《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 38


I just love her reactions while seeing the price tag, I mean don't take me wrong but she was looking so cute while seeing the price of dresses. I told her for the tenth time that she doesn't need to worry about money but she keeps saying that we should not spend too much money as it was not earned but us but my parent's hardcore money. And that's the first reason I want to spend lots of money and buy everything expensive. If someone asked me why I want to do that so the answer is my so-called parents refuse to join me on my own marriage. I always know that they were busy making money but can't they think about something else accept money all the time. When I called my parents to inform about my marriage decision I at least expect some congratulations or maybe they yell why I want to marry at this age or who is the person and all the same thing. Well, my parents know about Maaya actually because dad actually helped me find a good lawyer to punish those boys but this time they just talk like it was nothing.

Well, my parents said that they have some very important meeting in Japan and trying to take over this company so they would not able to join me instead I can spend as much as money I can on my marriage and later in consolation price they will throw the best party ever in back home. I mean I understand they need to work and all but common how they can put my marriage above everything. At least they didn't try to stop me well they know better that if I want something I get that thing and this time it's about my love so no one in this world could take her away from me.


I took Maaya into Victoria secret and god her expression was horrified while seeing undergarments. If I being honest I want to buy some sexy lingerie for her maybe we can use on honeymoon. I mean of course I make her wear this but she was too shy to even look all those items so I choose some lingerie for her and take her inside the trail room. After lots of begging and making puppy pout at the end, Maaya gives up and try every single one. God, she was looking so sexy but there is one thing for sure she will be great wife in future. Not because she was beautiful only but also smart and intelligent also loves me a lot. As much as I ask her to not think about spending she refuses for any unwanted spending. In past, most people want me for two things one I was super hot and second because of my money. But on the other hand Maaya was different she loves me not my beauty and she was staying with me for the heart, not for money so how can I make myself in control and not hug her tightly and give her kisses on her face.

After doing shopping for today we went to our car and put all the handbags inside the car. I want to love her today once again since I announce my engagement everyone was coming to our room and disturbing us but not today. I want her today so much that no one can come between us. As I was driving I saw something usual so I take few turns and Maaya also get suspicious about my behavior and start looking at me.

"Love someone is chasing us."

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