《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Twenty-Six- Old Friends Can Reconcile



Firstly, I am soooooo sorry this is updated THIS late. I know writers go on hiatus, but really Nia?! However, I am going to be wrapping this story up as I have a lot of other ideas that are going to be published over the next few weeks (expect this to be completed by the end of next week or so earliest, and this time I WILL finish it, I swear)

A Levels and other stresses prevented me from completing this story, and then I had a lack of to no motivation due to other life things getting in the way, but I think it's good to take breaks now and then, and I am so happy that this story has received so many reads, votes and fans, thank you all!

I love you guys so much, honestly. Just seeing the votes and comments that have been left was enough for me to get off my butt and continue writing, which I have missed so much!

So again, you can tell me how much you're mad at me for this in the comments (I don't blame ya to be completely honest, lmao)

Time to get back to Victoria and Kate!

-----Nia :)


"Victoria," I said, getting her attention. She looked up at me as she held a cold compress to her head to numb the pains of a hangover.

"Yes Greene?" she replied.

"I need you to tell me,"

She picked up the magazine that was next to her and turned a page over nonchalantly. The thing looked as if it was made to get her out of social situations, the pages were as tattered as my checked shirt which had shrunk in the wash recently.

You never forget when you lose something you love.

Perhaps Victoria's flair for over-dramatics really was wearing off on me...

"Tell you what?" she asked.

"What's going on with you and Swan?"


Victoria sighed, and put the magazine down, then exhaled, a long, drawn-out exhale as if she was preparing to let off some steam.

"Swan and I used to like the same guy. And then well..."


"I dated him, and then something happened I don't know..." Victoria trailed off.


"Okay, the two of us became friends after that because the guy turned out to be a bit of...and by bit of I mean complete asshole,"

I knew the type.

"He cheated," Victoria added.

Ugh, asshole indeed.

"And then, we went on a camping trip with her family and...I don't know what happened exactly, one thing led to another and we were kissing near the campfire we had made outside her tent, her dad got mad, my mum was shocked, the two of us lied and said we were just playing dares and there was nothing between us. "

I didn't say anything as I waited for Victoria to continue speaking. She and Swan had a thing?

That was in the past, I guess some people were just really good at holding grudges.

"After that, Swan asked if the two of us could continue in private and I said I'd rather we just be friends, she told me that she couldn't believe me, couldn't believe I would do this after everything, and then shut me out. She then started to want to be better at me in everything...call it taking it too far, and then we dated for a bit longer and broke up and I guess now she's just jealous because I like y-"

"What?" I replied.

Victoria's eyes widened in shock at what she had just been about to say, but then she shook her head.

"You know, you are an idiot," she said, getting off the bed and leaving our room.

What had she been about to say?

I mean, it seemed pretty obvious, but did she mean it?



Maybe I felt completely the same thing.

No, I did. I just sometimes wished that I hadn't fallen for the girl I had ended up dorm sharing with like an idiot.

Victoria was right.

She seemed to be right often in recent times.

I got out of the dorm room and began to head out when I was greeted by Marcus, the guy who had been there when we were getting our room in the first place.

"Three days left, bet you're happy," he said.

Was it really only three days left? The time that we had gotten here up until this point had gone ridiculously quickly, but then again, a lot had happened in that time, not forgetting the fact my heart had been on a on-off freak out for the past few days because of a certain Victoria Lace.

"There she is,"

Margo stood before me with her freshly blue-black dyed hair curled, her eyeliner sharp, a perfect wing.

If only I had gotten the hang of makeup, but it was okay when you had the god of makeovers as a friend.

"Victoria spoke to us," Margo said.

"She did?"

Margo nodded.

"She's having a party after classes today and I saw her speaking to Swan earlier though I was entirely convinced the two hated each other. So, Kate, dude, what the hell is going on?" Margo asked.

Fox paced over to the two of us and pressed her palms to her knees leaning over to regain her breath, she raised an eyebrow at Margo once she recovered.

"You...really should walk slower," Fox said, at last.

"You should grow longer legs," Margo smirked.

Fox shook her head in disbelief. I felt for her, being short had it's advantages and disadvantages, at least you could fit through small gaps.

"What's happened to Strawberry Lace?" Fox asked.

"A dramatic personality transplant?" Margo suggested.

"No she's just...been happier, I guess, except for when the Queen of Ice is taunting her,"

"Wait, I thought Victoria was the Queen of Ice and you two were against each other but you secretly like her. Fox, I'm confused,"

"Victoria and I dated," Fox confessed.


Fox nodded.

"That's why we have this weird relationship going right now but...she invited me to the party, so I guess old friends can reconcile. I'm just wondering what's happening with her, in all honesty," Fox said.

"I'm going to go find her and see what's going on," I replied.

Fox and Margo spoke in unison, "See you later, Kate,"

I headed off to find Victoria, who I spotted walking around the corner of the art block. She took her pack of cigarettes out and gazed at them, but then sighed and put them away. She looked up and saw me and smiled.

"Well, I think I've sorted it," she said, and when I gave her a curious look she went on.

"The issues with Swan, that is. For now. She's difficult to get to know,"

"She's not the only one," I said quietly.

"Just ask away and find out what you want, Greene," Victoria replied.

"Who do you like?" I asked.

Victoria shook her head.

"Decipher it," she suggested.

"Why don't you tell me?" I countered.

Victoria thought for a moment before she spoke again.

"I will, at the party," she replied.

I would have to wait that long. Even that felt like a decade. I needed to stop being so curious, but with Victoria, it was becoming impossible to not be.

"On one condition," she added.

"Condition?" I repeated.

I wondered what this was, but Victoria answered my silent question.

"I'll tell you at the party,"

I felt like I was going to be partaking in a life of waiting, but Victoria just gave me a small smile and headed off, as she left something struck me, not for the first time.

I really liked Victoria Lace's smile.

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