《The Golden Girl》29. When she admired


"When I was little, I thought love was red roses and expensive dinners... But now, when I look at you, I realise that love is, just stumbling through life with your best friend."


The days went faster than ever and suddenly, the weekend was on the doorsteps.

"River, come on, wake up, we need to go." Faye shouted as she sat on the couch with Zach.

"That bastard is still sleeping... anyways, when are you both planning to return?" Zach asked, shoving a cinnamon roll inside his mouth that Faye had brought for them.

"Do not know. Whenever he wants to, I guess." She said, nodding to herself.

"Hopefully, after this, everything will go fine..." Zach breathed out, laying on the couch, making her nod silently.

"By the way, I need to ask you something." She said, turning to look at him.


"Do you still like Mads?" She asked, her eyes full of hope.

The question made him look at her with wide eyes and, he gulped, looking away, "Things are never the way we want them Faye." He said, shaking his head.

"What's wrong?" She asked, squeezing his shoulder.

"I do not know Faye. I mean, why will she go out with a shithead like me?"

"Ugh... why do not you give it a chance?" She pushed.

He scoffed, "I do not deserve her. She is an angel and I am the devil."

"Are you serious?" She looked at him with disbelief.

"I really do not want to talk about this right now." He said in a small voice and Faye nodded, somewhere understanding.

"Don't think that I am letting go of this though. We will talk as soon as I will return." She declared, making him run his hand through his face.


"I will be going for surfing with Max and others today, along with that, I am failing Physics, I got myself a tutor, she is going to help me shove this shit inside my head, she is gonna be here tomorrow." Zach said after sometime.

"You got yourself a tutor?" Faye asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yah, Isabella, the same one who is in the council. Ugh, I am gonna get doomed. I asked Mr. Owens to assign you and he said that you are tutoring River and Mads, so, I fucking got caught with that girl..." He groaned, grabbing his hair.

"There, there. She is not that bad, trust me, she is pretty cool. Do not worry too much." Faye patted his back, laughing.

"Whatever... I just need to pass my classes or I will not be graduating this year." And as she was going to say something, Zach's phone rang.

"Yah man, am coming." He hang up and turned towards Faye, "They are here Faye, I need to go, take care of yourself and my brother, yah?" And he gave her a warm hug.

"I will." Zach patted the top of her head before walking away from there.

As soon as he was gone, Faye made her way upstairs to wake River up.

"River, come on, its half past eleven, we need to leave." She banged on the door again and again, getting silence in response.

"River, I swear, I will open the door." She warned, glaring at the wooden surface.

When she did not get anything for the next five minutes, she groaned, "That's it, I am coming." And she pushed open the door, just to welcome the scenario that was somewhere too much for her.

There laid a very naked River who was in nothing but his boxers, his face on the pillow and his back facing her.


Her eyes ran through each and every detail of his back, from his scar to his muscles and her heart skipped. Heat ran to her ears and cheeks as he groaned, turning around, still fast asleep.

And now, she was facing his front, his breathtakingly beautiful face and his biceps that girls died to run their hands through.

She agrees, he is hot, damn hot, so hot that it can make her go wet.

Hell, he had the body of a Greek God.

She did not know for how long she stared, but she did, she surely did, she watched as he stretched his muscles, as he shuffled from side to side, groaning.

She watched his face which looked too innocent and beautiful. She watched as he mumbled something inside his mouth, as he scratched his head and slowly woke up, wiping his eyes furiously, looking adorable as ever.

It took a moment for him to take in the surrounding, but when he did, he grinned sloppily, "Good morning sunshine." His morning voice made her stomach go wild with elephants, it made her gulp and turn around, her clutching the hem of the shirt she was wearing.

"Umm, go get some clothes, we need to go." And breathing heavily, she ran away from there.

As soon as she was downstairs and in the kitchen, she opened her fist that were digging into the palm of her hand.

What the hell just happened?


"I don't think I am ready Faye." River breathed out, shaking his head as he pushed her bag inside the back of the car.

"Hey, it has been a year, you are ready River, trust me, it's gonna be fine." She nodded, burying her face on his chest.

Now that she thinks, he smelled really really really nice.

No, it was not cologne, hell, River never liked wearing cologne.

It was different. He, he smelled like forest, earth, something that Faye instantly started to love.

No, it was not like Kyle's cologne, hell, it was not like anyone's.

It was different.

He smelled like human. He smelled like something real, wild, unusual, tempting.

It was fresh and somewhere, it was like home.

"Yah, I guess, its now or never." He mumbled, laying his chin on the top of her head.

"Ummm..." She snuggled deeper, closing her eyes, making him laugh.

"Sunshine, are you done sniffing me?"

Heat rushed to her cheeks when she heard his voice and she instantly jumped out of his embrace.

"Pft... As if... " She rolled her eyes, trying really really hard to ignore the butterflies in her stomach that she had never felt before.

What was wrong with her?

"Denial is the first stage of acceptance." He sang, a smirk visible on his face.

And instead of saying that she just wants to shower in his delicious and tempting scent, she scoffed, "You smell like, like, garlic."

He shook his head at that, mumbling something inside his mouth.

"I want to get there before sunset, will you care to get your lazy ass in here." She shouted as she walked towards the passenger seat, a very pissed look visible on her face.

"Fine, fine I am coming." And stomping his foot on the ground, he walked inside the car.

"Will everything really turn the way it was?" He turned to look at her as soon as he started the ignition.

She rested her hand on his and gave him a small smile, "I promise."



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