《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 33


Chapter 34:

"There you're naughty boy."

These words were ringing in my ears, making my head pound rapidly and damn hard. A familiar blonde hair flashes through the screen with a stupid smirk on her face. Her green eyes gleaming with happiness.

My eyes return to the surprised Omar staring back at me. "Please, I can explain." He says in almost a whisper.

"Rule two. Omar why? You went there to be away from me. Why? To be with her, I can't believe you. I'm sorry for interrupting." I quickly disconnect the call to prevent myself from breaking down in front of him. I can't cry because if him, I'm stronger than this.

It doesn't take long for the tears to cascade down my cheeks, staining my gray bedsheets. Why does he keep doing this to me? Why can't I forget about him?

My phone rings twice but I don't pick when I see the Caller ID. A knock on my door cuts me from my thoughts and I wipe my tears.

"Come in." I say, trying my best to hide my cracked voice.

Faisal enters holding a cup of hot chocolate and plate of homemade fries. The sweet smell lights up my face instantly. He sits on the bed and hands me the tray.

"Thanks." I mutter and take a big gulp of the hot chocolate and smile.

"So he messed up, forget about the jerk. Today is no jerk day!"

How did he know what happened?

He looks at me and grins like a five year old. "Sorry I had to eavesdrop. They're all waiting downstairs, come on let's have fun and forget about him." I give him an assuring smile and hastily drink the hot chocolate as it burnt my tongue. The images keep making its way into my head. The thoughts of them together scalded my heart. I'm not going to cry again, but I knew that I was crying in my heart and the tears hurt awfully.

Faisal keeps the mug aside and faces me squarely, his face drops to a frown as he assesses me. "You need to stop loving that jerk. You have to teach him a lesson for breaking a rule and your heart."

"How did you know about the rules?"

His eyes widens as if he realised he said something he wasn't to.

"Oops! You didn't hear that." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly.


"I kind of heard Aliyah and that Loverboy Adam talking. He said something about the jerk calling him. Sorry about that."

Wait, Adam was the person Omar called! So he knew about his departure. Hold on! Did Faisal call Adam, Loverboy?

"I thought you were Loverboy?"

"Nah, I'm heartbroken boy."

"You still love her, don't you?"

"I do, a lot but I'm happy that she's happy. Even if it's not with me." He smiles sadly and I try to change the topic. "Let's go."

He nods and we go downstairs where Karen and Yousuf are so engrossed in their conversation.

How was the video call?"

"Oh yeah, wonderful." I smile at Aliyah. She stops smiling and stares at me. "He messed up with a girl again?"

Before I could talk again, she grinned. "I eavesdropped."

"What's with this group and eavesdropping?" I groaned.

"The Eavesdroppers Club!" She exclaimed. "Last time I checked, you eavesdropped on Omar who was on a call with Adam."

"It was to satisfy my curiosity." I defend.


"So was I. Anyway, today is all about having fun. Let's show him that we don't need him to have fun. Now let me see that breathtaking smile."

I give her my best smile, but she snorts a laugh. "I said smile, not act like a pig on a reality show!"

I roll my eyes and join the rest. I have to take him off my mind, even if it's hard.

"Ma'am, this is for you." Mahmud, one of the guards hands me an envelop.

I opened it and read what was written on the paper. My eyes widens in surprise. Omar donated three hundred thousand dollars to charity.

I never knew he had a big heart.

Adam looks at the paper and smiles. "He does this every month."

I find myself smiling at the thought of it. He isn't that bad after all.

"Leave!" I roar at Jenny who was sipping her red wine. Her head snaps at my direction as confusion clouded her face. "Are you serious?" She drops the glass on the counter and walks up to me. Her hands travel to my bare chest as she finds her way to my lips. "Come on naughty boy, show me how naughty you're." She teases and inches closer, but I turn my head in time to evade her kiss.

She stands to her feet and hisses. "Whatever." She rolls her eyes and slams the door shut. In frustration, I grab her glass and drink it down before taking tequila. I needed something to drown my sadness in.

I had called Jenny in satisfy me in order take my mind off Aisha but it didn't work. They weren't in anyway the same. I longed for her sweet strawberry smell and the touch of her beautiful tanned skin. I longed for her. I wanted her badly but I couldn't do it. Her call had lit up my world and also shattered it because Jenny was still in the room. Now I had messed up again. The thoughts of her and my brother ached my heart, I felt like I was betrayed. But, the only betrayal was calling Jenny. I'm sure she hates me.

I need to see her again, I can't bear it anymore. This time I'll tell her the truth. Even if it meant breaking the rules. Rules are meant to be broken right?

I have a shower and change into casual white tee and jeans. Immediately I step out, the morning air hits me.

