《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》12. A Major Discovery



Enjoy this filler chapter and the banners I just learned how to make. It's been such a joy rebirthing Chalynn. I can't wait till she touchdown in ATL. Play this song when you get to the scene.


"Soo, how's it been with Dorian?" Sammy asked as she lay flat on her back across the bed.

"It's been going pretty good. We talk a few times a day and he's been FaceTiming me so we'll see. We have a day to link after Christmas too!" Lay sat next to Samaria who already knew all this information.

"Good! He better be the perfect gentleman or I'm going to kick his ass. You better open yourself up, on your time, of course, to receive love, or I'm going to kick your ass." As much as they laughed about it Samaria was serious.

"Ouu! Maybe we can double date."

"Maybe! I'm sure that would be cool. It's not going to be weird if we start dating? Your two besties." Lay snatched a bag of Doritos open and stuck her fingers in the bag.

"Nope. Cause ima to plan your wedding." The knock on the door brought them out of their conversations.

"Yeees?" Lay asked with a mouth full of chips.

"Girl you acting like Erica's ass." Samaria scrunched her nose and got off the bed so she could answer the door.

"Y'all ready for our karaoke night?" Erica asked peering into the room. She noticed most of Sam's belongings were in Lay's room. They had slept together almost every night taking turns in each other's rooms. They had become inseparable.

"Yeah, I guess. We'll see you down there." Samaria smiled, Erica stood there for a second.

"Well, I figured we could all walk down there together." Samaria looked back at Lay who was sitting upright on the bed now.

"Okay, sure." Lay shrugged grabbing her long cardigan.

"Bestie. Your ass has gotten even fatter. Teach me the way." Samaria poked her besties' booty as they walked out of the room.

"I'm excited 'cause I can sing!" Eric's clapped her hands together and stuck out her tongue.

"Oh word?" Sam asked uninterested, she had been happy ever since she and Lay weren't talking to the other girl. She brought unnecessary drama to their lives. Being pregnant and having all that stress was just too much when they both were at high risk. She doubted they could make it through the event without arguing about Erica's smart mouth.


"Here's your phones if you all want them, no live video though. We have snacks, mocktails, ice cream, whatever makes ya'll selves comfortable. Whoever wants to go just go." Jamia sat down after her brief announcement. She and Raq had smoked before the event, to make it 10 times funnier.

Tonya went first, she swore up and down that she could blow down. She didn't do too bad but she would be booed off the X factor.

Malinda demolished Candy Rain, it was more like Acid Rain by the time she finally decided to shut up.

"Aye, now we went take a break from this entertainment because I'm going to piss myself." Raq had to collect herself from how badly everybody had sung. They didn't want to discourage anybody from coming to and participating but they were terrible.

"Chile, they knew they sounded like a fart out of a horse's ass. Why they went up there? I don't know." Sam shook her head giggling as she sipped her fake mojito.


"Then why don't you go, Samaria?" Erica asked irritated, but Sam wasn't doing anything that everybody else wasn't doing.

"Uh. Cause I know I can't sing bitch. I'm waiting for you to go embarrass yourself." She rolled her eyes at Erica. Lay pressed her lips together the way an old white man did when you looked his way.

"Girl. You got one time to call me another bitch." Erica put her finger in Samaria's face. She smacked it away and flicked the girl off.

"Y'all we are here for relaxation and peace. Cut allat mess out." Lay had never been about the drama and she was trying to enjoy her last few nights here.

"Anyways, you picked the song you gone sing, Chunae?" Samaria asked dipping her hot Cheetos into cream cheese.

"Girl if I have to tell you again. I'm not going up there we gone fight." Lay stole one of her friends' chips.

"Bet my sweet ass you are!" Before Samaria could get up, Jamia had already grabbed the mic.

"Alright girlies, we're resuming now." It was clear by the way she stumbled off the stage there was nothing mock about the tails she was drinking.

"My name is Erica, I'm going to sing one wish by Ray J and this is dedicated to my bestie, Chunae." Erica grinned as the instrumental popped up.

