《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》A Major Christmas Party 2/2



Collab chapter ❤️

My sister really carried this chapter. So I am dedicating this chapter to you.

Go show Ronny some love ❤️


Love you sis

"Okay baby. Where you going again?" Keisha asked as grabbed her car out of the purse. Key was dropping her off at King's since they were already out about.

"To give her a lil nap, a bath and try this lil hairstyle I saw on insta. I gotta pick up Marlee too." Key looked in the backseat to see Eliana was close to being sleep.

"Im so proud of you baby. I was worried, not gonna lie when Dolph died, I thought you were going to go back to the streets and start killing. You didn't. You not selling drugs no more." Key tried to keep a straight face and smile at her but as his mother she could tell something hit a nerve.

"Thanks ma. Now gone, I know auntie Mimi waiting on you." Keisha looked at her son twice over before kissing his cheek.

"You're right. Hey Carlos baby, the foods in the trunk." Key waited until his mother was in the house and the food was out of his car before pulling off to get ready.

"Mimi! Mimi! Chile, where the hell you at?" Keisha asked walking in through the foyer.

"In the kitchen, where the hell else would I be?" Mimi said waiting for her bestfriend to come into the kitchen. Keisha sat all of her gifts on the counter.

"Well happy holidays mama!" Keisha put her hands on her hips and smiled widely at her bestfriend. She pulled her in for a hug.

"Happy holidays!" Mimi kissed Keisha's cheek as they embraced.

"Don't you look good? Smelling good ... you even have a little glow to you. Somebody been hitting that?" Mimi playfully slapped Keisha's ass.

"Stop it now Mimi! I'll tell you about it later." Keisha giggled and swatted her best friends hand away.

The Christmas celebration that was set to start in two hours, was being held at King's house. Mimi made all of the desserts and hors dourves and Keisha cooked the main course. They traditionally switched off on every event.

Keisha stopped by early to help set up, it was one thing she absolutely loved to do.

"Girl, where the hell is the food?" Mimi asked, Keisha had been here for about 6 minutes or so but no food was making it's way in the home.

As if on cue Carlos walked into the kitchen as Keisha was raiding her nephews wine cabinet. She grabbed two wine glasses from the cabinet. He put the dishes into the oven so they would stay warm in time for dinner.

"Why is it so quiet around here? It's Christmas time! We should be turnt up. Come on Mi, let's dance like we used to back in the day." Keisha poured both of them some Merlot before swaying her hips to some music playing softly in the background.

Leaning up against the counter, Mimi let her body relax as she watched her friend.

"You know what. Fuck later! You gone spill the tea right now." Mimi smirked crossing her arms over her chest. Her friend was a little bit too happy and carefree.

"Party pooper. Fine. Come on let's sit!" Keisha grabbed her glass and sat down at the island.

"Im listening." Mimi focused all her attention on her best friend as she sat down next to her.

"Since you so damn nosey, his name is Lou and he's from Chicago. He runs a drug business." Keisha tried to run all of her words together.


"You heard me. I already know what you're going to say Mimi and I really like him. He's such a gentleman and he promised to keep me out of that life." Keisha rolled her eyes, she knew that Mimi wouldn't approve.

"Ki, what happened to starting over? We put all that shit behind us for a reason. Hell, it's bad enough your son and my nephew are dibbling and dabbling in the drug game. Here you go dating a whole ass drug Lord. Chile, ima need to grow my own weed at the rate ya'll stressing me out." Mimi rambled rubbing her temples but Keisha didn't budge.

"W-what you say bout Key?" Keisha was kept completely out of the loop about Key being back in the streets. She was literally just praising him for getting out.

"Oh shit! You didn't know did you?" Mimi's eyes widened as she sucked in a breath. She was always spilling the beans on accident.

"I might as well go get the whole damn bottle." Mimi stood up and sighed. All these serious talks she was having today had her head everywhere except for where it needed to be. She was far from a Christmas mood.

Ms. Keisha was still in shock though. She sat there with her heart practically ripped out of her chest. Mimi felt horrible, Keisha always did everything in her power to keep Markeyvius safe but he always seem to do the opposite.

"Keisha, I know how you feel about all of this but you can't be that upset with him. You just told me, you are dating a drug dealer. How you gone preach to him about what he's doing and he can say the same." Mimi grabbed Keisha's hand after topping off their wine.

"Forget him being involved, I just literally just told him how proud I was in the car. He had a chance to tell me he was back in the streets and didn't. We were just at the mall and he told me everything else. After opening up about taking the charge for him, we started to do better but now. He's holding stuff back from me. Just as quick as I got him back, I'm losing em." Keisha blinked back tears as she spoke. She loved the hell out of her son.

"Oh Keisha! Come here." Mimi got up and hugged Keisha with all the love she could.

