《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 28


I was waiting for Amanda to talk about Maaya. I don't know what was lately happening to her but this is the first time I saw such kind of behavior from her. I thought once that bet was over she will leave her but now I was sure she really likes her. I don't want to get Amanda hurt neither Maaya it's not like she did anything to me so I don't hate her actually she is really sweet and shy girl which is why I don't want her to be with Amanda but now if Amanda was planning to stay with her she better tell her everything before something go wrong between them. Everyone was planning to humiliate Maaya in the whole college and this is really going to be hell for her if Amanda didn't do something before all these things gone wrong and uncontrollable.

I keep waiting for Amanda but she never return to hostel neither Maaya came back to the hostel. I keep taking rounds outside of their room but no one comes back so I try to call her but she never picked my call. I text her but she didn't message me back and now I was getting worried. Not because they were together but I hope they are not in trouble because it never happened that Amanda doesn't come back hostel and vanished like this. Even when she hooks up with strangers she always comes back and doesn't like to stay and I am sure if she had planned to spend the night with Maaya I already know her plans. I was in deep thoughts when my phone buzz and everything went blank.

I never want this to see in my life it was not just bad but horrible. How can someone like this and hurt someone like this? What was the possible reason someone can go this below? I never want to see anyone in this situation but I never expect to see my best friend in such a situation. All I want to rip there head at that movement but at that time Maaya need me more. But when I look at this girl I know Maaya is not alone anymore she has someone who cares about her more than me or anyone she knows. I was tense and sorry for her but she was desperate something on her eyes telling me that she will die if something happened to her she won't survive too. I was not sure for Amanda earlier but I don't want to come between Maaya happiness because all she was doing is teasing her and making her life hell but not today. She was frustrated, desperate and scared all the emotions were there and with one look anyone can understand that she really loves her and I feel happy to know that finally Maaya has someone who is really desperate for her and loved her.


All I was worried for Maaya now and I just want to see her smile again as she does. Amanda was in no position to drive so I drive her car and follow the ambulance. Amanda was shivering and her expressions were so sad I really don't know what was going in her mind. When we reach inside the hospital I literally need to give her support to walk. We sit in the waiting room while nurses take Maaya to the operation room for the surgery.

My soul left my body when I saw her going away in the ambulance and all I do is crying like a desperate child. They hurt my Maaya and I couldn't save her on time. This is all my fault I should come on time and this never happened to her. I still feel like she was in my hands lifeless and I couldn't save her from those morons. Now they don't know about me and I make sure their life is rotten in prison for a lifetime. My hands were shaking when I reach my car so I was glad when this guy drives the car to the hospital. I was scared like my whole body was shaking with fear because what if I couldn't able to tell her how much I like her when she smiles at me or how much I like it when she is getting shy. I like every inch of her body but now I know I like every part of her life she is not only beautiful from outside but also the most beautiful girl from inside.

All the drive I was remembering all the times when I bully her so badly and I feel guilty about all those things. I want her I understand now and I can't handle this if anyone hurt her and I make sure that no one ever able to hurt her. I hate myself that I hurt her so much but all she does was be patient with me. I insult her to hurt her but she does nothing I got mad every day. I understand it wasn't a rage which makes me do this but it was more than my anger I didn't realize until now that I was desperate for her even before the bet because I spend every single time to think about her all the time. I want to see her reaction and when I didn't get it I bully her more not because my revenge was not taken yet but I was desperate for her. Now this desperation turns into love and what is mine is always going to be mine no matter what and what those jerks to do her they are going to pay in the worst way possible.


I was sitting in the waiting room when my phone rang again and I saw a chain of messages and several missed calls from Kate. I took a deep breath before dialing her number because I really need someone support from someone who knows me. This guy was really nice but all I know is that he is Maaya friend and I was so jealous of him earlier.

"Kate, please come to the hospital fast Maaya is in operation room please I need you to know".

I send her hospital address while taking around in the waiting room. The same guy offers me coffee but I deny it because all I want to hear some good news from the doctors. I really don't know how much time was already gone but my nerves getting on a high point and I was unable to stay in one place. All I want to hold her in arms and kiss her and make her mine but it didn't happen.

After I feel like an hour or so one doctor came out and I ran towards him for some good news but meet with sad looks on his face.

"Are you her family or relatives?" he asked us politely

"No, I am her girlfriend and he is her friend she doesn't have any family" I desperately told him to know what happened to her

"Oh, just need to tell you we able to save her but we are really sorry because of loss of so much blood and with that head injury she went to coma," he said while going away from my gaze and everything went blurry to me.

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