《True Love and Romance》Chapter nine


Ian and Juliet stayed outside to watch the sunset. The sky was now a bright pink mixed with purple, the sunshine a blood red color. Juliet place a hand over her heart and said, "My God! I've never seen the sun that color before!" "Neither have I, love." Ian said as he stroked Juliet's hair. A gentle breeze had come and gone and it was slowly starting to get dark out. You could hear the owls hooting and you could see the fireflies deep into the woods. The moon was finally out and it was full and a beautiful orange color. Juliet and Ian stared in amazement.

"Hey want to watch a movie?" Juliet asked. "Sure." Ian said. They went inside and Juliet popped in the movie Romeo and Juliet. It was a sad tragic movie, but Juliet loved it anyway, due to the romance. She cuddled up to Ian and I laid there on the couch watching the movie. When it got to the death scenes of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was in tears. She hated seeing them die. Even though that was how Shakespeare wrote the play, Juliet wished that they would have lived happily ever after.

Ian saw that her face was wet, due to the fact that she was crying. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm fine." She sniffed. Ian took her in his arms and she just sobbed. Poor thing. Juliet was a very sensitive and emotional person. It is rather easy for her to cry and react to things. Ian looked into her eyes and wiped her tears away. It did not bother him at all that she was sensitive and emotional. In fact, he adored it.

They went to bed as soon as the movie ended. Juliet had slept peacefully until an intense dream woke her up. She had dreamt that her and Ian had died the same way as Romeo and Juliet did. She woke up with a scream, her heart pounding. Ian felt her wake up and asked if she was okay. Juliet told him about the dream and he instantly took her in his arms comforting her.


He assured her that what happened in the dream would never happen in real life. They went back to sleep, as Ian had work in the morning. They both woke up at 7 the next morning. Ian showered as Juliet prepared his breakfast. She had cooked him a couple eggs and a pancake.

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