"I-I can't lose him again Mimi. I can't!" The comfort from Mimi's hug cause her to break down into a silent sob.

"It's alright, Ki! We gone get through it like we always do." She tried to make her feel better but she knew the only thing that would is her talking to her son.

And Keisha planned on doing just that.


"Come on lil ma! Let's go see uncle King, Bree Bree, Ronny, Mimi and everybody else!" Key unbuckled her out of her carseat as she moved her head around.

"See mommy?" Eli asked gripping onto Key's shirt, she always did that when she was on his hip. He wasn't sure how to respond to her so he just nodded his head.

"I am not ready for that." Marlee mumbled under her breath. She truly was unprepared to see her sister because she knew she would be mad about her not coming to her family day. Key on the other hand was a bit excited.

She was further along in her pregnancy since the last time he saw her and he wanted to know everything about it.


"My nigga." King heard Key's voice and decided to greet them at the door. Carlos was following close behind with all the gifts they had.

"Wassup boa." Key dapped his brother the best he could with one arm. Marlee waved to King before she took off to find Ronny.

"Hey to you too. Hey pretty girl." King shook Eli's hand as she smiled at him. Usually she was trying to get into his arms but she was still a little sleepy.

"Uncle Kingy." She waved resting her head on Key's shoulder.

"Sup, Key. Hi cutie!" Marcus greeted the two of them. They said their hello's and then India walked over as well.

"Markeyvius. Eliana, you're so pretty!" India squished her cheeks as Eli giggled. "Where's Marlee?" India asked.

"We all know where Marlee went." Key chuckled shaking his head.

"I'll let Bree know you here." Marcus dismissed himself.

"I'll show you where the kids are." India took him to the back where Mimi and Keisha were playing with the kids.

"Hey ma, mimi!" Key spoke and Keisha gave him a small smile. Mimi talked with him for a few before he went back to the entrance to talk to King. By that time, Aubree was making her way down the hallway to see him and damn did she look good.

"Hi baby." Aubree spoke as she walked up to him.

"Wassup baby, you look good as hell." Key kissed Aubree's temple before engulfing her into a hug.

His scent danced on her nose as she snuggled more into the hug. She always loved how he smelled.

"Thank you, I wore blue. Since it's your fave." Key looked over her head and down to her ass.

"I see, love the way this fits on you." Her two piece hugged her curves so perfectly it looked like it was painted on. Key grabbed her ass playfully, causing her to giggle.

"Aight y'all damn. I'm still here." King complained, luckily the kids were all in one space because the pair definitely forgot where they were for a second.

"Oh boy please!" Aubree said smacking her lips. King was too dramatic for his own good. "Where's Eli and Marlee?" She asked turning her attention back to her man, who had moved his hand around her slim waist.

"Eli in there with my mama and Mimi along with the other kids. You know where Marlee went." Marlee was on Ronny bad, almost unhealthy.

"You mind if I steal him real quick?" Aubree asked politely. Regardless of his answer she was going to take her man anyway.

"Gone head. I'm finna spark a wood in the front. Holla if you need me." King walked up the stairs so he could get his weed and woods.

"Come on boo. Let me get you something to drink." Aubree grabbed his hand leading his to the kitchen.

"Shit, aight." Key kicked his lips feeling himself start to get hard watching her ass switch in her leggings. He was starting to regret the arrangement he and Lay had until the baby was born. However he needed her to keep her part of the deal as well, so he was going to have to fight his lil wood he had going.

"Thank you." Key grabbed the glass of fruit punch from her pretty hands and sat down at the island. Aubree came from behind him and sat on his lap. Which did not, by any means solve his horny problem.

"Of course so look, I wanna run something by you."

"Wassup ma?" Key took a sip of his punch to try to keep himself at bay.

"Well, you know. We leave for Aspen tomorrow, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to stay the night here? I know we both promised to take things slow and we still are, but everyone else will be here tonight as well. King said we could sleep in one of the guest rooms so India and Marcus could have the rooms to themselves." Aubree was scared of his answer. She didn't want him thinking she was moving too fast.

"Of course I wanna stay witchu. When we wrap up I'll go and grab my luggage from my crib." Key chuckled at how nervous she was.

"Are you sure? You don't think we moving too fast? We promised we would do things right this time." Aubree was shocked at how willing he was to stay over.

"I know Aubree. I was there. Ain't nun wrong with us laying in the bed together. As long as we don't do anything it's coo. I mean we are sharing a bed in Aspen." Key shrugged his shoulders, when he went home to grab his luggage he was either going to take a cold shower or rub one out.

"I know I know. I just didn't know what you would say because I really, really.. want you to stay." Aubree grabbed Keys hand and held it.

"And I really, really .. want to!" Key pecked her lips before smiling at her.