Samaria's fist began to clench because Erica was just being petty toward her.

"Sammy. Stop it, my nephew, in there and if your blood pressure is too high you can't go home in two days." Lay grabbed her hand and it slowly released from a fist. Interlocking fingers, Samaria slowly started to relax.

Erica had begun singing if you wanted to call it that. More like a bellowing walrus. She was singing just like Ray J was at that versus competition. None of the girls who had gone could sing.

"I'll go. If you stand in the front row like a crazed fan." Lay compromised, causing Sam to bust out in a fit of laughter.

"You know I'm up there." She laughed getting her camera ready. Finally, Erica came off the stage, and the two of them burst out laughing as Lay grabbed her cardigan so they could go to the stage.

"My name is Chalynn but y'all should know that we been here 3 weeks." The crowd giggled along with her, which helped her loosen up. Coming here, Lay was so shy but now she had broken out of her shell a lot.

"Gone head bestie!" Samaria cheered recording her.

"I'm dedicating this to Sammy because with bout her I don't know where I would be. From two loners to two best friends. I'm going to sing nobody's supposed to be here, by Deborah Cox." The instrumental came on and Lay went to town. Ad libs and all, every high note, she hit that.

Samaria recorded in awe as she sang every note effortlessly. The crowd was moved to tears by her voice, so much that the rest that had their phones started recording as well.


No, no, no, no, no

No, no, no, no, no

No!" Lay hit the high note flawlessly, and the ladies of the retreat stood to their feet and cheered her on as she finished the sing.

The crowd erupted in cheers for her as she put the microphone back into the holder. Unbeknownst to her, Samaria hit share to where her one million followers could see the video of Lay singing.


"Chalynn! We didn't know you could sing that well." Jamia came up to her with wet eyes and chills.

"Me either. That was my first time singing to a crowd." Lay took a sip of her water.

Eventually, they all settled down and turned their phones back in before getting ready to go to bed. Samaria had showered and everything in her room as she waited for Lay to come in there.

Dorian had FaceTimed her off of Jamia's iPad so when she walked in there she was speaking to him.

"You look good ma." Dorian cheesed into the phone, Lay rolled her eyes playfully.

"Thank you. You look good too. What do you eat for dinner?" She asked trying to hide her smile.

"Nah, Nah lemme see that smile. I had some pizza from down the street." He looked to be laying down with his shirt off. He had a bonnet on his head to protect his hair. His chocolate skin looked good against his dark green covers.

"You happy now? I can't have my man eating out. Ima cook for you when I get home." Lay showed her smile to the camera as Samaria looked over and cheesed.

"Real happy. Aw, I'm yo man now?" Without even looking at the camera cause she was hiding again from blushing, she heard the smile in his voice.

"If you are good. Then I'll think about it. Samaria said hi." Lay through her under the bus so she could take the heat off of her. Sam threw a pillow at her.

"I already knew her big head ass was somewhere around. That means y'all finna go to bed huh?" Dorian pouted jokingly.

"Yeah. That means we're closer to seeing each other though and working on our friendship." Lay flirted with Dorian but she always kept her intentions clear. He understood and respected her boundaries, he thought it was cute.

They said their goodbyes, Lay gave the iPad back to Jamia and went back into Samaria's room.

"Samaria, you better not hog all the covers tonight either!" Lay said as she got under the warm white comforter. She noticed Sam facing the other way and she was quietly sniffling, it was dark as hell in the room and right when Lay was about to turn on the light she told her not to.

"What's wrong? You in pain?" She asked her, Samaria stayed silent before facing Lay.

"I'm gonna miss you Lay Lay. Ever since we met, I don't know. You've brought me back to who I normally am. You have saved me from my depression and for that, I can't thank you enough. I don't want to go back to the states and we fall out or something. I've only known you three weeks so far and I love you so much." Samaria cried even harder, from the beginning she never wanted to come here. God, told her she had to though.

