《True Love and Romance》Chapter eighteen


The months of October and November have flown by rather fast. Juliet was now two months pregnant. Her baby bump was starting to show a little bit more. Of was now December 14th, they had a couple weeks until Christmas. Juliet thought it was still too soon to find out the sex of the baby. Her and Ian agreed they waited until after New Year's to find out the sex of their child. It was a cold Monday morning and Ian had to be at work by 8.

"Have fun pulling teeth." Juliet joked. Ian laughed. "Was that necessary?" He joked back. Juliet shook her head. "I'm kidding hun." She said. She made him a cup of tea as he finished getting ready. It was now going on 7:30. Ian kissed Juliet goodbye and exited the cabin. She watched him pull out of the driveway and a tear fell from her eye. She had been feeling very emotional lately.

Sometimes it was overbearing but Juliet knew how to cope with it all. Even though it was snowing, Juliet decided to go for a walk. She put on her magenta parka and snow boots and walked out the door. She was truly amazed at the scenery as soon as she stepped outside. The sky was a light pink and you could see the sunrise through the woods. Juliet walked through the woods and once again, she heard an owl hooting.

A snowy owl landed on a pine tree in front of her. Juliet looked closer at the owl and realized it was the same one her and Ian saw two months ago. "Well hello blue eyes." Juliet chuckled. The owl let her gently stroke its head. "Aren't you a pretty thing." Juliet said quietly. Suddenly she heard more owls hooting. She turned around and saw more snowy owls. One was an adult snowy owl covered in black spots, which meant it was the female, and the other three were babies.


Juliet looked back at the male snowy owl. "My God," she said breathlessly. "That's your family isn't it?" The male owl gave a nid and flew towards his little family. It was such a precious moment seeing the owl family together. Juliet smiled and continued walking. The snow started to fall harder, so she decided to go back to her cozy cabin.

When she got inside Ian was calling her. "Hey babe." She answered. "Hey how's it going?" Ian said with a smile. "Amazing." Juliet said. She had told him about her encounter with the owls. "Oh wow, I'm sorry I missed all of that." Ian said sadly. Juliet shrugged. "It's alright. There's always another day." She sighed. Ian could hear sadness in her voice. "Honey are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah. I just miss you." Juliet replied as she dried her eyes. "Awe. I miss you too babe." Ian said softly. "But I get off if work a little early, so I'll be home around 4." "Okay baby. Love you." Juliet said. They hung up and she just laid there on the couch.

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