《True Love and Romance》Chapter five


They were going to a fancy Italian restaurant on the other side of town. They got there within 20 minutes. Ian opened Juliet's door and they both walked into the restaurant. The whole place seemed to be made of concrete, including the floor. Juliet and Ian sat in a booth in the right hand corner of the restaurant. Juliet looked around, fascinated by the place.

There was a mini waterfall fountain across from where they were sitting and there were lights wrapped around the fountain, in fact there were lights dangling everywhere. Juliet looked at the menu and decided to order lasagna with garlic bread and a glass of lemonade. Ian ordered spaghetti with garlic bread and strawberry wine. "It's really beautiful in here." Juliet said still looking around.

She had noticed a few pictures on the walls of Verona Italy and a couple pictures of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet laughed as soon as she saw the pictures . Ian also saw the pictures and chuckled. He looked at Juliet with warm loving eyes. He took her hand and kissed it as her face turned crimson red. Their dinner finally arrived. Juliet dug into her lasagna and thought it was rather delicious. She had never had lasagna that tasted this amazing. Ian offered Juliet a bite of spaghetti, so she took a bite, and he did too.

They both bit into a single noodle and eventually as they sucked the noodle their lips were pressed together. Juliet and Ian laughed and finished their dinner. Ian paid the check and left a tip and they left the restaurant. "That was amazing. Thank you babe." Juliet said. "You're very welcome sweetie." Ian replied. Juliet smiled and dozed off during the car ride home.

When they got to her cabin, Ian gently woke up Juliet and they both went inside. It was about 9:00 when they went to bed. "I really had a good time tonight." Juliet whispered. "I did too." Ian whispered back. They kissed each other good night and fell asleep.

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