《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》A Major Christmas Party 1/2


Hi babies ❤️

New banners this chapter

This starts where Lays part ended.


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"Dori, this was truly a good time but now I'm about to go take a nap. So thank you." Dorian opened his door before Lay could open hers.

"You're welcome." He grabbed her flowers and purse for her and helped her up the few stairs she had.

"I'll see you tonight right?" She asked, not wanting him to walk away just yet but she wanted to go slow with him. Before she even thought to fall for him she wanted to see all of his colors.

"Yes ma'am. You're going to your ex's family thing right?" Dorian asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry about that." Lay fumbled with her Tiffany bracelet.

"I know. You have my trust until you don't. I trust that you will keep it honest with me. I know that you two have to co-parent, with Eli too until y'all figure that out." Dorian shrugged, he knew his worth and it would only tell him if Lay was worth his time.

"I like you, Dorian. You're different." Lay smiled and then yawned.

"Get some rest beautiful." Dorian kissed her forehead and stepped away from her door. Lay waved goodbye to him before walking into her apartment and locking the door.

She expected to be greeted with love but her apartment was vacant and dirty. Which made her even more irate.

Marlee had robbed her, essentially. Just because she had access to the accounts did not mean that she was authorized to take her money to use on whatever.

She made her an authorized user because she would have to fend for herself. However, Lay gave strict instructions. Only for food and necessities.

"I refuse to let this get me down. Let me go pray and meditate." Lay mumbled to herself. Walking to her room she expected it to be clean but it wasn't. Before she left, everything was spotless. Now? It looked like a bunch of college kids had a party and didn't clean up after themselves.

She had clean clothes in her suitcase, so she walked right on out after grabbing her car keys. Walking in the garage over to the trunk, Lay noticed her bumper had been scraped and damaged. The tail light was smashed and damn near hanging.

Chalynn was in such shock. She absolutely fucking hated it here. The people in Atlanta had no respect for her, not her child's father or her sister.

"My fucking car!" Lay sobbed as she walked around it. The paint was scraped in multiple large places. Her Benz was barely two years old.

Jade, her Mercedes, was the first luxury car that she bought with the money from the radio show as well as doing influencing on the side. To see that her sister ruined her car with no attempt of fixing it broke her heart to bits.

Being surrounded by the same people, and doing the same thing was only going to tear her down even further.

She was done with her Marlee.


Lay rolled her luggage into the Airbnb she had rented until the second week of January. She had to find a new place to live but now, she was thinking of a house.

She wanted her baby to grow up in a home and if she had to work. That's what she was going to do. Lay just wasn't going to work just anywhere though.

Thurs, Dec 22, 12:30 pm


Chalynn❤️: Hey Dori. Do you know anybody who can repair damage to a car?

Sweets💗: yes. Are you okay??

Incoming FaceTime: Sweets💗

"Baby girl. You good?" Dorian asked, he was still in his car trying to look between her and the road.

"Yes. My sister damaged my car while I was gone. I need it fixed. She trashed my apartment. Stole money from me. I-I'm just not having a good day." Lay shook her head trying not to cry.

"Yes, you are. Don't let the enemy try to get you down. Three weeks of growth. I'm proud of you for using your problem-solving skills, my future lawyer. Are you still at your apartment? I'm going to come back." Dorian got off of a random exit so he could make his way back.

Lay paused. She and Dorian had only known each other for a little more than a week and so far he had shown up more for her than her baby dad. Before she could decline, she heard a voice in the back of her head.

Let this man help you.

"I'll text you the address."


"Sean, my man." Dorian and Lay walked into a body shop and dapped a bald head black man up. Sean eyed Lay, which she of course did not like. She hid behind Dorian.

Noticing her discomfort, he grabbed her hand.

"My girl here, she needs her car fixed. Can you have it done by the time she gets back next week?" Dorian asked standing firm, he knew Sean for quite a long time.

"Of course, D. I'll do it for free just pay for the parts." Sean wiped his oily hands on the raggedy towel that he had over his left shoulder.

