《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 41


"How could you?"

This woman is insane! So Aisha sent her to talk to me after hurting me. Worse, she frames me of physically hurting her.

"Looks like the word, 'honesty' doesn't exist in her dictionary huh? How unfortunate." I nonchalantly say, taking a drink of my vodka which is quite opposite of the fuming Aliyah.

How could she hurt me, break me completely then frame me of hurting her?

Has she stooped so low?

But what if it's true?

No it's not! I'm sure I didn't hurt her, maybe her lover did.

"There's a big mark on her ribs, she kept clutching her side and it's obvious that she's in pain. I don't know the cause of your fight but she didn't hurt you intentionally. She loves you, I'm sure of that." Her green eyes with little specks of brown looks into mine. I shift my gaze from hers and loosen my tie. Everything is choking me up, this lie is no exception. She doesn't love me. Hell! She doesn't even care about me. If she did, she wouldn't have lied.

I'm just a tool to help her regain her memory so that she would go skipping to her lover. How stupid was I to fall for her! While I was thinking about starting a family with her, she was out there pouring her feelings for my brother. I thought that last night was special, a magical moment of us. Little did I know it meant nothing to her. Although a little part of me wished she loves me as Aliyah said, that I had given her the chance to convince me that it really wasn't what I thought I saw. Life doesn't work that way however.

"Look Aliyah, I'm already a mess, don't worsen it please. I'm nothing to her and I want to forget her, to move on. It's hard but I'll try. I can't stop her from being with who she wants to be with. If she wants him, I'm out. I just wish she hadn't played me."

"What if it's you she wants?" She asks innocently.

"I beg to differ. Even if she did, I couldn't care less. After this, I had say I don't care about her anymore, she's not my concern any longer.

Her eyes fall to the floor as she takes her bag to leave. "Then you don't deserve her."

I stop her before she closes the front door. "Just promise me one thing, if anything happens to her; you'll call me." She nods and closes the door.

Avoiding her at work is very tough, I didn't stop her from resigning as my PA. It's not like I enjoyed seeing the woman that shattered me but avoiding the tanned beauty is hard especially when your heart backflips at the sight of her. I miss her terribly, everything about her is perfect. Her flaws are so gorgeous they make me wonder if I deserve a beautiful, smart, caring, strong and amazing woman like her. Her smile sent earthquake in my stomach. I didn't feel butterflies at the thought of her, nor a zoo. I felt the goddamn planet. She's so perfect she makes perfection imperfect.


I take a peek at her through my window, it's evident that she's stressed, but she still has a way of rocking the look sheenly. If I wasn't so mad at her, I would have taken her home and fixed her a meal. Hugged her hard and tell her everything's going to be okay. If only she hadn't messed up with my brother, now she's free to be with him, I'm sure she already is. The idea annoyed me furiously. I'm upset at her for doing this to me, to us; our perfect love.

I look back at the file in my hands, I can easily phone Laura to come get it. Strangely, I didn't. I'm not exactly sure if it's the longing to see her again or the sense of my cunning confused emotions but whatever it's, it is making me leave my office towards Laura which is just ahead of Aisha.

Walking towards Laura, my eyes intentionally lock with hers. From the corner of my eyes, it's pretty clear that she's very pale. Dark circles of sleepless nights, swollen face and paper white eyes. My eyes bearing holes into hers as my lips curve into a smirk entirely different from her scowl.

Oddly, I feel happy that she's suffering as much as I'm. After all, she ruined us. However, I'm worried about her health. My pleasure doesn't make me sadistic, I'm not that wicked.

"Get this files typed by the end of the day. Get copies and send them to the Channel Gold Magazine. I want the original file on my table tomorrow morning."

"Yes sir." She replies and takes the file from me.

Aisha's eyes stay on me till I return to my office. Sighing, I take out my phone and text Fareeda who is celebrating her 2nd year wedding anniversary in Italy. I slump back on my chair, close my eyes and take a quick nap.

My peace gets interrupted my a knock. Looking through the camera, I find Jenny leaning on the door, arms crossed. What a bitch! She actually thinks that this would work. As good as the offer, she doesn't have any effect on me. She isn't the brown eyed goddess that I'm unfortunately addicted to. If anything, she's her opposite, so clingy, persistent, slutty and of course, fake. Once upon a time, she used to meet my needs. Now I'm intoxicated by Aisha's smooth caresses. Everything about her has me greatly addicted. Feelings do suck if you're not in control. I ignore Jenny's continuous knocks.