Markeyvius was down to stay the night with Aubree, it would just test him to see if he had really changed or if he was the same ole nigga. He was ready to prove himself.


Marlee looked around the house before finding an empty room.

"Ronny you in here?" She asked looking around, Ronny slid her phone in her vest before turning around and greeting Marlee.

"Marlee, babe. Don't you look cute?" Marlee walked up to her and gave her a hug.

"Thank you pooh. But you, look amazing. Per usual!"Marlee looked her up and down as they pulled away from the hug.

"Girl stop. That's you." Ronny playfully rolled her eyes.

Marlee was happy to see Ronny but she felt as though something was off. Ever since their first time a couple days ago she hadn't heard from Ronny, which made her nervous. Marlee's depression was slowly creeping back up on her and she tried to cope with it the best way she knew how.

"Come on, let's sit." Ronny grabbed Marlee's hand and led them to the small seating are King had in the back of his house. They would have plenty of privacy.

Marlee bounced her leg subtly and twirled her fingers .

"So ... are you excited for tomorrow? I don't think Aspen is ready for us." Ronny joked, she was ready and nervous for the trip. Both of her love interests would be in one cabin together.

"They for sure aren't but I'm excited. Even more excited that I get to spend time with you. I know we just saw each other but I missed you." Marlee scooted closer to Ronny making her even more nervous than she had been.

"I missed you even more." Ronny tried to hide her nervousness by kissing Marlee.

Mar couldn't lie, the kiss did make her feel tingly inside. Ronny definitely had an effect on Marlee, one that had her hooked.

"You want some? It's spiked eggnog, Dior made it." Ronny offered Marlee some of her drink.

Marlee shrugged before taking the cup, lately she hadn't been sober. Whether it was weed or liquor she was constantly floating.

"Damn that's good as hell. Dior the one who can't cook for shit right?" Marlee took a long gulp of the eggnog.

"Yep, that's her." Ronny laughed causing Marlee to smile to herself. Her laugh was intoxicating. A silence fell over the two, Marlee started wondering deep into her own thought when Ronny spoke up.

"Marlee, baby I need to talk to you." Marlee's heart sunk deep into her stomach. Based off of the vibes she had been there the last few times, Marlee had a feeling this couldn't have been good.

"What is it Ronny?"

She wouldn't tell me anything bad, right before a trip, right?

"I-I'm trying to find the words to tell you. I-I just don't know how." Ronny didn't want to let Marlee go but she couldn't have her cake and eat it too.

"Ronny, whatever it is you can tell me. We're best friends, remember?" Marlee caressed her cheek with a small smile on her face. On the inside though, she was really praying Ronny didn't have bad news for her.

"I-I bee-," Ronny got weak in the knees under Marlee's touch.

"Ladies, we're about to get dinner started. So let's go." Mimi came from around the corner cutting Ronny off. That was a relief for Marlee. After responding okay to Mimi, Marlee stood up.

"We can talk later okay?" Marlee rubbed Ronny's hand to give her some reassurance.

The two girls walked down the hall and into the dining room so they could pray before making their plates. Marlee was getting more and more eager to see her sister, she definitely was in need of a hug.


The sounds of everybody eating and laughing filled the dinning room. Everyone was sitting at the gigantic table at King's house. He loved holiday's because that meant he could finally put it to use. Everybody fit comfortably at the table with two chairs to spare.

Keisha through down for the family meal. Cooking was one of her specialties, in fact she was going back to Memphis to help at her soup kitchen for Christmas.

For the dinner hear though, she had prepared fried chicken, honey glazed ham, four cheese macaroni, collard greens, candied yams, a pan of sweet corn bread and dinner rolls so fluffy they reminded you of a pillow.

"Ms. Keisha, please teach Dior your ways." Chanel begged making the whole table laugh.

"Shut up," Dior playfully thumped her forehead.

"Where Tahj Stacey? I was looking forward to seeing him." Marcus looked across the table at Stacey.

The other girls stared at her awkwardly wondering how she was going to answer.

"Oh uh, he couldn't make it. He had some last minute shopping to do." Stacey paused her chewing so she could reply. She was quick on her feet with a lie. Key raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Awa man. He coulda waited for that." Marcus said making India eye the shit out of him.

"What?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Baby, just leave it alone, k?" India gave him a look to just be quiet. He quickly caught on and continued to eat his food.

The table spoke in small groups amongst themselves. Mimi and Keisha chatted quietly at the end of the table.

Key spoke about his future career plans and the deluxe album he had planned on dropping next year.

Dream babbled on and on about Doc Mcstuffins to India and Marcus.

Marlee whispered sweet seductive things in Ronny's ear.

Bianca and King looked like they had never had a problem with each other. The way they were giggling with each other, you would've never thought they laid hands on one another.

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