His front two teeth were gold, he was a handsome older looking man but for some reason, the way he looked at Lay gave her the creeps.

"How much?" Dorian asked after Sean inspected the damage done to her car.

"4,500 unless you want OEM parts. Then 8,500." Lay wanted to cry. She took a deep breath and looked back towards her car.

"I want Mercedes' parts please." She started reaching in her purse but Dorian handed Sean his card.

"Should be done by the 2nd of January." Sean handed Dorian his card back with a receipt so that he could sign it.

"We'll be back then. Thanks, Sean. Stay up brotha." They rapped once again, Lay gave a small smile but Sean didn't smile back at her.

Dorian helped her clean out her car, which wasn't a lot cause she left most of it in the air BnB.

"Dorian. Why did you do that?" Lay asked as she buckled her seat belt. Dorian had started the car and turned on the heat so that they could warm up.

"A Christmas present." He shrugged pulling out of the parking lot.

"You barely know me and you just spent almost ten thousand dollars on my car. Do you think you're going to get something from me?" Chalynn asked looking at Dorian.

He chuckled slightly, Samaria had warned him.

"Chalynn. I can tell you've been hurt but it wasn't by me. I like you. I can do something nice for you and not want anything from you. Okay?" Dorian tried to calmly talk to Lay.

"Okay." She nodded her head and was quiet the whole ride to Enterprise.

Since the accident wasn't reported, the insurance company wouldn't cover the cost of the rental car. So, Dorian paid for that as well. Even let her get a luxury one even though she insisted on getting a regular car.



"I'll see you later okay?" Dorian stepped out of his car to hug Chalynn once more.

"Do you want to come in?" Lay asked grabbing her bag and other belongings out of the rental car.

"Are you sure?" Dorian asked about killing the engine in his car.

"Yes. We can watch a movie until it's time for me to go." She suggested, Dorian grabbed the bags out of her hand. Turned his car off and followed her into the nice home.

"I'm going to take a shower, Dori. I'll be back."

Dorian sat on the couch flipping through Netflix as he looked around the home. It looked like something Lay would like, it was open. Everything in there was lightly colored and neutral. Dorian lit a fruity-smelling bath and body works candle to create a relaxed ambiance.

He found a show that he and Faith watched on Hulu and waited patiently scrolling his phone until she came back out.

20 minutes later, he heard her house shoes scuffing across the Silverton Oak Luxury Vinyl flooring. Erica did lace fronts and sew-ins so before Lay came home she had ordered a wig for her to install.

Her twenty-two-inch body wave hair was in a claw clip on top of her head with a scarf around her edges. Her face was glowing and she carried a slight smile. She had on a gray Skims dress that went to her ankles and hugged every curve.

"Damn." Dorian looked at her with adoration. He wasn't sure how any nigga could fumble her. He was going to make sure he didn't though.

"Boy stop it." Lay waved him off and sat down on the couch. Her Versace scent radiated off of her body.

"Girl you look too good. Glowing and shit. You feel better?" He asked her clicking the remote so the screen would pop up.

"Much better. Thank you. Oh my gosh! I love Abbott. I've been wanting to catch up on this." Lay was all excited, Dorian knew this was her favorite show.

"Get comfy." He instructed Lay and laid her head at the top of the sectional with her feet facing Dorian. He put a cover over her body and scooted closer so her feet were in his lap.

Lay exhaled a long sigh as she rested deeply on the couch. Having her feet in Dorian's lap made her stomach do back flips. Or maybe it was the baby.

"Is it okay if I massage your feet?" Dorian asked glancing over at Lay who was half asleep.

"Mhm." She nodded sleepily. Lay used to be ticklish but not anymore. With physical touch being one of her love languages he was doing a very good job.

Chalynn was in a deep sleep by the time the first twenty-minute episode went off. She was so tired from traveling and coming home to a shit show.

Dorian was sleeping his damn self until his little sister called.

