《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Eighteen- Debatable


When I woke up I felt kind of groggy, and ordinarily enough that would have been enough for me to phone class and tell Mrs Elto that I couldn't make it, yet I had to go to class as there was homework due. Once I sat in bed I noticed that Victoria was awake, she was sat in her bed with a book in her hands, a bottle of lemonade on the bed next to her. She noticed I was awake and spoke "Greene,"

"Hi," I replied, and then continued to speak.


"So..." Victoria started, I wondered what she wanted to talk about for a brief moment.

"So?" I asked her.

"Are you going to tell me where you went? Last night, I mean,"

This was one of few times Victoria seemed to show interest in my life so I began to speak about what had happened.

With a small sigh I told her "I was just hanging out with Margo and Fox,"

"Oh," Victoria said, her tone seemed to hold that of a question.

"They wanted to show me some graffiti they did," I explained.

"Cool," Victoria stated, as she grabbed her lemonade bottle and began to undo the lid on it.

"Did you do that assignment we were supposed to do?"

"Of course," Victoria's face lit up with a faint smile, she was really into her art, you could tell whenever you talked to her about it by how she reacted, it was good to see Victoria happy about something and not frustrated over something stupid that Swan had done. Speaking of which, Swan's party had been rearranged to today and I still didn't know whether I wanted to go. On the one hand, Swan and Victoria had their fair share of problems and I didn't want to look like I was betraying Victoria, if that was possible. Though Margo and Fox also showed interest when I mentioned it, it was all round confusing.


Victoria took a sip of her drink and returned to reading, I probably let my eyes linger on her for a little too long as she read, though eventually my attention was brought to my phone

Ice Princess- Hi Kate, so about that party...

Kate- I don't know, if I go you'll see me there

Ice Princess- Cool, it'll be good to see you there, maybe you could convince the Ice Queen herself to show up

Kate- Um

With a glance of Victoria my thoughts drifted to what she had said about Swan previously, and what had happened at the previous party she had attended. There was no way that Victoria would want to go to another party hosted by Swan. Unless you told her that the world was ending and the party was the only way she could be saved, Victoria would probably still sit in her room reading away, ignoring whatever hell broke loose.


Kate- I very much doubt she is going to want to...but maybe

It was debatable. She probably wouldn't want to.

Swan- Okay, Greeny, have fun

with that I switched off my phone, I needed to get my project prepared for class in the afternoon, so I got up off my bed and began to arrange my sketches into the appropriate order in my art folder, once that was done I had some free time before class so I decided I would get ready and maybe go and hang out with Margo and fox, I wondered if they decided to continue their art work.

I put on a white jumper with a bear on it and dark jeans.

"Cute," I heard Victoria mutter once I left the bathroom, I turned to her in surprise.

"Did you say something?"

"Who me? I'm reading, go bother someone else,"


Yep, Victoria was still her usual self. With a slight smile I began to head out of the dorm room and towards the usual spot Margo and Fox would sit in, when I got there and the only one sat down was Liam I realised they must be doing their art.

Liam was on his laptop looking at something. I would have given the screen closer inspection but I didn't want it to look like I was spying on him.

"Hey Liam, what are you doing/"

"Just looking for an apartment, I don't know how much longer I can stay in my dorm,"

"Huh? What's the problem?"

"Someone next door, they're becoming an annoyance,"


"I get you, but hey, maybe they'll leave or something and it will all be okay," I said jokingly, Liam closed his laptop and placed it back into its bag.

"I can wish, anyway," he stood up.

"I'll see you around," he continued.

I nodded as he began to head off. Poor Liam, hopefully his dorm room situation wouldn't go on for too long. I decided I would go and check the graffiti spot for fox and Margo, so I began to walk over there and sure enough when I got there the two of them were still spraying the wall.

"Hey you guys,"

"Kate, you," Margo smiled, as she brushed her hair to the side with her slightly paint-covered hand.

"How's it going?" Fox asked.

"Fairly decently, I still can't make up my mind about whether I'm going to go to this party or not, though,"

"We have to," Margo said, her eyes widening slightly.

"Sure, we 'have' to," Fox let out a short laugh. Margo was certainly one for parties, even when they were hosted by the campuses mean girl.

"I don't know..."

"Pinkie please," Margo put her hands together and fluttered her eyelashes. I smiled, and began to think it over, it wouldn't hurt. Victoria didn't even need to know, I mean, unless she asked me about it when I showed up to the dorm late at night. oh well, I had to go, this was part of that so called 'social' aspect to university I needed to get involved in.

I nodded slightly "You know what? I'm in,"

the smiles on both fox's and Margo's faces grew wider.

"Awesome," Fox said. The two of them returned to spraying the wall some more until they eventually stepped back and began to eye their work.

"It sucks," Margo shook her head in disappointment.

"What are you talking about?" Fox looked at her questioningly.

"I think it's perfect," I reassured them, Margo had no reason to be worried about it, it did look really good. They had added some stars and more flowers around the skull, which were all different vibrant shades from reds to yellows.

"Thanks, Kate," Margo smiled, she turned her attention back to her work and nodded at it.

"You know what, you're right. I like it,"

"Great, now let's go get lunch. I'm starving," Fox said, as she walked to the wall to place her paint canister down again, Margo did the same and then they began to walk away from the wall.

I ignored the fact that the 'lunch' fox referred to was happening at 11 in the morning and headed off with the two of them to the campuses sandwich bar.

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