《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Sixteen- Strange



Hey! It's been a while, I have been doing a thing where I come up with other ideas and start work on them and then end up forgetting to update my main story for almost a week.

But anyway, here's another chapter (It's a little shorter than the others but I will upload another tomorrow)

Thank you for reading and your supportive comments!


The three of us sat and watched the movie, I had to say it wasn't exactly how I had imagined it, what I thought would be some sweet tale about a photographer ended up being A Nightmare On Elm-Street level horror movie. Horrors had never really been my thing, they were interesting, but they just didn't scare me. I guess I was just weird like that.

We were halfway through the movie when Liam decided to leave, I wasn't too sure what had happened for him to have to go but he said a short goodbye to me and Victoria as he left his seat and walked out of the cinema, Victoria turned to me momentarily with a raised eyebrow, as she questioned why Liam had left, when suddenly there was an unexpected jumpscare on screen which caused her to jump in her seat, when she had recovered from her sudden shock, and I supressed a laugh at how surprised she had looked, she quickly grabbed a handful of popcorn from my bucket and ate it.

I didn't make a comment on how earlier she had expressed a distaste for it, as we continued to watch the film, and though I wasn't too sure, I could feel Victoria edge closer towards me in my seat whenever there was a slightly scary moment.

A few more minutes passed until the movie ended. "A cliffhanger, seriously?" Victoria asked in disbelief once we were outside the cinema, I gave a small smile, she had seemed to have enjoyed the movie, despite it scaring her several times. "Well, maybe they will make a sequel," I stated, Victoria nodded as she spoke again "Well, maybe we can go and see that," After that, we both walked back to her car as she drove us back to the university. We both walked back in silence towards the dorm, I had a reasonably good afternoon and I hoped Victoria had too.


Once we were back in our dorm Victoria spoke "Kate, thank you,"

I shrugged as I asked "For what?"

Victoria answered "For taking my mind off everything, with Swan here I can tell things are probably not going to go so smoothly, it was nice to have a break from thinking about all of that,"

I muttered a "No problem," as she headed into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Victoria had been positive again, it was starting to get weird, but I was definitely glad that we were getting along more nowadays. This definitely beat the previous days on campus when we had beeen having petty fights over things that, looking back on them now, really didn't matter.

I did have my concerns for how Swan could affect that though. At least I had Fox and Margo to go to if things got too crazy, which was highly likely in the midst of the Ice Princess herself. Once Victoria had left the bathroom, ready for bed, I myself went in to get ready. I picked up a toothbrush and began to ready myself for sleep. Though as I looked around the bathroom, my sight closed in on something in the bath. Upon further inspection I realised it was in fact a small dead rodent of some kind- a rat. I quickly stopped brushing my teeth and washed my face, and then with a slight scream as I confirmed that there really was a dead animal in our room, I ran out of the bathroom.

Victoria sat up in bed, her eyes alert as they looked towards me. "Ugh, could you be quiet...I was literally just about to get some rest, but-" Victoria cut off once she noticed the slightly horrific expression I guessed I had on my face "What? Did someone steal your toothbrush?"


With a shake of my head, I opened the bathroom and nodded my head towards it, Victoria narrowed her eyes at me as she got up out of her bundle of daisy bed covers and walked into the bathroom to see the rat. "The fuck?" she asked, anger evident in her tone.

"I-"she interrupted me.

"That fucking- ugh, tell you what, I'm going to go and call up student services about this,"

"I don't think it's poor maintenance Victoria," I think I had several ideas in my head about who could have left this creature in our bathroom.

"Then what, Kate?" she asked, turning her head away from the bath in disgust.

"I'm thinking this is all relating to a blonde," I said, in reference to one Swan West.

"Well, I didn't- Oh," Victoria gave a look of realisation before her expression turned to annoyance.

Yes oh, Victoria.

"I swear to God she wants to ruin everything," Victoria crossed her arms in front of her.

"We'll get rid of it, and clean up, it'll be-" I tried to reassure her that we could sort this situation out, though she didn't seem to listen to me.

"No," Victoria shook her head and stormed out of the bathroom, several moments later I heard the front door of our dorm shut so I figured she had left.

Swan was in for some trouble.

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