《Who Knows?》"I insist."


On our way back to the house, I tell Tess about the awkward encounter I had with Eli.

"I have no idea why he always chooses the weirdest friends ever. I mean, even though Eli is his best friend, I've never seen much of him or know much about him. I think he's very reserved. And it's not like they've been friends for too long. Bennett had a fallout with his former best friend about six years ago, apparently, he met Eli shortly after."

"Why did they had a fight? Bennett and his old best friend?"

"He had an affair with Bennett's girlfriend at that time." Tess sighs and walks the few steps towards the back door and pulls it open.

"Oh, shit," I gasp, covering my mouth in shock.

"Yeah, now quiet. I don't want Bennett hearing us talk about this."

"Yes, of course," I promise her and close the door behind us.

"Bennett?" Tess yells, looking into the kitchen to see if her brother is already home.

"In the bathroom, Tess. I'm sure you'll survive without me for a couple of minutes, no?" he yells back and I can't hide my smile.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Tess counters weakly and starts walking up the stairs to our rooms. "Let's take a shower. The lake water isn't the cleanest," she suggests.

"Okay, you can go first," I tell her.

"Just take the second bathroom. Ben is using the guest bathroom downstairs so it's free." Tess points at a door at the other end of the hall.

"Okay, sure." I'll just grab a fresh towel and my shower stuff." With all my things gathered in my arms, I walk towards the bathroom. I can already hear Tess's shower running and her belting a song I don't know. Grabbing the doorknob of the bathroom door, I twist it and push it open slowly, only to stop my movements abruptly and stare at the person that is already occupying the space. He is only wearing a white fluffy towel, that's hanging dangerously low on his hips. Little water droplets are splayed all over his smooth, slightly tanned skin and his body is extremely toned. The dents his muscled create on his torso are a work of art and I can't help but wonder what they would feel like under the skin of my fingertips. My eyes travel further up and land on his face. Half of it is smothered in white shaving cream, his full lips are pursed, making them appear thinner and his straight nose has little flecks of the shaving cream on it. The crow's feet at his eyes are prominent and his thick, dark eyebrows are furrowed, creasing the little space between them. My eyes meet his and I can't look away, even though the situation slowly dawns on me and I am embarrassed beyond belief. As my cheeks slowly transition in color, I wish that the floor would open up and swallow me whole.

"Can I help you?" His deep, velvety voice pulls me out of my trance and my eyes move onto his mouth. I detect a hint of amusement in his sentence, but it is more so filled with annoyance.


"I-I-I...I'm sorry," is all I pathetically manage. Still, I don't move. I just can't get my stupid body to move. He cocks an eyebrow and tilts his head a little as if expecting something. Duh, Romy, of course, he expects you to leave, now!

"It's okay, but I don't appreciate you staring at me like I'm Dustin Bieber and your teenie crush. Makes me uncomfortable."

"Justin," I whisper, facepalming myself in my mind. Are you insane?! Just get the fuck out!

"What?" he asks, looking more confused than before.

"His name is..uh... Justin Bieber. I'm sorry. So so sorry. I'm gonna leave now, sorry again." I scramble for words and finally, my body listens to my brain and I turn around, slam the door and run towards my room. In my haste, I oversee Tess coming out of our bathroom and crash into her.

"Ouch! Hey, what has gotten into you?" Tess asks, rubbing her rips. "What's wrong? You are as a read as a tomato. Why didn't you shower yet?"

"Room, now!" I command her, not wanting to risk seeing Eli again when he's done in the bathroom.

Once inside my room, I throw my things on my chair and myself onto the bed.

"Okay, now tell me what the hell is going on," Tess demands and sits down next to me on the bed. Slowly, I sit up and tell her everything that just transpired between me and Eli, hoping for her to console me and tell me it was all just a daydream. Instead, she starts laughing her ass off as soon as I am done talking.

"Thanks, Tess. That's really what I need right now. Embarrass me even further why don't you?"

"I'm sorry, but that is gold. I'm actually mad that I wasn't there to witness that. I can't even imagine you like that. You are usually so collected when it comes to boys."

"Well, he is not a boy I can tell you this much. And you know that I get all shy and awkward when I have to interact with someone I find attractive," I groan, burying my head in my hands.

"So you think Eli is hot?" she questions with a sly smirk.

"As if you don't."

"Okay, you're right, he is very good looking. But he is old."

"I don't think he is that much older than your brother."

"That's still a decade older."

I sigh. "You're right. I don't know why he gets to me like that. I don't even know him and he has a girlfriend."

"I don't mind it, actually. You barely talk about who you find attractive, even less about crushes. I was really starting to think there's something wrong with you." She playfully nudges my shoulder and continues talking. "Maybe this is good. You are too innocent for your own good and maybe you need a man to show you the ropes. And I don't think that woman from the other day was his girlfriend."

