《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Nineteen-Assignment


Fox, Margo and I took our sandwiches and went over to a table in the corner of the room. Once we were all sat down, Margo didn't hesitate to immediately take her sandwich out of its wrapper and begin to eat it, Fox raised an eyebrow at her friend but soon enough started to eat her own food.

My thoughts drifted back to the matter of the party that was happening tonight. I had agreed to go but I couldn't help feel slightly that I was going against Victoria, the thought was silly, it wasn't as if we were good friends.

Were we friends? I wasn't entirely sure on that front. all I knew was that if Victoria found out that I was attending her enemies party I would be walking close to the flames. so I decided I would keep quiet about it, if she found out then that was that, but I really hoped she didn't.

Chances were, with Swan West being there, that there was a likelihood of drama happening, Swan seemed to be addicted to it. "You gonna eat that?" Margo looked at my sandwich, I just nodded and quickly took a large bite out of it, Fox and Margo both broke into amused smiles. "Damn, Kate, look at you go," Margo laughed lightly.

"I'm hungry," I stated, taking another bite.

"Don't eat too much at once, you don't want to die of choking on your sandwich," Fox laughed.

I ignored the two of them and continued to eat it, they were probably right about me eating it too quickly but I wasn't really thinking about it, I just wanted to take my mind off thoughts of the party momentarily. though a voice behind me didn't allow that. "Yes, well, I was thinking of getting party sandwiches and snacks and what not, but then realised that the majority of the people are more interested in getting wasted and making out," Swan spoke to one of the girls nearby her.


It was true. most people would prefer to do that, I quickly looked towards Margo, she just widened her eyes at me questioningly. yeah, she was definitely one to prefer drinks. Fox finished her food and began to stand up, Margo was too invested in eating her own lunch by this point to notice. Fox cleared her throat, which caused Margo to look up mid-bite. "You going somewhere?" she said, her mouth still full of food.

"Yes, I need to prepare that assignment I told you about,"

"Oh right, that assignment," Margo nodded, wiping a stray piece of lettuce away from her mouth. "Well, have fun with that, dude,"

Fox just smiled and bid us goodbye as she headed out of the sandwich place. "What about you Kate? You want to hang?"

" I should really get my work sorted too, but I'll see you tonight,"

"Okay, cheerio," Margo smiled, I stood up from the table and threw my rubbish away in a bin close by. After that was done I began to walk away from the table, only to be halted by the ice princess once again. I forced a smile and let out a "Hey, Swan,"

"So, Kate. Thoughts on these dresses?" She showed me some pictures of the dresses on her phone.

"Um...you're asking me for fashion advice?"

"Of course, silly,"

"Okay well..." I looked between the navy one with the white sash and the dark purple body fit one. With a short think about it I decided on the navy one.

"Yeah, you're so right, thanks Kate. I'll see you there I suppose?"

"Sure," I smiled. Swan nodded, and turned around again to talk more to her small posse.

I continued my journey back to the dorm room only to find a rather frustrated looking Victoria. of course, this caused my thoughts to head to the matter of me attending her enemies party, but luckily before I could mention that she spoke. "Hey, Kate,"



"Oh damn, we're roommates for almost a month and you forget my name,"

"No I... I was just wondering what was wrong," I stated, Victoria smirked.

"And I was joking about the name thing, you couldn't forget me even if you tried," Victoria sighed out of frustration, I then realised that she was looking between the papers on her bed. "So many pieces...so little time,"

"I mean...you could just put them all into your folder, right?"

Victoria gave me a horrified look "And mess it all up? No, anyways, this needs to go here..." she trailed off as she began to organise her work, so I decided to head over to the end of my own bed where I had placed my art folder, upon finding it I began to walk to the door of the dorm, class didn't start for another ten minutes but I supposed there was no harm in getting there early.

"Just where do you think you're going?" Victoria asked.

"Class, chill," I turned to her.

Victoria's features lit up with a small smile "I'm ice cold,"

Yeah, and apparently sometimes so is your heart. Although, the same could be said for one Swan West.

"Do you really want to be there early?"

"What would I do instead?"

"Oh I can think of something," Victoria said quietly, but quickly turned her attention back to her work.

I just gave her a questioning look; Victoria broke into a smirk. "Help me sort these, Greene. Damn, get your head out of the gutter,"

"It's nowhere near it,"

She laughed lightly, I began to help her organise her papers into the folder, after a while we were done, Victoria sighed. "Thank God for that, you're great Kate, you know,"

"I never thought I'd hear you say that,"

"Say what? Goodness..."

I just smiled, like she would admit being nice to me.

Victoria picked her folder off the bed and headed over to the door "Let's go, I better get an A,"

Of course.

I knew I would be happy if I passed, but Victoria was very driven to achieve high grades, she'd been like that at high school too.

The two of us began to walk to art class.

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