《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 36


Chapter 36:

Her sweet voice was the only spark I needed.

"Take me home."

Three simple words, three simple words Omar. But they weren't just words to me, I felt like she was giving me a chance. A second chance to prove my love for her. Five months ago, if someone had told me that I was in love with her, I would brush it off and say we were part of the past. But now, I want her to be my present, my future. This is my time to patch things up, this time, I'm going to be her hero.

These thoughts play in my head till I get to Aliyah's doorsteps. After a few knocks, she opens the door.

"Assalaam alaykum. Come in." She welcomes me into her beautifully designed living room with a beautiful large maroon and silver rug at the middle. I wish her too. The little vases of different colourful flowers captures my attention but it doesn't last long as the centre of beauty herself walks down the stairs. She bites her lower lip and avoids eye contact with me. This gesture suddenly makes my heart sink in a crushing sadness.

"Hey." I smile, hidding the pain and happiness in me. She still doesn't meet my eyes but stares into space.

"Hi." She replies quietly, continuously biting her lip and clutches her bag tightly. I can easily tell that she is trembling, if only she knew how hot I'm right now.

Well, I'm hot of course. I mentally smirk and try to keep it cool as I pleaded with the beads of sweat on my forehead not to trickle.

"Glad that isn't someone's neck." I joke dashing a smile at her. This time, her eyes meet mine as she gives out a little laugh. "Wouldn't mind yours though."

"You're mean." I pout childishly.

She smirks. "Not the first to say that and definitely not the last."

It was my turn to laugh a little and proceeded to help her with her stuffs. We pack everything and say our goodbyes with Aliyah.

"Take care of her please." She whispers into my ear. I give her a reassuring smile. "Always."

The car ride is a bit silent as I keep glancing at Aisha.

"You can take a photo, it lasts longer." She rolls her eyes.

"I have me already, don't need an extra. I'm hot enough for us."

"And that my friend is as good as a lying shit!" She cracks.

I look at her and shake my head, laughing at her words. "You might have amnesia baby, but you're still a mess."

"A hotter mess than you will ever be."

"Stop the car!" She suddenly screams, scaring the hell out of me. I press on the break hard, luckily our seatbelts saved us from being Superman and Wonderwoman. Totally saving us from flying right into our death.

Immediately the car halts, she gets out and slams the door shut. I follow her lead, not far from us is an ice cream truck. She walks up to the truck and grins like a little kid looking at me. I can't help but smile back at her cute childish grin as we approach the truck. The ice cream man stares at me with surprise. "Oh My God!" A girl squeals poking her head out. "It's Omar Malik! I can't believe it!"


"Hello." I smile warmly at her which sends her screaming, "he said 'hello' to me, this is a fucking dream come true!"

She notices Aisha and screams louder. "Aww, I'm so happy you guys are back! Aisha I'm like your biggest fan, gosh! I love you so much."

"Love you too." She leans further to caress the little girl's cheek. Touching her high ponytail.

"What's your name?"

"Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzy or Liz or Eli. I'm so nervous." She shivers. Aisha lets out a short giggle and says. "You're so cute, no need to be nervous. I'm just an average woman. How about I give you my number, you can ring me anytime huh?"

Her mouth falls in awe before breaking into another squeal. "Really? Oh my gosh, this is the best day ever!" She takes out her phone and they exchange numbers. We take a few pictures together before buying ice cream and heading home.

How funny kids can be!

On our way home, Aisha turns on the radio and sings loudly, laughing as she dances to the beats. This reminds me of the time we weren't married, when she went crazy in attempt to make me angry. I missed her terribly, now she's safe with me and I'm gonna do my best to make her be with me forever. I have to make her trust me and together, we would start a family. The thought of little kids running around the house makes me giddy with excitement.

As she took her ice-cream, I couldn't help but look at her, carefully accessing every perfection in her. Aisha Malik, I like it this way.

Stepping into the mansion didn't feel weird nor uncomfortable, it was anything but that. Although, I can't say I remember being here. It didn't feel different, it makes me feel like I've always been here. This house is home. I might have amnesia but there's something about this place that comforts me. The clinking of my heels echoes, I start walking upstairs. I'm not exactly sure where the bedroom is but something tells me it's this way. I stop and look back, staring at the two white doors. Omar halts behind me. "You want me to show you the door?"

"No, I'll try and guess." Staring at the two similar doors, I look around for some differences that might click in my mind. The knob of the left door is silver with a golden prism in the middle. the other knob is a simple golden knob. it has to be this one. making up my mind, I point to the door on my right and face omar. he nods and smiles as I turn the knob. it opens as I stand awestruck by its beauty.