"Oh God, Tess. Stop it. And just because I'm inexperienced when it comes to sexual stuff, doesn't mean I'm innocent."


"You know what I meant. I know that you aren't innocent through and through, I saw the way you flirt, you're cruel. But I was just telling you that maybe you should take a chance. I know that a big part of why you never had a relationship, or rather more than one date, is because you are afraid to get hurt so you rather not pursue anything at all. That's not gonna work in the long run and it's not healthy, Romy."

"I know, I know. Maybe we should go out next weekend and look for some handsome potential dates." I suggest, knowing that it would make her happy and she'll most likely drop the topic until the weekend.

"Yes, girl. That's the best idea you had in a while."

"You know that's not true."

"It is, tho. Now go shower, I'm hungry and I can't cook so you need to make me something."

I just roll my eyes and trudge into the bathroom that connects both of our rooms.

After making Tess and myself some pasta with tomato sauce, leaving enough for the boys, we sit outside on the porch, nursing our second glass of rosé. The sun is slowly setting and I relish in the warm light and heavenly smell, of grass and flowers, that lingers in the summer air. Ben steps onto the porch and sits down next to Tess.

"It's weird seeing you drink alcohol," he tells Tess.

"I've been doing it for longer than you think. I'm just great at hiding stuff from you." She grins at him and takes another sip.

"I wish I could ground you," Ben jokes and pokes her rips, making her squeal and then scowl at him.

"Keep on wishing, Benny."

"You guys have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Nope, not yet. Why?" she asks her brother.

"The guys and I are having a barbeque. We need to go shopping for that so I just wanted to know if you guys are joining to calculate how much food we need to buy."

Tess looks at me expectantly and I just shrug, letting her know that I don't mind what we'll do tomorrow.

"We're in. Romy is veggie, tho. Gotta remember that."

"Yeah, I recall you telling me that. So, maybe you should tag along for the shopping so you can pick something to eat." He smiles at me.

"Oh no, that's okay. I'm fine with the side salad."

"Nonsense. I won't let any of my guests starve. Don't worry, just pick whatever you like." I open my mouth to object but he beats me to it. "I insist." He looks at me sternly and I can't help but smile.

"Okay, okay. Fine. Jesus, both of you are so demanding."

"Family treasure, baby." Tess winks at me and finishes her glass.

It's Sunday noon and Tess and I just finished getting ready for today. Last night, after Ben went to bed, we drank two more glasses of wine and talked, completely forgetting about the time until it was 3 am. Needless to say, we slept in this morning. It's incredibly hot today and for the first time this year, I put on my pastel red sundress. It's very formfitting and stops mid thigh. Some people might consider it 'too short' or 'daring' but I was never one who cared about what other people think. If I like it, I wear it. Tess is wearing white shorts that stop just below her butt and a pink crop top. She looks gorgeous as always. Her body is curvy and her breasts look gorgeous in her top. I was always jealous of her big breasts but I've come to terms with my small B cup and I learned to love my body, as everybody should. Bouncing down the stairs, Tess is excited to meet all of Ben's friends whereas my introverted side speaks up loud and clear. I just want to lay at the lake in peace and read a book. But, as Tess said, I can't always cower away from everything. That's not gonna get me anywhere.

"Ah, there you guys are," Ben notices us once we arrive downstairs. "Ready to go shopping?" he looks at me.

"Sure, let's go." I don't mind going shopping with Ben. He is sensible and kind and I get along with him very well.

"Tess, are you gonna help set up in the backyard?"

"Yes, sir," she mocks Ben and salutes him.

The front door opens and Eli steps into the hallway. Instantly, my mind takes me back to yesterday and I feel myself blush. Great...

"Shall we?" Eli directs his question at Bennett, not sparing me a glance. Honestly, I'm happy about that.

"Romy is going with you. She doesn't eat meat and needs to pick out something she wants to eat. Tess and I are gonna set everything up and get the grill going. Have you seen Tommy?"

My mind yells at me to protest. I can't go shopping with him. I am certain I will die of embarrassment. I sent a pleading look in Tess's direction but she just raises her eyebrows at me and smirks. I glare at her and go to say something when Eli starts talking.

"No, and I hope I won't see him anytime soon."

"Come on, man, you can't still be pissed at him."

"Yeah, I can. Come on," he directs the last two words at me and I frantically shake my head but he's already out the door.

"I thought we were going to buy the food," I say defeated, looking at Ben.

"No, Eli doesn't like grilling that much so I always set it up. Don't worry, he is a nice guy, I promise." And with that, he is out of the house.

"Tess, please."

"No, have fun, see ya later, babes," she calls as she quickly follows Ben to the backyard.

"Great..." I mumble, just as a horn sounds from outside, startling me but effectively making me scurry outside.

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