《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》11. A Major Healing 2/2


This is part two. The retreat, spaces that I'll be referencing this whole chapter in the MM. Grab something, and get cozy because this will be a long one. This chapter should be in , I stated that she was 19 and then said 13 weeks. She's 19 weeks and by the end of this, she'll be 21.


"I can't believe we're in the middle of the second week," Samaria spoke as she exhaled in the cat-cow position.

"Me either sis. I don't think I wanna leave next week but it is going to be Christmas." Lay was a lot better with yoga now that they practiced it every day.

"I don't want to leave either. Especially because we have gotten so close. You just gone dip from my life?" Samaria made a sad face as she went into a balancing table pose.

"Girl now you know we went still be talking. Ouu I can come to your baby shower and you can come to mine!" Lay suggested going into the pose as well.

"Oh you know I'm there!" Samaria giggled as she watched Erica struggle to do the pose.

Lay by all means wasn't a mean girl and since they'd been there, nobody had talked to Erica. Wanting to turn over a new leaf, Lay got up and walked over to her.

"It helps if you place your foot like this," Lay instructed shifting the girl's foot to keep a steady balance.

"Thanks." Erica smiled softly at her before turning her head away. Lay went back to her mat by Samaria who was impressed by her act of kindness.

"Okay, Ms. girl. I love it. You're such a kind person."

"I know what it's like not to have anybody."

"Me too." The rest of the yoga session was quiet, neither of the girls was offended but they weren't sure what else to say.


"Girl! Come on we're going to miss the shuttle!" Samaria whined as she knocked on Lay's door. She was currently in her room getting dressed for their free day.

"Sammy. You got one more time to rush me. Being 20 weeks you should know how hard it is to move around." Lay complained as she opened the door, she was visibly pregnant now so most of the shorts and jeans she brought didn't fit. All she wore were dresses.

Walking out of the room, Lay knocked on Erica's as they passed by it. As much as Samaria wanted to be stingy with Lay, she knew that wouldn't fly.

"Yeah?" Erica asked groggily coming to the door rather quickly.

"We're heading into town to go to the markets. You wanna come?" Lay asked pointing towards Samaria.

"You don't have to invite me because you feel sorry for me." Erica crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, well don't come." Lay shrugged before linking arms with Samaria and walking off. She just wanted to extend the olive branch but she wasn't going to kiss any ass. Plus, they had three minutes until the shuttle took off and the next one wouldn't be coming for another thirty.

"Wait. Here I come!" Erica called out grabbing her belongings and running; well jogging after the two girls

"What made you change your mind?" Lay asked looking over at Erica who had finally caught up with them.

"I'm tired of being alone." Erica sighed putting her belongings into her purse.

"Welcome to the winning team boo." Samaria smiled and locked arms with Erica as well as they walked to the elevator.


When they finally made it to the first floor, they were stopped by the two women who were ahead of the camp. Jamia and Raquel were surprised to see that the two besties had added a third to the list.

"What a lovely surprise. I see the two of you are learning about camaraderie. Since you're going out to town we want to give you, your phones back." Jamia held out three iPhones of different colors and sizes.

"We're going to miss the bus!" Lay whined, in all honesty, she didn't want her phone back. She was enjoying her time in Belize without it.

"Nope, I told them to hold off until we spoke with ya'll. Lay here's yours." Jamia tried to hand Lay her phone again but she hesitated.

"Is it okay if I say no? I-I don't think I'm ready to have it back yet." Chalynn spoke honestly declining something that at one point she couldn't go a full day without.

"Never ask if it's okay to decline something that makes you uncomfy! Decline that shit. We respect it." Raquel did an exaggerated motion causing them all to laugh. Chalynn nodded her head understanding what she said. On impulse, she hugged her.

"Thank you Raq and Jamia!" She whispered, Raq rubbed her hand up and down Lay's back in a comforting motion. Raq had noticed all of Lay's growth with just her being here for two weeks already. Jamia joined the hug and then Samaria and Erica.

