《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 29


I was floating in this place everything was so shining and so beautiful I can't describe how much I feel happy. I was in this garden looks so beautiful like I was in heaven and Whole Park was cover with these white flowers. I can't understand where I was but it looks so beautiful here so calm place. I sat on this white bench which made from white shining marble. I enjoy birds chirping with smooth wind touching my skin so soft. I hear water running voice coming from far away so I decided to follow it. I walk for good minutes when I saw this most beautiful lake so I decided to enjoy it. I was so happy nothing is bad here everything looks so calm here I just want to stay here for my whole life.

Once I lose my parents I struggle a lot and face only hate and fear but here I feel free very much. I don't know how much time was gone until I start getting bored here. I look for other people but I was all alone here so I shout so that if anyone was here can come to me but there was no response. Now I was getting tired with this beauty all I have to do was watches all these things and enjoy nothing else. Then I saw light coming it was so bright that I couldn't able to see what was there until the light getting faded a bit and I almost screamed in excitement.

"Mom, Dad you are here?" I happily jump and run towards them

"Yes, princess we are here for you". My mom said with a smile

I can't describe how happy I was at this movement but I feel like all my stress was gone every pain everything was fading away and my life is beautiful again. I cry on my mother lap while my dad keeps patting my head. I closed my eyes to enjoy every single movement until something hit me.


"How this can be possible? You were dead? Am I dead too? Where are we exactly?" I said all my questions in one go

My mom smile at me and I got more confused so I look at my dad but he was smiling too. Was I dreaming right now?

"Do you remember what happened to you my dead princess?" my dad asked me calmly

Then I think about it and all was blurry actually I didn't think about this how I end up here before my parents ask me but what actually happened to me was still a mystery to me.

I nod my head in no and looked down in shame. I seriously don't remember anything.

"You remember Amanda princess?" my mom asked me and with her name I instantly got hit by memories.

I remember everything now Amanda my love she was crying and what happened to me that rape every single memory came back and I don't know when I start crying again.

"I guess you remember everything now dear and now it's time for you to decide Maaya," my parents said calmly

I looked at them with teary confused eyes but nod my head to let them continue more.

Well, Maaya you have to choose now either you can come with us or you can choose to live on earth because it's time for you to choose what you want.

I looked at them with confused eyes until it hit me that it was something else maybe I was in a dream or some other world.

"What happened to me and what do you mean by choosing?"

"You are in a coma for three months my princess but it was time for you to go back and wake up or choose to die and come with us far away from all the pain you suffer." My mom said to me with a small smile


I start thinking about it and all I can remember is pain and suffer I face in my life. Before coma, I got little happiness but it all went vanished after my rape. It was not only painful but horrifying for me too. I cry a lot I ask for mercy but they didn't stop at all they ruin everything for me. I was not sure anymore I don't belong to anyone but what about Amanda will she accept me now? What is she doing right now? Did she really love me that much? If I want to escape from this pain and suffer it was good to choose my parents and go with them only but I want to know what she was doing. Will Amanda able to be happy without me?

"I want to know what was happening to Amanda and also how you know her because I didn't tell you about her," I asked them with confusion

My mom smiled at me before grabbing my hands and my dad sits next to me while putting his arms on my shoulder with love.

"Dear, you are stuck in life and heaven right now. We know everything about you and for three months you are here but didn't able to choose anything so we came here to help you. Amanda was the reason we came here to help you so that you can make a choice easily." My mom said calmly and I nod my head in response so that she continues

"She was in pain for a long time but now doctors want to remove your machines so you can go easily but Amanda pray for you she wants you so now, she keeps crying for you and want you so we give you choice that you want to leave or stay with us and come and join heaven" my mom said with small smile

I really don't know what to do but all I want was happiness only and all I got was pain and suffering but Amanda was the only thing that makes me happy so much that I feel like I can fight with anyone in that movement but my courage my soul was crushed by those boys. I don't know who were they but they ruin me and crushed my soul so badly that I can't face anyone but what happened to Amanda if I die.

My parents told me she was in pain and crying for me but will she able to accept me like this. I feel dirty about myself when they touch me so how can Amanda touch me again and don't feel disgusted about me. She is rich and can be with anyone so why she was after me not with anyone else.

But the fact is the love and care I feel with her was incredible and so pure I can see that love in her eyes and I am sure she really loves me because if she doesn't why will she cry over my half-dead body like this. But except her, there was nothing good in my life and I never got love from many people and I want to end this pain and suffering now. I can live with my parents again far away from suffering in this beautiful place, not in the living hell. I thought more about my choice that what I want my love only Amanda with all the pain and stress or going with my parents living in heaven without any pain.

I looked at my mother and father and meet with their gazes who were waiting for my choice.

"I made my choice what I want"

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