《True Love and Romance》Chapter sixteen


Juliet was starting to show a bit of a baby bump, and her breasts were still rather huge. Ian came out of the bathroom and saw Juliet sitting on the couch. "Good morning sleeping beauty." He said. Juliet chuckled and replied, "Well hello there!" She stood up to kiss Ian. He saw her tiny baby bump and smiled. "There's our baby boy...or girl." He said as he kissed her stomach.

"I know, I wish we knew the sex of the baby too." Juliet sighed. "But I think it's too soon." Ian nodded. "I agree. Alright, sweetie. I'm going to head over to my place and start packing." He said. "Okay, hun." Juliet said. They kissed each other and Ian left the cabin. Juliet watched him pull out of the driveway. A tear slipped out of her eye. She was already missing him, that and with her being pregnant, her hormones were kinda crazy.

She sighed and made herself a cup of peppermint tea. She wasn't sure how long Ian would be gone, so she thought of working on her stories. She had been working on a lot of horror stories, due to the fact she loved horror movies. She sipped her tea as she started writing. As she wrote, Ian had called her. She pucked up the phone and said, "Hello?" "Hey babe." Ian said. "How's it going?"

Juliet closed her eyes and sighed and said, "It's going okay I suppose. I'm working on one of my stories." "Oh yeah? What's this one about?" Ian asked. Juliet chuckled and replied, "Oh, it's about a viscious killer clown that terrorizes and kills people." Ian shuddered at the other end of the phone. "Wow, spooky." Hr laughed. "You're such a bad ass, babe." Juliet blushed. "Aw shucks." She said. "Um, babe?" "Yeah?" Ian asked. "I...I miss you already." Juliet said quietly.


"Aw, I miss you too love." Ian said. "Listen, I'll move in what I can today, and I can try to move in everything else this weekend. How does that sound?" Juliet smiled and replied, "Sounds good, baby." "I'll be home around noon." Ian told her. "Okay, hun." They both hung up and she went back to her writing.

Juliet got paid every time she wrote an intense novel, so she was hoping this story would be a huge thriller. After Juliet finished the rest of her story, she read over it to check for any errors and misspellings. Then she published and submitted her story. As much as she loved writing, Juliet knew it can tire her out at times. She put on a jacket and sat out on the porch for a while. She put a hand on her stomach and said to her baby, "Daddy and I can't wait for you to be born." As nervous as she was about the pregnancy, Juliet was also thrilled. She knew Ian will be there for her every step of the way.

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