《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Twenty Three- Swan's Party


After hearing Margo and Fox speak for a short moment or so I caught sight of them, it was hard to make out their outfits in the darkness of the night but I could see that Fox had her dress on and Margo was wearing something suitably covered in sequins.

"Kate, you look fabulous," Margo spoke.


"Like, duh," I could make out a slight smirk upon Margo's face.

"It's cold, you look amazing Kate, but Margo, can we please head to your car?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, let's go,"

The three of us began to walk across the darkened university campus until we eventually arrived in the car park again and walked over to Margo's car. She got into the driver's seat while Fox took a seat in the back. Which left me the front passenger seat, again. Margo didn't wait too long to start up the engine and begin to drive towards the club that Swan's party was taking place at.

"It's so dark..." Margo said, and then cursed under her breath.

"Turn the lights on?" Fox asked, a hint of amusement to her voice.

"They're on...I think, I mean...no, right," Margo worked out that she hadn't actually turned them on and quickly did so, while Fox let out a light laugh.

Margo deliberately adjusted her rear-view mirror just to glare at Fox before placing it back in it's original position. We continued to drive along until Margo stopped outside the club, the three of us headed inside and were greeted by the typical mainstream pop songs blasting through the speakers. "I'm going to get drinks," Margo mouthed to us, Fox just nodded and I gave her a little wave.

"May end up driving us home again," Fox rolled her eyes


"Kate!" I heard the familiar voice of Ice Prin- Swan call from behind me, I turned and she quickly grabbed me into a hug. "Glad you could make it, and you too Fox," she said, as she let me out of the hug. She was wearing some pretty strong perfume, but I recognised it as the same kind Victoria wore... though I wasn't too sure why I would remember that.

Fox's eyebrows creased together and she nodded "Of course,"

"Anyway, I better go see how James is doing, ciao for now," Swan smiled and gave a small wave, she began to walk towards James.

"Bye Swan," Fox and I said simultaneously, we continued to watch Swan walk away until she went to stand beside James.

"Drinks?" Fox asked me, but then laughed lightly.

"Kidding, I'll be sober for the rest of the night just to drive us home if that one gets too drunk," she nodded in the direction of Margo who was currently taking her...well, shot of vodka, number unknown.

"We could go get lemonades," I suggested, Fox broke into a smile.

"Sounds like a good idea," She replied.

The two of us headed over to the bar, Fox order and paid for both of us. I owed her, she was an awesome friend. The bartender handed over our lemonades, and the two of us drank them for a moment until a guy came over to start chatting up Fox, which she didn't seem too pleased about.

"I'm gay," Fox spoke after a moment or two.

"Of course you are," he headed towards me but I just responded on instinct.

"I wouldn't even go there," the guy's shoulders drooped, but he nodded and walked away.

"Hello, pretties, how you liking the party?" spoke Zachary.


"I'm surprised Swan invited you after that rejection," Fox replied.

"Well, what do we have here?"

Fox shrugged and shifted her gaze to her half empty lemonade. "Just telling it like it is," She leaned against the counter and continued to drink.

Zachary gave me a questionning look, I just shrugged at him so he decided to walk away. Fox and I remained silent for a moment, I hoped Zachary hadn't upset her or anything, but maybe something else was bothering her. After a few minutes I noticed Margo got up from the end of the bar, probably because Swan had invited her to sit with her, at least it looked that way. The two of them headed over to a white sofa in the corner of the club. Margo's outfit was pretty visible now in the flashing lights of the club, it was a jet blue dress with sequins, and over that she wore a sequin black jacket. She sparkled, quite literally. She also seemed to be quite drunk, at least she appeared that way, she was laughing pretty hard with Swan.

I noticed Fox was looking in the same direction as me now, and she seemed...annoyed, at something. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but I avoided it, I finished my lemonade and spoke "Want to go dance or something?"

Fox's expression suddenly changed into that of a smile "Yeah, let's go Kate," we both headed out onto the dance floor and began to dance, well, Fox danced. I did an awkward side shuffle and tried to move my arms in some way that looked good. At least, I hoped I looked okay, dancing wasnt my forte.

Fox suddenly stopped, I noticed she was looking at something behind me, and when I turned to see what I was...shocked. Margo and Swan were kissing. I turned back around to Fox and cleared my throat to get her attention "You okay?"

She shook her head "Why wouldn't I be?"

"No particular reason," my voice came out all quiet so I returned to 'dancing' though looking at Fox who was doing the same, I could see her spirits had been lowered.

It did make me wonder that maybe there was more to Swan than I thought...maybe there was more to Fox and Margo's relationship than I thought. James ended up going over there and breaking the two up, I had to hand it to him, he took a lot from Swan.

Margo got off the sofa and began to walk over to us with a minor sway in the wrong direction until she managed to make it over to us. "Hey guys," she croaked out.

"How many did you have in...an hour?" Fox said as she checked her watch.

"About..." Margo hiccupped and frowned.

"Just...a couple of shots...or a lot, a lot of shots,"

Fox smirked, "Keys?"

Margo just nodded and passed them to Fox, then the three of us left the club, Fox helped Margo into the back seat and she and I sat in the front. Fox started up the engine and began to drive us back to the university.

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