The room has a lush Persian-style decor. The sides of the furniture is beautifully decorated with gold. Wait is that real gold?


"Yeah?" He looks at me worriedly, his face worn out by checking up on me, yet he looks handsome as ever. Although he has bags under his eyes, his hazel brown eyes glowed with affection. I don't know what happened in the past few months but I'm sure something huge happened that made Omar change.


"Is that real gold? I ask awkwardly, what? I'm curious guys!

He looks at the furniture then back at me. "Yeah, I hope it isn't too much. I wanted to surprise you."

"Are you kidding me? This is so beautiful, I love it. Thanks so much." I give him a light hug. His eyes suddenly glee in surprise and happiness.

"Um.. I'm going to take my things to the next room. Err....glad you like it." He starts opening drawers and pulling out clothes. I sit still on the bed, carefully watching him and taking in every beautiful features of this perfect creation. Okay, maybe not so perfect. But he was there all along, still is. His eyes shift to mine and his brows twitch in confusion.

"Um...call me if you need anything."

"Wait." I say almost in a whisper and stand from the bed. He walks up to me and if by magic, my legs move on its own, towards him. He stops just inches away from me, my eyes melting in his. His cold fingers brush my cheek, finding its way down to my chin. My stomach betrays me by fluttering, my legs worsen matters by turning to jelly. Bringing my face up to meet his, I unconsciously shift my gaze from his eyes to his lips, swallowing the nonexistent saliva. Those moist soft lips looks tempting enough to put Sleeping Beauty in a cursed deep sleep not even Maleficent can break.

His eyes does the same as he brings his face closer. Slowly, my lips brush his before the ringing of my phone breaks us apart.

He scratches the back of his head and smiles awkwardly. "See you later." He takes his bags out and shuts the door. I groan in annoyance and pick my phone from my bag, looking at the caller ID, I fall back on the bed.

"Assalaam alaykum, how're you?" He greets, I could hint the worry in his voice.

"Wa alaykum assalaam. I'm great, you?" I reply, rolling to the edge of the bed.

"Aliyah told me about your stay at Omar's. Did he do anything you? Cos if he did, you wouldn't stay a minute there!"

"Chill, he's your brother. He wouldn't hurt me, I'm sure. He has changed. He's definitely not the same cocky, rude and proud jerk he was, trust me."

"I don't trust him. I just hope he wouldn't try to keep us apart. You know I love you right? You still do?"

That was the question I was avoiding and ignoring ever since I left the hospital. It became the hardest question to answer. Sure, I like him and I was ready to marry him. But now I'm not so sure that's what I want and I'm married to Omar.

"Yeah, I'll call you later, I have to pray now. Bye." I disconnect the call, not giving him a chance to talk. I didn't lie, I really have to pray.

I perform ablution and spread my mat to pray. After praying, I find my way downstairs to where Omar is, sitting on the couch and tapping his phone.

"You have prayed right?"

I simply nod and sit next to him. "You want to watch Maleficent 2?" He asks. "Yeah."

I sit next to him and smile. He smiles back before getting up. I'll make popcorn, anything else you want?"


He nods and goes to the kitchen I assume.

Omar is my husband right?

He loves me right?

Do I?


I don't know, but if I want to make this work, if I want to regain my memory then I have to give it all I can. My eyes wonder round the huge living room before finally resting on the heater. I switch it off and go upstairs hurriedly to take a blanket. Running back, I switch off the lights and wrap the blanket around me.

With a bowl of popcorn and cans of coke, I walk into the living room. The room is dim with only the lights of the TV glowing right as her face. Her face turns to my direction.

"Come." Her gaze shifts to the couch with blanket. Wait, I'm not imagining this right?

I can't help but grin back at Aisha as I sit and cover myself with the blanket.

I keep swallowing nonexistent saliva as I glance at Aisha, my hand aching for hers. But I don't want to scare her, she just decided to live with me again. I don't want to seem so possessive but I really needed and wanted her touch. Summoning up courage, I take hers in mine. My thumb making circles on her soft little palm. She inches closer, her head on my collarbone. My other hand travels to her hair, feeling her black silky soft hair. Everything about her is so soft, making feel like I would sink in her forever softness.

My hand goes down to her waist, caressing it gently.

"Omar..." She murmurs making me stop. I'm such a fool, one touch and I'm here melting.

"I'm sorry." I reply and shift a bit further away. Her warm hand lands on my cheek, making my gaze shift to her. Sinking once more in her beauty.

My eyes lowers to her lips and back to her eyes. She gets the hint and presses her lips against mine.

"I love you." I whisper against her lips as everything fades except her sweetness.

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