《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 26


I never felt so good in my whole life neither I feel so complete either. Last night was so good that I can't describe in words. Amanda was still sleeping beside me and I couldn't able to move my gaze somewhere else. Have you ever felt the feeling in which you wouldn't dare to dream about that thing but somehow, in reality, you got in real life and that feeling of happiness which you can't describe I was feeling the same right now? I never thought that I will ever end up giving myself to this goddess who is sleeping next to me.

She looks so beautiful just like a beautiful dream which comes true now I never imagined myself giving to someone like her. I know that she was arrogant and short temper girl but when she cares me it was also mind-blowing experience. No one ever cares for me as she did and I don't regret my last night with her ever. I get up from the bed silently and went to the bathroom, I quickly take shower and change into new clothes. When I came back she was still sleeping so peacefully I really don't want to leave her at that movement but classes are important too so give her a kiss and left love note beside the bed side table and left for the class.

I wake up with a cold bed beside me and I immediately felt alone without her but then I found her note on the bedside table and my lips turn into a smile. Last night was something so amazing that I couldn't able to describe this in words. I slept with multiple people but the connection I felt with Maaya was something new to me. The spark between me and her was incredible which creates an urge inside me to have her again and again until I lost all my senses.

I really want to kiss her but with the heavy heart, I got ready for my classes till the time I reach canteen I see my group. Suddenly Kate grabs my hand so roughly and took me aside from others.


"So finally you complete your challenge, Amanda?"

I was surprised to know how the hell she found out about this.

"What do you mean by that?" I whisper to her

"Amanda, Robin drop me to hostel last night when we both saw you kissing her in the car and any idiot can tell that you had sex with her because of your hickeys," she said in Duh tone

I rolled my eyes thinking about some excuse to make to these morons. I mean why they are so obsessed with my personal life sometimes they cross their limits. I want to say that I slept with her and now I can break her heart but somehow there is something in my heart which was stopping me to do this. I really have the urge to sleep with her more than once and maybe after that I can break up with her. I was confused at this time and I can't think what should I do just break her heart now and move on but there was nothing between us but I really felt something between us last night and I can't put words on that.

"That's none of your business Kate and mind your own work when I want to break her heart I will you better stay out of this" I sternly told her

"You know Amanda you are doing wrong with her," she said and left immediately without comment

I groaned internally with her childish behavior I mean what was her problem with me. It's between me and her besides I will decide when I need to break her heart and when I need not to. I ignore all the curious eyes and no one comments from my group but Robin was looking at me angrily. I didn't understand his character too why he was always a pain in the ass.

I was happy whole day and there was no doubt everyone notice that glows on my face. Zach gave me smirk whole day after seeing my hickeys on the neck. I try my best to hide them but somehow he managed to rip the scarf from my neck and saw all the love bites which Amanda gave me last night. My first time was so good I can't describe how good I was feeling at this movement. The whole day I was smiling and my heart was full of over happiness that I was scared that my heart will come out from my chest with so much happiness.


I got her text that she will pick me up after my shift which makes me more joyful with happiness. I was a little scared that maybe after last night Amanda will distance me because if that happened to me I can't able to stand for even a second. She was my first lover and I really head over this rich girl. Blame my childhood romantic fantasies but I always want to be with someone who can love me and care for me always.

I got twenty minutes early off than usual so I message Amanda that I got off early and going to wait for her near the street. There is nothing much to do outside the shops so I decided to sit on the bench which was well hidden from cars. I was thinking that how much life is great now but every good thing comes with the end of the disaster. I was in the thoughts of Amanda when someone put his hand on my mouth suddenly and starts pulling me nearby Dark Street I try to scream but there was more than one person who grabs me roughly. They took me inside the dark street and put the cloth in my mouth to reduce my constant screams. My horror comes true to me when I recognize one guy from that group. He was the same guy who misbehaved me in the club and got slapped by Amanda.

"So bitch finally I able to get you today." He smirks at me

I was horrified with them they look little drunk but the most terrifying thing about them was there look. I put out the cloth from my mouth and start screaming loud for help but then another guy slapped me so hard and I fall to the ground.

"Shut up bitch be quiet maybe we will go little soft on you," that same guy said

I start crying and fold my hands in front of them so that maybe they show some mercy to me.

"Please let me go what I did to you guys," I asked them with fear

"Well because of you slut your friend slap me in front of everyone now someone has to pay the price and it's you who is going to pay," he said with an evil smile

I shout again but met with hard kicks on my stomach and I start crying loud for help but next, I know one guy pin my hand so that I won't able to stand. I was terrified and want my Amanda to be here to save me but all I was seeing these guys who are nothing more than the devil.

One guy starts unhooking his pants and lower it and with the hard slap on my face he started ripping my clothes and all I could do is resist as much as I can but with bruised stomach and bleeding nose my struggles getting weaker and weaker all I want Amanda to come and rescue me and save from these people.

I cry louder and ask me to let me go but all they do was start laughing at me and next I knew that he was entering inside me. I keep repeating him to stop and try to hold my legs as much as I can then another guy kick me so hard on my stomach I feel like my rib was broken.

I was crying out and screaming from all the pain but I feel like time was frozen and now I just want to die now I can't able to take it anymore. They enter inside me one by one and I was just thinking to die after this. It was so painful and terrified that nothing is going to stop them now.

"You busters leave her, you jerks"

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