《Girls Talk [Girl x Girl]》Chapter Six- Surprised, to say the least


I woke up early the next day, typical, I barely got any sleep and then I woke up too early. It was 6am, rise and shine, Kate. I sat up in bed let out an "Ugh," before getting up and messily arranging my cover so it seemed somewhat tidy on my bed. "Morning," a voice spoke, well, the only voice that could come from that side of the room at this time of day. Victoria, I didn't even realise she was awake. I really was tired.

I turned to her to find her sitting up in bed, holding a book in her hands and wondered if she had a good rest herself, probably, maybe... she got to sleep earlier htan me but I still have memory of her waking up due to a nightmare or something.

"Well, how did the insomniac cope last night?" she inquired, I shrugged, my shoulders ached, I should really sort out my sleeping position. "Would you like an honest answer?" I replied, Victoria raised an eyebrow before adjusting her hipster-style reading glasses back on her nose. She looked like a dork, it was surprising to see her that way, really. "I didn't know you wear those,"

"Ugh, don't mention it, they're hideous," She continued to flip over a page in her book.

"No, they look- nice," I gave her a meaningful smile to try to reassure her that I meant what I said, but she shrugged at me this time, and closed the book after she had placed a bookmark in it. I noticed the cover of the book then, it was an art book on Van Gogh, Victoria really did love art.

Once she had placed the book down on her bedside table she headed on over to her wardrobe, although the majority of the room was fairly well spaced out, Victoria's clothes filled the whole wardrobe, I would have suggested sharing the space out, but that was back in the days we had first joined the University, and I was as shy as could be, even more so when it came to the ice queen that is Victoria Lace.


"Well," She turned to her clothes "Time to pick you out an outfit," she said, turning to me and giving me a once over. Sorry, what? Was I hearing correctly? I couldn't decide if she was being nice by letting me borrow her clothing, which I loved, by the way, or if she was suggesting that my sense of style was not 100% parfait. I wanted to say she was being nice. Or at least, trying to be. It was Victoria we're talking about here.

She grabbed out a blue jumper, "Hmmm, this should fit. It's been a while since I wore that one, I've grown out of it myself, so... It's going to a good cause," she raised her eyebrow at me again before throwing me the piece of clothing "Catch," she let out a short laugh. I pulled the jumper off of my face, "You know, if you're going to say catch you should probably do it before you throw things at me, I mean... I know you don't particularly like me Victoria but, come on,"

"Sure, whatever," she waved me away with the back of her hand, she was facing her wardrobe and continuing her fashion search for me "Catch," she winked at me, before throwing the clothing this time, it was a pair of night-blue jeans, I put them next to my legs to check the length and was sort of surprised when they looked as if they might actually fit, well, Victoria was good at this fashion stuff. "Am I suitable now?" I mimicked the question I had asked her a few days ago, after my trip to the bathroom to put the clothes on. "Almost, take your hair down," I did. "Brush it," she told me, which I also did. "Well damn, Kate, if we haven't turned you around," Thanks, I guessed.


"I was going to suggest you wear makeup but you would probably mess that up," Once she caught on to my slightly hurt expression she continued to talk "Not that you need any," she smiled revealing her perfectly white teeth, It was almost enchanting to see Victoria smile (at me) like that, because she barely ever did anything beside glare, frown or some other negative mood. Victoria went to the bathroom so she could get herself sorted for the day.

"We're going out, you and I, so um... how do you think I look?" I could have said I was taken aback, but I was almost too shocked to even say that. Victoria was inviting me to hang out with her for the day. "Yes 911, it appears my dorm roommate has been changed with an alien replacement, if you could please return her at the earliest convenience..." I smiled at that thought "Stop smiling like an idiot," she groaned and grabbed my arm, I pulled it away for a second because it felt like electricity had passed through it when she did that, how cliché, Greene.

"Let's go," Victoria and I both left the dorm room and started heading towards the University parking lot, I was guessing that Victoria had got her head around the campus layout now because she didn't designate me the role of 'map guide' her car was...well, expensive. A silver porsche with a custom number plate, with the letters and numbers arranged in a way to say 'Victory' Sounded about right, for her that was. "Jump in, not literally, and um...are your shoes clean?"I didn't know whether Victoria was being serious, but then she was probably right to check because I noticed I had both grass and mud attached to my foot, I wiped it against the tarmac ground before I met a slightly dissaproved gaze from Victoria, "Well at least you didn't get it in my car, anyway," she opened the door on the passenger side for me before going round to get into the drivers side. I sat down. I can see how she was bothered about people messing up her car, it was gorgeous, I rested my back against the leather seat and waited for Victoria to start up the engine, the car came alive and we began to move away from the University.

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