"Fay. I'm with Chalynn. Fuck, aight. I'm on my way." He sighed heavily, lightly tapping Lay on the shoulder.

"Hmm?" She asked fluttering her eye lids open.

"Baby, come lock the door." Dorian said grabbing his keys and jacket. He slipped his shoes on and remotely started his Honda Accord. Lay stretched as she got off the couch and walked Dorian to the door.

"Bye boo. See you in a couple hours." With out even thinking, Lay reached on her tip toes and kissed Dorians lips. This time she knew for sure it wasn't the baby who was kicking.

Dorian stared at her mesmerized. Her lips melted against his like butter. He kissed her once more, this time lingering a little. His heart skipped a beat once he had to leave.

Lay locked the door behind him and touched her lips with her index finger. She smiled softly to herself before returning to the couch to take a nap. Before doing so, she checked her phone.

Today 3:30 pm

Baby Dad: You have King's address? You can come around 7:30-8pm.

🤰🏽: Yeah and okay.

Lay locked her phone but not before turning her location off for everybody but Samaria. Since she still had time, she was going right back to sleep.


"Wassup lil ma?" Key asked Eli as he picked her up out of her stroller. They were walking through the mall with her for last minute gifts. Even though he was getting a paternity test, deep down inside he knew the baby was his and wanted to get Lay something.

"Dadada." She giggled as he threw her up in the air.

"Can you say, Key?" He asked her, she was going to have to grow out of calling him daddy since he was deciding to give her up.

"No!" Eli said rolling her eyes. She took her hand and smacked Key across the face.

"You just like yo mama boa." He shook his head and put her bad ass back in the stroller.

"Don't confuse her. Either keep her and she calls yall her parents or, give her up and she calls yall by yall's names." Keisha stated as she started pushing the stroller again.

"You right. Should I get Chalynn something for Christmas? I feel like I want to but I'm not sure if she'll accept it or not." For the first time, Key had confided in his mother. With something that wasn't selfish.

"Look at you son. Yes, I can help you if you like. I have to get her something too." Keisha smiled to herself.

"That would be greatly appreciated." He wrapped his arm over his mothers shoulder as they walked into Things Remembered.

"Hi, welcome to Things Remembered. If you need any help just give me a holler." An older black woman, who looked to be in her 50's sat behind the counter.

"Okay. Thank you." Key nodded his head as he lop looked around the store. Keisha was going to get her a necklace or some with meaning.

"Do you know if she's going to breast feed or formula?" Keisha asked as she looked around at the different things.

"Breast feed. We're going to have an at home water birth too. If you want to come, I can ask Lay if you can be there." Key extended the olive branch. They hadn't really talked much about the baby since she'd been gone but he could only hope.

His phone buzzed so he took it out of his pocket.

Today 3:30pm

🤰🏽: yeah and okay.

Baby dad: you good, you need anything?

Bree💛: can't wait to see you.

Key❤️😉: I can't wait to see you either.

"I would love to be there but it's okay if I can't." Keisha picked up a necklace with a heart and diamond covered cross.

"That's pressure." Key said examining the necklace in his mothers hands.

"That's one of my favorites. We can customize the heart as well." The last said from behind the counter.

"I'll take it, you getting anything from here?" Keisha asked before she started walking up to the counter.

"Yeah. I saw sumn." Key walked away to grab whatever it was that he saw.

"Now are these real diamonds?" Keisha asked setting the necklace down.

"This is just the display one but the real ones do have diamonds. Is there a certain name you want on the heart?" Barbara asked her while she grabbed a pen and paper.

"Can you put Psalm 46:5 on the front and can we come back after we find out the babies name to put that on here as well?" Barbara nodded her head.

"Yep. You young man? Is there anything you wanna put on the locket?"

"Cha and like ma said we'll come back to put the baby's name on it." He set the oval locket on the counter as well. It had diamonds around the edge of it. "Inside of here can you put two pictures?" He asked pulling his phone out again.

