore she hates me that she doesn't want to see me alive at all.

I don't see any point to go back now all I want to run away from this. I was feeling the same pain I felt when I was a child. The feeling of deserted and abandon rush back into my vein and all I want is to scream as much as I can. Tears running through my eyes and I couldn't focus on anything. Everything seems so slow around me and then lights hit my eyes and everything went black.

I didn't understand how this can happen so perfectly. It can't be someone from outside surely someone was close enough to do this shit. I asked the security team to check all the security footage and send to me. I was trying to contact Amanda from last three hours but I was failed miserably. I am not sure what the motive behind this entire act was but I was worried for her. Zach called Maaya to her place and I decided to talk to her personally. Surely she was hurt and it will take time but as soon as things get settled down it's better for everyone. Maaya was broken I can see that and Zach keep trying to console her while giving me worried looks but before I can say anything my phone starts ringing.

"Hello is Kate here?" a strange man voice came

"Yes, and who is this I am speaking to?" I asked

"Mam I am Amanda's security manager actually I was trying to contact Maaya Mam but she is not picking call so that I can pass the news too you," he said worriedly


"What news you want to tell me and do you know where she is right now?" I asked tensely as I look at Maaya

"Mam sorry to inform you but can you come to Princes Bridge as soon as possible." He said

"Why you want me to come to the bridge at this hour and where is Amanda right now?" I asked worriedly while getting up from my seat

"Sorry to inform you but someone hit her car and her car fell in the river but sadly we are unable to find her body." He said with shaking voice

All I did was drop the phone on the floor and tears came rushing through my eyes.

We all rush to the place or you can say they drag me actually because once Kate breaks the news I can't stop blaming myself. She can't possibly die just now I didn't literally mean that to leave me like this. Even if she breaks my heart I know that all those things didn't just mean for a stupid game.

She loved me I know that I could possibly listen to her instead of yelling and shouting at her. Even when the person hurt you most you can't possibly let them go like this. I was angry on her to hide this fact but I don't hate her that much that let her see dying. The cold shiver runs through my veins and I try to stop my tears but failed miserably.

We stop and I almost run towards the cop's car but they were all busy. I saw the same familiar face I encounter a few days back and I just run towards him.

"Where is she?" I asked while grabbing his collar

"I am sorry but we failed to find her body." He said sadly

"Stop saying body she is alive and I know that so you guys better find her before I rip your head," I said angrily

"Please calm down Mam but I hate to say this but as on the first impression the accident was massive so there is no chance she able to survive at all." He said while walking away from me.

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