"Attack of the bellies!" Jamia cracked up at her joke which caused the other ladies to laugh, Jamia's laugh was funnier than the joke itself. A few moments later the bus honked loudly, rushing the girls.

"Stay together. You're accountable for one another and have fun!" Raq called after the girls who had scurried off.


"This is so freaking cute! Lay get one too so our kids can match!" Samaria held up a cute little onesie so that she could see.

"But, that's blue and she doesn't know what she's having yet." Erica looked dumbfounded, and Samaria resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Colors do not have a gender, Erica!" Samaria said as politely as possible but Lay was picking up on the little hints of attitude.

"Very true. Whatever I'm having will be raised as gender neutral as possible." Chalynn agreed to pick up a matching outfit in newborn size.

"Mm. Well, I want my daughter to have a matching fit as well. Just not no lil boy stuff." Erica picked up a pink one of the same onesie and held it in her hand. The three girls did a little bit more shopping here and there and since Lay didn't know the gender she was just picking up all sorts of things. Everything was a bit cheaper there than it was in the US so she was stacking money.

"Toot is too excited about having a son, even though he is supposed to go on tour around the time I'm due." Samaria rubbed her perfectly round stomach as Erica bit her lip nervously.

"Bleu wanted another boy too but, here I am having a daughter." She pouted heading to the checkout with an arm full of clothing items.

"Markeyvius wants a boy. I lowkey want a girl of my own. So I can teach her all the things I wish my mama taught me. I had a miscarriage earlier in my pregnancy though so I'll never know if I would've gotten the best of both worlds." Lay sighed, since being at the retreat and quitting her old life cold turkey she had honestly come to peace with a whole lot of things, including losing her baby.


Crying her heart out to God every night for a week, putting her trust in Him, and leaning into His love has turned her around completely.

"Markeyvius as in .. Key Glock?" Erica's mouth dropped as she put two and two together.

"Damn! His fine ass. Okay, friend! I think he and toot did a basketball game together or something like that!" Samaria beamed, seeing her friend finally open up to her about her baby dad was an aw moment.

"Yes! We are no longer together though. We both have some learning and growing to do so, we are choosing to co-parent." Lay smiled which was new to her, no tears were threatening to fall from her eyes nor did her heart drop when she explained that.

"How could you let that fine-ass man slip through your fingers?" Erica asked in a condescending tone. Samaria watched Chalynn's demeanor which hadn't changed one bit but she was offended.

"Sometimes being fine, having money, cars or clothes isn't enough. I need loyalty, when shit hits the fan I need to know you're going to stay down until we're back again. I want unconditional love, I don't want to have to worry about little shit like why are you coming home so late and you haven't called or texted. I don't want a fine ass nigga that can't nurture me. If you ask me, I slipped through his fingers!" The old Lay would've carried as much attitude as she had an ass but it wasn't needed. She didn't even owe that girl an explanation but she also wasn't going to play her.

"Period best!" Samaria slid her hand under her chin as she paid cash for her items. Lay extended the olive branch to Erica but she was almost beginning to regret it. The whole trip into town she was going back and forth with Samaria.

"Mm, anyways. I'm ready to eat!" Erica spoke after she cashed out, the other two girls agreed and they all went to the nearest food place.

Samaria and Lay exchanged glances as they walked behind Erica.

"I'm proud of you. I wish it was just me that you were opening up to because her response was completely uncalled for." Sam admitted quietly as they came closer to the restaurant.

"It's cool, thank you for always defending me. I never had a friend like that before." Lay held Sam's hand as Erica looked back at them.

"Ew, you bitches gay or sum?" Erica scrunched her nose up at them which completely pissed Lay off but again she held her tongue.

"Yup!" Samaria said planting a kiss on Chalynn's lips quick and soft. Lay could not take Sammy seriously and both of the girls began to giggle. However, Erica was not faking the disgust she had.

By the time they finally got sat and comfortable, Erica had to pee for the fortieth time today. She was slowing them down, with her attitude and bladder.

"Chunae, I see what you trying to do with Erica but she's giving hater vibes. If she doesn't fuck with the LGBTQ community I wonder how she handles Raq?" Sam thought out loud, Lay nodded once again in agreeance.