"Just send them to this email." She slid the business card over to the two of them. "Put your numbers down and we will call you when its ready for pick up." The two of them did just that and walked out of the store.

"Eli, you want some pretzels?" Keisha asked as they walked up to Auntie Anne's.

"Yuh!" She clapped her little chubby ands and kicked her feet.

"Greedy self." Key shook his head and ordered for all three of them. Since they were on a time crunch they had to walk and eat.

"So, how are things with Aubree?" Keisha asked as they walked towards a baby store. She really did want whatever was best for Key.

"They going real good." A huge smile crept on Key's face.

"Good baby. I'm glad to hear that. Same energy when Lay finds somebody else right?" Keisha just wanted to test him to see if he had matured even just a tiny bit.

"Yeah ma. Same support from all sides. What about this mystery man? What's he like?" Key playfully nudged his mother.

"His name is Lou. He's a sweetheart, he's come over a few times but we mostly go out. I really want you to meet him." Keisha had a tiny glow to her, she'd been keeping quiet about Lou for a couple reasons.

"Ima have to meet that sucka if he wants to be with my mama." Key balled up his wrapper and tossed it in the trash.

"Do you know what brand she wants as far as breast feeding things or post partum care?" Keisha asked switching the subject.

"Mom cozy or some shit and her midwife talked about a Frida postpartum kit." Key looked around at the different baby items.

"How do you know about all this?" Keisha raised her eye brow.

"My first born ma. I know everything. Plus, I be at her appointments before she's there." Key picked up the breast pump, cleaner and a breast feeding cover.

"So, you know the baby is yours. Why agitate her and ask for a paternity test?" His mother was genuinely curious.

"I just want that extra assurance." Key shrugged putting some gender neutral clothing in the shopping cart.

"Okay. Oh, look at these Key. Too cute." Keisha cheesed as she held up a pair of cream colored baby booties.

"Ha. Those are. Look how lil them is." Key chuckled putting them in the bag.

"Have you two picked out a diaper brand you like?" His mother looked at the pampers swaddlers before putting them back down.

"We just gone test them and see which ones turn out the best."

"With Brittany being gone. Where does that leave Eli?"

"Ma. She's going with her grandparents." He said picking up some neutral colored onesies. Keisha nodded her head looking at her son.

"This could be helpful." Keisha picked up an Owlet. It monitored the babies heart rate, average oxygen level, movement, and wakings. Key took it from her and put it in his bag.

"I got some baby clothes sent over to Mia's since I haven't been at my house. Wanna ride with me to pick them up?" Key asked heading to the check out. He was having a great time with Keisha.

"Of course. I wanna see my other babies." Keisha smiled at her son.

"You got a baby on the way?" The cashier asked, sometimes Key forgot he was 'famous.'

"Nah." Key kept it short and sweet. He didn't owe the girl at the counter any explanation.

"Look like it to me." The girl popped her gum.

"Ay man. Just ring my shit up." Markeyvius was growing irritated with her.

"Aight." She shrugged her shoulders and put their stuff in a bag. He snatched it from her hands and walked out the store. His mother laughed at him.

"Lil nosey heffa." The two of them walked back to Things Remembered to pick up Lay's gifts.

"Ms. Barbara." Keisha called out looking for the older woman.

A few seconds later they heard shuffling, Key reached for his waistband.

"Sorry about that. I was eating my lunch." The older woman came out of nowhere, but it looked like she had been crying. Key tucked his Glock back in his waist band.

"You okay?" Keisha asked concerned.

"The woman in these pictures. That's Chalynn Jones. Right?" Keisha and Key looked at each other with out saying a word.

"May I ask, why you're asking?" Keisha had never seen the woman before.

"That's my granddaughter. Her and Marlee." The two of them were still confused. "On her daddy Marvin's side."

"Ohhh! Well we can tell her we saw you, if you'd like." Keisha suggested, Marvin was something else. He just up and disappeared one day.

"Will you? Please. Let her know. You're boyfriend?" She asked wiping her face, she had the necklaces packaged up.

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