《True Love and Romance》Chapter two


"So were you." Juliet said with a wink. They got dressed and decided to cook supper. Juliet got started with the stuffing while Ian whipped up a batch of deviled eggs. They sat down at the dining room table and ate in silence. Juliet sadly stared at her plate when she finished. Ian could tell that something was wrong. "It's just that I wish you could stay for more than one night." She said. "You know I don't live far away, right? Just 10 minutes away." Ian chuckled. Juliet turned dark pink in the face. "Yeah, I know." She said, feeling stupid. Ian put his dish in the sink and kissed her. "It's alright." He said as he helped her up. "I really don't mind staying a few more nights." Juliet smiled and said, "Good. It would kill me if you left.". "I can tell." Juliet washed the dishes and Ian went outside to look at the sunset. She joined him shortly and tucked her arm under his. The sunset was absolutely stunning. This sky was a dark red orange while the sun itself was gold. "Isn't it beautiful?" Juliet said softly. She closed her eyes and rested her head on Ian's shoulder. "It sure is." He replied as he kissed her head. "Just like you."

They stayed outside for another hour or two just enjoying the beauty of nature. The sky was covered in a blanket of stars and the moon was full. It was so quiet that not only you heard the crickets, but the owls and other critters. Juliet and Ian went inside and sit by the fire and talked for a while. Juliet couldn't ask for anything more other than to be with her beloved boyfriend. "Thank you." She said softly. "For what?" Ian chuckled. "For staying here with me." Juliet replied, her eyes glowing with passion. "Oh of course! Anything for you baby girl!" Ian said warmly. He took her hand and placed it on his heart. "You feel that?" He asked. Juliet chuckled softly and said, "Yes. That is your heartbeat." "Mmhmm. It beats only for you." Ian said as he watched Juliet's eyes sparkle. That was the sweetest thing she had ever heard.


Juliet and Ian woke up to a rather cold morning the next day. It felt like it was below 40 degrees. Juliet looked out the window and was truly amazed by what she saw. It was snowing outside. Yes, snowing. "Um babe?" Juliet said. "What is it honey?" Ian asked. She motioned him to come to the window. Ian looked out the window and his jaw practically dropped. "Sweet Jesus. Is this really happening?" He said quietly. Juliet nodded. "Yes. Very much so." She replied. They thought it was a bit odd having snow in October, but what could they do? Juliet dressed and made her and Ian a cup of cocoa. She was enjoying every minute with him. She didn't want anything else, just to be with him. She served him his cocoa and sat down beside him covering up with a blanket. "You look so cute." Ian chuckled softly as soon as he saw her cuddled up under the blanket. Juliet blushed and said, "Oh stop." Ian smirked and kissed her neck, which apparently tickled Juliet. She laughed and tackled him unto the couch and she paused, staring into his eyes. Ian stared back, smiling as he touched her cheek. Juliet touched his hand and moved it to her heart. Ian just watched as he felt her heartbeat. "I love you Juliet." He whispered. "I love you too." Juliet whispered back. She smirked and slowly slipped off her sweater and Ian suddenly couldn't keep his eyes off of her bra. Juliet then unfastened her bra and Ian immediately removed his shirt and unzipped his jeans. He adored Juliet's body, he could make sweet love to her all day. But he loved her in general, not just her body. She removed everything else and there they were making love on the couch. Juliet close her eyes and bit her lip as she enjoyed every minute of the love making. Her and Ian laid there for a while, exhausted and out of breath

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