It gets irritating, what's wrong with her? I sharply open the door, glaring at the nuisance standing before me. In the process of rolling my eyes at Jenny's attempt to look sexy, my eyes meets Aisha's as she stands to leave. A wicked thought crosses my mind. Maybe, Jenny being here isn't a bad idea in the end. Ensured that her eyes are still on mine, I wrap my fingers around Jenny's slim waist and pull her closer before capturing her lips in mine.


It takes few seconds to see the sadness in her frown, tears in her eyes and satisfactory smile on my lips. She rushes out with Laura in tears. Her tears are meant to cause joy, sadly, they're tearing me bit by bit again. What was I thinking pulling off a stupid act like that?

I push Jenny away and head back to my office. "That's enough, I don't want to see you here again."

I wait for five minutes, thinking of how messed up things are before packing and leaving the company.

The paparazzi is another thing to face, ever since they noticed our rift, they've been trying to dig out stories. The key to surviving paparazzi is to keep shut and walk away, I mastered that a long time ago. I get into my car and drive off.

If stares could kill, I'm sure I would be ten feet below because Fareeda would definitely crush my ass four feet deeper. "I thought that you were in Italy?" I ask with a brow lifted up in question.

"You're an asshole, you're aware of that right?" She casually says, fists balled and ready to kick my ass.

"So I've heard." I smirk which earns me a hard punch on the face. Before I can recover, I'm gifted with yet another punch again. She grabs me by the collar and yells.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you insane? This woman freaking loves you and you're going to simply let her go? I know her and I know she wouldn't lie of being hurt by you. She's not just a toy to use and discard whenever you like! She has been through a lot because of you, can't you see that whatever she said is because she's in love with you. She's deeply in love with you stupid! She lied, I get it but don't you see it. She did it to protect you!"

"She kissed him for God sake!" I run my fingers through my black messy hair.

The way Fareeda is behaving wants to make me think twice. Who said redheads are the wildest?

"He was the one who kissed her unexpectedly. You just happen to open the door at that time. I know she's innocent. It's up to you to decide if you want to let all those beautiful memories go. It's a shame. Aliyah's right, you don't deserve her." So that's where she heard everything from.

"Everyone deserves a chance for explanation, even criminals are given that offer." Those were her last words before she slams the door sharply.

As much as I want to hate Aisha, it's a difficult task, maybe impossible. My thoughts gets cut by a call, Aliyah.

I bring the phone to my ear and gasp at her next words. "We're at the hospital, Aisha fainted."

Time tolls away rapidly as I sit in my room. It's all my fault, I can't help but agree with Aisha's last words to me.

You killed our baby.

She has every right to be mad at me, if only I had listened to her. If only I hadn't pushed her away, our baby would have lived. How could I not notice the signs? The paleness, dark circles, swollen face. I thought it was because she was suffering as I was. Little did I know that she was carrying a baby in her womb, my baby. She was in pain, stressed and I did nothing but worsen it. My fault overshadowed hers and she definitely hates me.

Three days ago, I watched everyone I ever cared about turn against me. I can't blame them, I truly am a monster. If only I can fix things, show how truly sorry I'm. I'm a fool for not realising this sooner, all along I pictured myself getting hurt every single time. I didn't realise that she was in greater pain than I could ever imagine, sadly I'm the source of that pain. Not something I'm proud of, I regret it all. There's always a time to do the right thing, I guess it's time I do that. I do love her a lot and I'm going to get things right this time.

Picking up my shoes, I leave for the hospital with only one thought; fixing things.

Upon getting to the hospital, I head to the private ward. I did my best to keep the media out of this, I wouldn't want our photos on the front page.

The door creaks as I open it. I stop on my tracks when I see Yousuf. I slowly shut it. It takes seconds to make me realise my mistakes all along. I've been trying to be the one for Aisha, how can I be this blind the entire time? Sure, Aisha is the one for me but I'm not the one for her. She deserves someone better, someone who wouldn't hurt her. Aliyah's right, I don't deserve Aisha. After all, I've always been a burden to her, I've done nothing but hurt her. Perhaps her happily ever after lies with Yousuf not me.

This time I would do the right thing even if it happens to be the death of me. I will try to let her go, in other for her to be happy, I would have to bury my feelings and walk away. I drop the flowers I got earlier at the door and walked away.

"I wish you happiness Aisha."

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