"Oh, my Sammy. You not gone lose me ever. Do you hear me? Ever since the first day you have been such a blessing to me. Just look at the day at the carnival and you took me under your wing. Tonight, with your support I sang in front of the whole retreat. We for liferrrrrs!" At that point, the girls were giggling through their tears.

"Can I ask you something? Don't feel inclined to say yes.." Samaria said wiping her face.

"It's probably already yes, but what do you want now?" Lay wiped her face and smiled in the darkness.

"Will you be my son's God mommy?" Lay started crying all over again because not even Jasmine had asked her to be that for her.

"Girl, hell the fuck yes!" She shrieked hugging her, Lay wanted to ask her to do the same but she was going to wait. That was going to be something she had to discuss with Key. She didn't want him picking the God dad without her approval. Even though it was more than likely going to be King. "I'm gonna ask you too. I'm just extra so my God mom's proposal has to be extra."

"I didn't ask you for anything in return! Even if you have somebody else in mind, that's okay Lay!"

"I don't. I and Markyvius haven't even talked about it before!"

"I can't wait to see what you're having! Ugh, I think it's a girl. I'm going to spoil her or him regardless!" She said but then her eyes started to get droopy, signaling she was sleepy.

"Go to bed Sammy!" Lay giggled closing her eyes.

"Say the prayer, heathen!" Samaria poked Lay's nose and she swatted it away. Right after they said the prayer they were fast asleep, mouths wide open and everything.


"Yo, that's your sister?" Faith asked as they sat in her dorm room. They still haven't gone the extra mile but Marlee had been cooped up in her dorm room for a couple of days. Faith was in her panties and a gray letterman sweatshirt with Spelman written across it.

Marlee had on a black wife beater and some boxers. She was sitting with her back up against the wall and Faith in between her legs. Marlee had her arms draped around her neck and positioned her head on top of her arm.

"Yes! I had no idea she could sing like that though." The two watched the video of Lay singing at the retreat. It had passed two million views in one day and multiple big-time celebrities were under the post. Her following had gone from 130k to 500k that quickly.

"Damn man. Y'all up next! I thought you said she was pregnant?" Faith squinted at the video, she couldn't see a visible baby bump yet.

"She is very pregnant but she hasn't announced yet so she wears cardigans and shit to cover up," Marlee explained kissing Faith's neck.

"Mm, girl you better stop. Since you not ready to have sex with me." Faith tried to get out of Marlee's grip but ended up just staying there.

"You're right." Marlee sighed and stopped.

"If you love that girl so much, what are you doing here with me?" Faith asked irritated, she was falling for Marlee but it seemed as though she just wanted to string her along.

"Ion know. When I come back from this trip though, I'm going to have a better answer for you." Marlee wanted to keep it as honest with her as possible.

"I don't feel comfortable with you going on a trip with them." Faith crossed her arms over her chest.

"Maybe we should just take a break until I know for sure. I don't wanna do anything to hurt you on accident." Marlee fiddled with her fingers.

"Good idea. Just get the fuck out Marlee. I'm giving you until after you get back from the trip and after that, you better be over lil miss Ronny!" Faith stated throwing Marlee's belonging at her.

"Aight. Ima go. Gimme a kiss first." Marlee started putting her clothes on so she could get ready to leave.

Faith sat on the bed waiting for her to leave. Marlee walked over to the bed and gripped Faith's cheeks.

"Life too short girl. If you don't want a kiss that's fine but doesn't regret that decision later on in life." She said getting onto Faith level.

"You make this shit so hard." Faith kissed Marlee and then watched her walk out the door.

Marlee could only hope that Ronny was on the same page as her. And if not, she would be heartbroken.



I said I was done w/ Lay but I thought this would be cute. I think I might keep Dorian lol

I switched his character out to Mr. BadA$$

How are we feeling?

And y'all are funny as hell, I think my favorite comment was somebody telling me to be fucking fr. Like I laughed about it and you made it to my Instagram 💛

Y'all think she gone fold when she goes back home?

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