《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 37


Chapter 37:

Omar's POV

"Omar get your big fat head in here!" She scolds making me huff in annoyance. Just then, the strong smell of burnt food hits my nose making my heart sink in fear.

Oh Allah! I'm surely going to meet the Angel of death today. I just have one wish, I don't get stabbed.

With my head bowed, I make it to the kitchen. "I'm sorry." I simply apologize, embarrassingly running my hand through my hair. My soft hair. Her eyes snaps to mine in anger, back to the frying pan then to mine.

"You're sorry?" She says dryly, raising her hands unbelievably. "You just had one job, just one little tiny job. Don't let the food get burnt and you couldn't do that."

"I'm sorry, I was so engrossed in work."

"Like the same way you're going to be engrossed in hunger. I'm making chicken sandwiches for three people. ME. MYSELF. AND. I." She emphasises before storming off to the fridge.

Is this woman seriously planning on starving me? I'm a star, I need food. Slowly walking up to her, I wrap my hands around her waist and place my chin on her head, inhaling her sweet strawberry smell. "You know there's this restaurant not far away, we could dump the sandwich and-"

"Not going to happen." She says angrily.

"Come on babe."

"Don't babe me and I need to get these in the microwave."

"We could do that or get iceream. Chocolate flavour?"

She heaves a sigh and laughs. "I hate you, you owe me a dozen chocolate Ice creams."

"Anything you say Malady." I laugh and kiss her head. A sharp pain on my left ribs makes me groan in pain. It takes not less than a second to realise that Aisha hit me hard with her elbow.

"Woman that freaking hurts!"

She turns around and shrugs, like hitting me was the same as telling Tom he's a cat or saying that I'm famous.

Aisha walks past me, going all the way up to chocolate paradise and I, go all the way down to pain factory. Trust me, it's hurts terribly.


Still in pain, my mind wanders off to the memories of Aisha dragging me to shopping. She had simply asked if I was interested. Yeah right! It's Aisha Malik we're talking about. More like commanded me to drive her to the supermarket. In the past, I would have said no and leave her to get there on her own. But time changed and so did I. We went shopping and ended up buying packs of chocolates which I'm sure is what's keeping her from coming downstairs.

Getting to my feet, I sit back on the smooth couch, my body sinking easily into it. The fluffy white pillows embracing me while I wish of dozing off with my hand encircled round the squared pillow.

My rest is short-lived as Aisha comes downstairs with cookies in her hand, her pink lips stained with chocolate. Wait a second, "isn't that mine?"

Her eyes rakes back and forth before shrugging carelessly. "There's love in sharing, didn't you learn that in school?"

Raising a brow, I mentally curse the person who made that up. "But you didn't share yours."

"Because I didn't want to." She takes a bite of the chocolate filled cookie, her tongue sweeping the lovely sweet taste of chocolate.

In one swift, I twirl her around. Quickly snatching the last cookie from her hand and devouring it in one whole. Her face turns pale and deadpanned, not expecting me to take her last cookie. Let me rephrase that; my last cookie which she decided to share.

"That was the last one." She says unbelievably, faint anger locked deep within those brown eyes of hers. Running her hand through her hair she doesn't lose eye contact with me as her lips turns downwards. Slightly, yet deadly enough to tell me to run for my life.

As if blessed by Usain Bolt, I sprint out of the house towards the pool where I'm sure I'm save. Giving her a smirk, I'm buried in the cold january water, feebly glowing under the pale january sun. Which unfortunately, does nothing to warm my bare torso. My vision gets blurry as I travel to the end of the pool, admiring the sky blue and white tiles that shines beautifully. Dancing gracefully with the water. Swimming back up to take in God's gracious gift, my hair is pulled by my wife who definitely has something against the million dollars hair The Lord blessed me with.


"Come out!" She snaps pulling harder in attempt to get me out. But determined as I'm, I grab her hand and drag her in with me.

"SPLASH!" She sinks to the floor before swimming her way up for air. I let out a chuckle as I keep afloat, my arms extending to push her back in. But she surprisingly dodges in time and once again, grabs a handful of my hair.

"Not the hair, please." I beg which she ignores as she pushes me back, laughing back in return.

"Now my clothes are wet." She fumes and sends me a death glare.

"Now my hair's ruined." I return the glare, obviously mocking her.

Her lips thins into a little smirk as the words escape her lips. "I thought hot guys don't get their hair ruined. Turns out you're not one after all."

"I'm not just a hot guy, I'm THE HOT GUY." I stress out, slightly hurt by her words. How can she not think of me as hot. I mean look at me. I'm the guy that makes every single guy wishes he was stinky rich and ME.

"Prove it." She challenges splashing water on my face, a grin slowly spreading across her pink flushed face.

Taking a deep breath, I press my cold lips against her warm full lips, loving how she tastes of chocolate. Her lips tremble in surprise. Slowly, she parts them apart, giving me a chance to slip my tongue in and deepen the kiss. Her wet shirt brushing my chest, suddenly warming up whatever cold I felt earlier. Her head tilts to the side giving all access to lock our tongues together as they danced to the silent melody of our sweet love. Although she never replied my 'I love you,' I'm sure she feels the connection or chemistry whatsoever between us. Her running her hands in my hair to pull me closer is enough to make me smile against her lips.

"Only the hot guy has that effect on you princess." I breath into her lips.

She pulls away after what seems like years to catch her breath, not once locking eyes with me as she draws back to the edge.

"We're breaking the rules." She says, loud enough to ring bells in my head. As if hearing the loud bells jingling in my head, she turns to face me. "The rules." She mutters, eyes opening wide in surprise.

"I remember the rules. I remember it all."

My heart sinks in fear as my eyes shoot out of its sockets in terror. Scared that she might remember how awful I was. How my past might destroy this fine image of me I had learnt to mold. The shadows of the past that crept on the doorstep of my present and future, threatening to hand me over the devil I loathe. Unfortunately, the devil that had once shared a soul with me. I changed, I'm not the monster that painted the world black. I'm not the being that casted my heart to the dark world. I changed. I shaped my world into one with laughter and she shaped my universe into one full of hope and love. She became the home I had long been running to. As selfish as it may be, I wish she wouldn't remember that part, the part I hurt her the most.

But I guess karma wasn't on my side again as her eyes sprang up, as wide as a reindeer stuck in headlights. Sinking deeper in the world I thought I had locked and thrown away the key, further into the cities of dark emotions I didn't want to venture. Deeper into the beings of sadness that lived in my upside down world of regretful past. Parting her lips, the words flow out...

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