"I tried, that's all I can do honestly," Lay spoke taking a sip of her carbonated water.

"Wanna hit the pool when we get back?" Sam asked excitedly, she was a water bug, she was even giving birth in the water.

"Sure! Right after a damn nap! My pregnant ass is tired." Lay yawned and then looked at her watch to see the time Erica started coming back to the table so they changed their conversations.

After they ordered their food, Sam cringed every single time Erica took a bite out of something because she kept on smacking and slurping. Lay tried to scratch her head to keep from saying something but her eye was beginning to twitch.

"Excuse me. Can I have a box to go?" Lay flagged their waiter down, she couldn't even enjoy her red beans and rice because of how her company was eating.

"Me too please?" Sam asked grabbing her wallet so they could pay. Once they all paid and boxed up their food, the walk back to the shuttle bus was quiet. Lay didn't even want to talk to Sam because it risked Erica speaking and getting on her nerves.

"Chunae can I sit with you?" Erica asked causing Sam to roll her eyes.

"I'm already sitting here. Plus, that is a nickname that I gave her. Make your own up." Same stated and Erica sat down in the front of the bus and honestly Lay was glad. She tried to be nice to the girl but every which way she was rubbing her the completely wrong way.

Lay admired how beautiful Belize was, with the beach and the beautiful water they had it was so serene. She hadn't had one bad experience with the natives of the island nor with the island itself. Lay drifted into thought about her moving her whole life here. She wondered if she had healed herself or if this was all a lie, but she wouldn't know until she came face to face with the reasons she was here.

"Let's take some flicks." Samaria held up her phone while she and Lay posed.

"Nobody knows I'm pregnant yet so can you please wait to post them?"

"Of course! I haven't announced yet either. I'm waiting until we get back. We're going to do a maternity shoot." Sam spoke happily showing Lay the ideas.

"I wish I could do one!" Lay smiled at the ideas she had on the screen.

"And can! You do not need a man to do a maternity shoot and you can still ask him. Maybe you can find co-parent ones!" Sam suggested nudging her friend's arm.

"He has a new girl now though so I'm not sure how that would go." Lay shrugged and looked out the window again. Life was becoming easier, the air seemed lighter.

"Never know unless you try! Plus maybe who I hook you up with will take the photos with you." Sam scrolled through her phone and watched the corners of Lay's mouth turn up a little bit.

Finally reaching the resort again Lay was too pressed to get off of the bus. She had to pee for one and she was so tired her eyes were drooping.

"Hey, y'all. Phones, please! I'm glad y'all returned in one piece." Raq waved as they handed over their phones.

"Chile, I'm going to bed. I'm too tired." Chalynn did a quick wave before damn near running to the elevator.

"Wait for me!" Samaria spoke high stepping after turning her phone in. They quickly made it to the elevator before Erica did, acting like they didn't see her, Samaria pressed the close button.

"You wrong for that Sammy." Lay chuckled rubbing her eyes.

"Wanna nap together?" Sam shrugged her shoulders.

"Yup grab your shit."


The weekend was finally here which meant the girls had a surprise waiting for them well two. However, the other one was going to be on Sunday for the girls who wanted church service.

"Ladies, you all look so wonderful here thank you for joining," Raquel spoke into the microphone and took a deep breath before continuing. She had a different glow to herself today. "I can't believe we are ending week two and words can't even explain how proud I am of all ya'll."

"We want to give out a few awards but first." Jamia dropped the curtain and there stood the family of the girls. Different shrieks rang out through the room, Lay searched for a familiar face but couldn't find one.

Her smile quickly fell, nobody had shown up for her.

Once everybody was settled back into their chairs, Samaria looked over noticing Lay was sitting by herself, and brought her over with her family and friends.

"Lay this is Toot, my mama, my boy best friend Dorian, and my sister Alyssa. Guys this is my new bestie Chalynn." Samaria proudly showed Lay off to her family. They all waved and said hello but Lay's eyes got stuck on Dorian. He was fine! Dorian smiled his pretty white smile over at Lay who quickly looked away.

