《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Fourteen- Confession Time


"Hey hey, Kate," Margo said as she looked up to greet me, she had a hand to her head to shield her eyes from the sun.

"Come sit down," Fox said, as she patted the ground beside her and practically dragged me to sit next to them.

"Hi Kate," Liam said and then threw and caught a chip in his mouth.

When I was sat somewhat comfortably on the grass, I took my lunch out of my bag, yet I didn't feel like eating it all too much.

Margo sat and tore some grass out of the ground as Fox took a sip of her water, and Liam just continued to eat his chips. It was quiet and peaceful, but even for me it seemed oddly too quiet.

"Are you guys going to speak?" I asked, as I let out a nervous laugh.

"Hmm...well, we're all thinking back to the party, Kate," Fox stated. I gave her a questioning look as she sighed "Has Victoria been okay...I mean, she's been going through a lot of stuff recently and we were just wondering if-"

"She hasn't been giving you any crap, has she? Because if she has, we'll be there," Margo stated. I thought about it for a moment, though Victoria hadn't been giving me any crap more than usual. She had just been Victoria. I shook my head, this was probably just these guys' ways of trying to check my roommate from the Nether wasn't doing too badly, after all. Though they would never admit that they cared. I let a small smile come to my face as Margo and Fox smiled back.

"Well, I need to head into town and do some things," Margo stated, and shook some grass off her jeans.

"Don't get into too much trouble," Fox said in a joking way, yet there was some hint of worry to her voice.


"You know me," Margo said and winked at Fox as she began to walk away, she muttered a goodbye to Liam and I. Once she was out of sight, I turned back to Fox "You gonna finish that?" she asked, as she took notice of the sandwich I had gotten out of my bag yet had not eaten any of. I shook my head as I passed it to her, and she split it to give half to Liam. "Sorry dude, I hope you're not too bummed at me stealing your food," she smirked as she took a bite.

I shook my head again "Not really,"

"You not hungry?" Fox said, as she stared in longing at the half of sandwich in her hand.

"No," I smiled.

In all honesty, I had a problem where I was able to last for long periods of time before I needed sustenance, it was something I had always just dealt with. Fox shrugged as she took several more bites out of her half of my sandwich until it was gone. Liam broke off a bit of his half and passed it to me so I was left with a rather small part of the sandwich, a size appropriate for an Alice in Wonderland style picnic. "Thanks," I smiled again, as I managed to eat the whole part in one mouthful.

"No problem, Kate," Liam said, he stood up himself this time and said his farewells as he headed over to a blonde girl not too far away.

"Oh, Ricci," Fox muttered.

"Ricci?" I asked.

"The girl over there that Liam is seemingly hopelessly in love with...you know, I thought it was you he liked at first, judging by the way I noticed you guys at the party but..."


I shook my head quickly and before I knew it the words left my mouth "Fox, I need to talk to you about something,"

"Sure, whatever you need to talk about," she smiled.

I looked around at the several groups of people nearby. "Hm...maybe not here," I said, as I stood up, she stood up too. Fox smiled at me and laughed lightly, so I raised an eyebrow at her "You may want to- here," she said, as she dusted some breadcrumbs off my top.

"Thank you," My messy eating habits had seemingly struck again.

"Okay, dude, let's go," she said, and we headed on over to the bench we had sat at a few days ago, under the familiar tree.

"You thought Liam and I were..." I trailed off.

"Well, I did wonder," She admitted.

"It's not like that at all...I think, well I'm fairly certain at this point that I'm gay,"

"Dude, really?" something flashed in Fox's eyes for a moment.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Seriously, you know you could have just come out and said it, no pun intended...I'm glad you told me now, though," she smiled again, the kind of smile I knew that I could trust.

Even though I had come to terms with this fact myself, and was comfortable with it, I felt a strange relief at finally sharing that with someone else, and Fox was the most understanding person, so it certainly helped.

"Margo will be glad she finally has another queer grasshopper to raise up," Fox let out a light laugh which made me laugh too, her laugh was starting to be infectious for me. We sat there for a moment until Fox reminded me that we should try to improve our art projects some more, so we did, for a brief moment, until we were disturbed by that voice.

"What's wrong, Victoria?" Swan asked in her perfectly melodic, yet twisted, voice.

"What is it that you want, West?" Victoria questioned and folded her arms in front of her.

If trouble had never been more obvious before, it was certainly obvious now.

"I smell trouble," Fox muttered, as she closed her sketchbook and looked up to the two blondes. I could hardly believe that Swan had arrived at the University already, I thought it would be a little while longer but it seemed that maybe fate was not in Victoria's favour at this point. Swan and Victoria seemed to be having their own silent staring competition, until Victoria broke off her gaze and Swan let a satisfied smirk come to her lips as she headed on over to James. Victoria turned and her eyes met mine for a moment, and I could have sworn I felt my breathing stop for a moment, until her eyebrows furrowed together and she walked her own direction.

"Hmm, what's this I see?" Fox asked, a teasing tone to her voice, it seemed that she had been observing the way I reacted to Victoria. "No way, Kate," she smirked.

"What...? What?" I asked her, impatient to know just what she was trying to hint at.

Fox just took a sip of her water as she got up off the bench "See you later alligator," she walked away, so I turned my thoughts back to my art project and repeatedly coloured a single spot on my picture of a squirrel on a tree, until I sighed and placed my pencil down.

Things were definitely going to get a little more complicated with Swan here, starting... now.

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