《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 27


I was running too late today due to Robin drama in college. Seriously I really don't understand why he was such a jerk whole day and when I was about to leave he pick a fight with me. I hardly had a movement to catch my breath with his damn got drama. I feel bad for making Maaya so late but I know she won't complain when I make up to her in bed tonight. I can't stop thinking about the whole day and the only thing I want to touch her again and again whatever it was either attraction or lust I don't care about it for now. I much rather spend my time with her rather than spending my precious time in those clubs which are full of idiots. Frankly, I didn't see any eye-catching person in the club these days or you can say all I want to see is Maaya and now she was a drug which I want to have it more and more.

I never cared about any girl like this before or any boy well I don't like boys that much ever. I had a huge smile on my face while driving to her. Finally, I am able to spend my time with her and I can't wait much to have her again now. I take out my phone to Maaya to let her know that I am on my way but she didn't answer my call. So I text her message but she didn't reply to me again. I hope she didn't get mad that I made her wait so long. I don't think there was any other reason to ignore my call and text message. I decided to try again and call her for the second time. Again, no answer from her ends so I leave another message and put my phone aside. Maybe she didn't hear my phone because of traffic or something, I don't know. I saw a flower shop so I decide to buy a bouquet for her I am sure after seeing them and with my kisses, she won't be mad on me.


When I arrive at her store and get out of the car, I walk up to the front of the store where usually Maaya stand but with my surprise, it was all empty. I look at different directions but they were empty too. So I decided to call her, again and again, she didn't pick my phone. Now, I was getting worried about her. I decided to check inside because maybe she was waiting for me inside. I hope she won't get too mad on me. I went inside to ask about her but everybody said she left half an hour ago now I was getting really worried. I spot the same guy who gives a lift to Maaya that day.

"Excuse me, you are Maaya friend right?" I asked him politely

"Yes, I am Zach and you must be Amanda right?" he asked happily

"Umm....ya so I was looking for her I got a little late but now I can't able to find her neither she was picking my phone. So do you have any idea where is she?" I asked nervously

"Sorry, she left a while ago but I can help you to find her she was not so far away from here".

We both came out of the store to find Maaya but we both still are empty hand. At this point, I was extremely worried about her. I don't know where she went nor is she here or not? She won't leave like this I know her that much.

When we both turn to side corner, that's when I see it. "You busters leave her, you jerks" I scream, as I say all the boys start to flee away from her but one guy smash rod on her head before I able to reach her. I run over to Maaya while Zach starts chasing those guys. She was all soaked in blood and was looking lifeless in my arms. I can barely able to recognize her when I put my head on her chest. There was no pulse I got more panicked. "No, no, no you can't die".


My eyes were barely able to see anything with my teary eyes. All I want to save her no matter what. I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder and check Maaya. With lots of difficulties, I take out my phone and call 911.

"PLEASE HELP ME NOW, THEY ATTACK MY GIRLFRIEND AND SHE HAS NO HEARTBEAT, PLEASE HURRY COMES FAST." At this point, I was screaming but I can't care about this at all I just want her back to me.

"Okay, ma'am. Please calm down and help us with the location." Operator ask me

At this point, I was unable to say anything and I didn't respond the operator while watching her in my arms. She just won't stop bleeding no matter how much I try to do stop the bleeding. Suddenly Zach snatches the phone from my hand and starts giving instruction to them.

"Ma'am we need you to start CPR right now till ambulance doesn't reach your place," he orders me.

"Okay". I mumble unable to respond to them. I don't know what I was saying and what they are talking because all I want her to hold me like she always does or smiles at me which makes me crazy. Tears are streaming down from my face, and I was holding my lifeless girlfriend in my arms. There were lots of things I want to say to her, lots of things I want to do with her and mostly I want to tell her how much I like her. I should have come on time on first place it was my entire fault. I won't let those jerks live now peacefully. They will rotten in jail for their rest life and I make sure they suffer like a hell.

I put aside all my revenge thoughts and put down Maaya to start CPR on her. Zach already put my phone on speakers and operator didn't' hang up on us. I put my hands on her chest and begin pushing down. I also give mouth to mouth. "Please don't die, please, not now". I try to find her heartbeat but I was unable to hear anything I try everything to save her. I want to make sure she was alive but there was nothing except the lifeless body.

As I continue my CPR I hear ambulance finally arrives. They rush towards us and pulled me aside. I watch in horror as a doctor takes out the paddles and try to restart her heartbeat. I watch from a distance to see a heartbeat and save my girlfriend. After few tries, they finally manage to restart her heart. They start putting her in the ambulance but they stop me to come with her because of no family relationship. I grab her hand till the ambulance arrives to put her inside.

"Don't leave me now please I will be there for you" and with those last words they shut the door and start leaving for the hospital.

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