"Told ya," Samaria smirked as Jamia tried to calm the crowd down so she could speak.

"Welcome family. We're so happy that you all are here. We're going to get started with the awards we wanted you all to be here for this so you could see how the women in your lives have been doing."

"For the first award, we want to honor a woman who always shows up for class bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. One who has shown a lot of growth and helps other women. Chalynn, come on up." Raquel held the first award in her hand.

"Go bitch go!" Samaria pushed Lay to her feet, and all of a sudden she became so nervous. Everybody clapped for her, even the girls who had hated her in the beginning.

Lay slowly walked up to the front of the room and grabbed the award.

"Thank you!" She hugged the two mentors before she was about to walk away.

"Since you're pregnant, stand right here! The next award is for the cutest best friends! Sammy and Chunae as they call each other have been attached to the hip ever since the second day of the retreat. We have watched them laugh together as well as cry over literal spilled milk. Come on up Samaria." Jamia called out as the crowd cheered again.

Samaria came up next to Chalynn and kissed her cheek for the picture and grabbed her hand so they both could sit down.

As much as she would love to be involved in the activities, she was thinking about how alone she felt. Here it was family day and her family was m.i.a.

Once they were dismissed after awards, everybody was going to head to the beach for a day of fun. The retreat was having a little carnival for the girls without the rides though.

"Hey! Why are you looking so down?" Samaria asked placing a comforting hand on her friend's back.

"Just upset that nobody came but, it's okay. I'll be alright. Enjoy your family." Lay smiled softly.

"Mm, you are my family. So bring ya ass." Samaria crossed her arms and within the two weeks that she knew Samaria she knew her attitude was not to be played with.



The whole day turned out to be fun for Lay. Samaria's family was cool, as well as Toosie and her best friend.

They were now walking along the beach. Samaria had purposefully sped up with the rest of her family and left Dorian alone with Lay. She wasn't too far, still in earshot.

"You real quiet huh?" Dorian joked looking over at Chalynn whose feet were in the wet sand. Her ankles kept getting hit by waves and this is exactly where she felt the most at peace. The sound of happiness from laughter and jokes along with waves crashing matched the sunset perfectly.

"It's been a real long day. I apologize. I don't mean any harm. I'm 20 weeks, fat and tired." Lay giggled looking back over Dorian who made her shy.

"I understand but you're not fat. I think you carry the baby very well. Don't apologize!" He waved her off.

"Look Dorian, I'm almost healed to the point I want to date but, I come with a lot of baggage. Plus, I'm pregnant and my baby dad is active. He has a new girlfriend though and we're not meant to be."

"That doesn't scare me, but I hear you. Well, I live in Atlanta. When you are ready for a man. Holla at me!" Dorian spoke about walking off.

"Wait, Dorian! I'm sorry. I-I wanna do shit right this time. I don't want to just jump into shit, I wanna take this slow. I want to go on dates and get to know each other." She reached out and grabbed his forearm.

"Don't apologize. Be you. Say that shit with your chest. Don't pump fake wimme. If you wanna be friends at first coo. I'm sure Samaria wouldn't have put me on with you if she thought you were too much for me to handle or Vice versa." Dorian draped his arm over Lay's shoulders and she got a whiff of his cologne. A weakness that would forever have her in the knees.

"If you're okay with taking it slow. I'm in, just be patient with me!" She smiled warmly once again, Dorian couldn't help but blush at how pretty she was. As much as he didn't want to deal with baby dad drama, the energy and peace Lay radiated pulled him in closer. If a friend was all she wanted right now. He had that for her.

Samaria looked over her shoulder seeing her two friends laugh and smile together. She nodded her head in confirmation.

A day that single-handedly went from Lay's worst day to one of her best. The whole retreat showed her how to deal with different situations without freaking out.

She was going to be very sad when she had to say goodbye to Belize and say hello to reality. She just hoped she could stay as leveled as she was here.


Alright, bae's how are we feeling?

Dorian 💗

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