《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 30


Since Maaya went to come Amanda was like a shell. I always like her cold posture and fashion but I never thought she has a heart too. I mean no blame but she was always so rude and bitchy to everyone but love changes person and that's what exactly happened to Amanda too. Every day she went to the hospital to see Maaya. Even though she gives smile to us sometimes I could see how much pain was there in her eyes. Most of our group got apart from Amanda since she stops doing all those shitty things. She never agrees to go to any party or drink with us. She spends all her time with Maaya and I thought not to leave her at this heartbreaking point. This is what friends do and when Amanda slaps Robin for saying bad things about Maaya and our group was laughing at this I understand what I need to choose. I also visit Maaya every weekend and spend time with Amanda in the hospital. There I meet Zach too he was actually Maaya friend's but considering his behavior he is truly a gentleman. Most of the times Amanda fall asleep beside Maaya bed and Zach makes sure she sleeps in a comfortable position. All my anger towards Maaya turns into an apology for being so rude to her. I don't think anyone deserves this but I feel sorry for Amanda too now. She cries every single day and apologizes for not able to save her. Even though Zach and I told her multiple times that I was not her fault she never listens to us. I prayed every day that she should better come out from coma now.

Every day I came to visit my best friend and all I see her lying in bed with a life support system. Besides her, Amanda was always sitting looking at her intensely with god knows what though. I always have a doubt on her that maybe she has some intention behind this whole act but with the time all, I saw her obsession towards Maaya. Except for her studies she never leaves her side and this is all happening because Kate and I pressure her to attend classes. We both were scared that she might lose her mind if she stays in the hospital the whole day. She doesn't say much to any of us just small talks or little smile otherwise she just keeps herself to Maaya only. As much I feel hurt seeing Maaya in those machines I feel sorry about Amanda too.


Every day I came to the hospital with one hope that maybe today I able to see those beautiful smile again which melt my heart but all I see was Maaya body under life support system. All I do was holding her hand and look at her face and share everything in this hope that maybe she is listening to me and response me. I fall in love with her and I understand that how deeply I love her and couldn't think of anything. It's been three months and after classes, I spend my whole time with my Maaya only and bring one rose every day to her. She loves roses a lot and I am sure one day I will give it to her and able to hold her in my arms again. I never thought I love someone so much in my life I all care about money, status, and lifestyle but if I have the choice to give up them for Maaya I would already do a long time ago but sadly they won't bring my Maaya back. I want to hear her laughter; I want to see those beautiful eyes again and want her to take her to dates and get married and have kids with her one day.

In all this time Zach and Kate really helped me a lot with everything. When I got to know that Maaya went to coma I lost myself totally. I want to kill those bastards from my own hand but if they were not with me I surely lost my control but that doesn't stop me to ruin their life. Of course not after touching my Maaya and almost killing her they can live peacefully. With the help of my father, we hire the best advocate of the country to make sure those jerks never able to come back from prison and die in those jails without seeing freedom. With the time my love towards Maaya only got increased and I understand it that now there is no way that I could able to love without her in this life. I hire the best doctors in the state so that she could come out from the coma but nothing was working. In fact from the last few days her internal body parts are not working properly and every time she tops breathing my heart stop pumping too.

As usual today after my classes I rush to buy a rose for Maaya and went to the hospital to see her once again. But today once I reached hospital my heart crushes in million pieces again when I found out that they want to remove her life support system and let her go. I can't believe those jerks already giving up on her, this is not the reason I ask for the best doctors so that they could tell me that they can't save my Maaya. I shout at them, I yell to a supervisor that they can't remove it and let her die but all my attempts go useless because at the end I was not her family or relative. I called Kate and Zach to help me to stop this bullshit. I can't lose her now when she is having my heart how could I let her go so easily. I fight for her in three months we all fight together and now they want to take her away from me.


Once Zach and Kate came I do every single thing to stop it but at the end, they have all the legal documents and I can't stop this. She was having trouble in breathing from last twenty-four hours and I feel like I couldn't control anything now anymore. I went to her room looking at my beautiful Maaya who was leaving me soon and I was the one who is losing everything. I hold her hands tightly and look at her for the last time I guess so I decided to tell everything I want to tell her from my heart.

"I never fall in love with someone in my whole life and I always thought it was bullshit but when you came in my life and challenge me I was taken back with your guts. As much as I was bullying you or teasing you I always think about you only. I didn't think why I was so obsessed about you but all I want to think about you only from the beginning," I cried loudly while pouring my heart to her.

"I was so stupid I never realize when I fall in love with you so much but every single time when I touch you I feel like I was in heaven and every kiss we shared makes my heart jump in joy. I was a scared idiot person who always want to impress others but I know what I really want in my life is you."

"I can't lose you because you are the reason that makes me a better person. I want one single chance from you Maaya please one chance please come back to me because I want to take you on a date and tell the whole world that how madly I am in love with you. I want to grow up with you and have kids with you so please give me one chance and let me show you that how much I love you."

I cried while holding her hand and put my head down on the bed. I couldn't see her going away from me. She was my first love and I couldn't able to save my first love. As I was crying loudly when I realize my first love is going to be incomplete something happened.

Suddenly her machine makes loud voice indicating something was happening to her so I wipe my tears to call the doctor but then I feel the grip on my hand. I look down and saw it was Maaya hand moving around my hand. I was so shocked by this that I couldn't able to say anything except looking at her face. I saw that she was blinking her eyes slowly and my heart burst into happiness when she opens her eyes. She opens her eyes she was holding me and looking at me I couldn't able to control myself when I burst into tears from happiness. I hug her firmly while kissing her forehead making sure I was not dreaming anymore. She looks at me while giving me small smile. I called the nurse to check on her so that I can make sure she was all okay.

I hold her hand while crying, "You make me so scared for so long don't you know how much I love you."

She smiles at me before speaking, "I am sorry to make you so scared but I know how much you love me because I came back for you only because I love you too."

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