The sugar white sand and striking blue water makes the beach look dead gorgeous. With a sigh, I call Simon to take me to where my private jet is parked. I have to find her, I must.

A hand travels swiftly to waist, encircling it and pulling me against her body. "Baby, don't go." She whispers seductively, pushing her body against my back. This act was supposed to turn me on but, it made me irritated. I harshly push her away as my car arrives.

She walks after me, groaning in annoyance. "What am I expected to do?" She whines and pouts.

"Relax and enjoy." I smirk before shutting the door.

The flight back was so long and I couldn't wait to see her.

Opening the door, the dead silence sends shivers down my spine. "Aisha!" I go upstairs but I don't find her there.

"Mahmud!" I call.

"Yes Sir?" He stands before me.

"Where's she?"

"They went camping, but I have no idea when they will be back."


Oh yes! She said something about going camping with her friends. I call her phone but she doesn't pick. I dial Yousuf's number and he picks up.

"Hey bro, you're missing a lot of fun here."

"Is she with you?" I ignore his comment, the thought of her being with him made the hairs on my back stand. Why does she have to be with him?

I hear him let out a huff and replies. "Yeah, you want me to give her?"

"Stick it in the hole already, how hard can that be? Just stick it in!"

"I told you it's too small, widen it." Yousuf groans tiredly.

"What the heck is going on?" I roar in frustration. "We're setting up the tent, but the stick won't fit. The hole is way too small." He explains.

"I don't want to talk to him ever! I don't want him in my life!" She


"I'm sorry man. I have to go now, it's drizzling."

"Take care of her please."

"I'll, bye."

I hated the idea of Yousuf taking care of her but I ruined everything already. All I have to do is give her space and wait for her arrival. It's gonna be long and lonely, but I don't really have a choice.

"You do know that we're going camping right?"

Aliyah crooks her eyebrows in question. "Yeah?"

I shake my head and pick up a plastic bag. "It's a one day camping not a month in Sugar Rush."

"Just a few bags of sweets won't hurt." She rolls her eyes. By a few bags, she meant six plastic bags full of candy and two bags of chocolate. Cans of coke, Shawarma, Lays chips and so on.

"We're expected to find and make our foods not buy foods. Right guys?"

They don't reply which means they're in this together with her.

Spineless idiots!

Satisfied with the result, she smiles. "First of all, I'm not Tarzan. Secondly, we didn't buy the food. We simply found it at a supermarket, gave out charity and in exchange, they gave us the food. Right guys?"

The nod approvingly. Either they're terrified of her or they actually thought of the same thing. Only Karen stayed shut, eyes fixed on her book.

Yep! We all fitted into a car, I'm pretty sure it's illegal but who cares, if we get arrested, I'll faint.

Seatbelts were another depressing acts none of us wanted to be in, we decided to ditch it.

All for one, one for all.

My mind unconsciously finds its way to Omar. What's he doing right now? Still with that slut? Of course he's. She has the body every man craves to touch and every woman prays to have. She wasn't pretty, she's dead gorgeous. Like she had been taken out from a book. Beautiful blonde hair with bright sparkling green eyes and beautiful smile. If she wasn't so evil, I would have made her my model. Such slender figure is needed.

I didn't see his fault, she's hot. Though I felt like killing her.

I unwrap a chocolate bar and munch on it. Good thing I won't see him for a while.

A smile breaks on my face when Aisha walks through the front door with the others. "Hey." I smile sadly at her.

Adam looks back and forth between us then signals Aliyah and the rest. "We should go now, call us if you need anything." He taps Yousuf and immediately they got it, they quietly retreated.

"I'm sorry." I apologize but she doesn't reply, instead her hands are balled into a fist.

"I hate you." She mutters. "I hate you!"

"I know you do and honestly, I have no reason to justify my actions. I broke a rule." I step closer to her.

"It's just a rule huh? Everything is about the rules. How about my feelings? Did you stop and think about my feelings for you?"

What feelings? Is she saying she has feelings for me?

"What feelings?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I care about you, you know that. Yet, you keep hurting me. I can't do this anymore. I need space."

"Please we can talk about this, sit please." I walk up to her. She shakes her head and steps backwards. Tears falling down her cheeks. It's breaking me apart, she's breaking me apart.

"No, no, no, no..."

In a swift, she hits me where the sun doesn't shine and runs out the house.

Gosh! She hits so freaking hard! I fall to the floor, wincing in pain. I watch her run off and before I could get up, I manage to shout at the guards to stop her but of course they couldn't. They can't touch her, but I can. Getting to my feet, I run after her and as I got to the streets, she had gotten into a taxi. I quickly go back and speed out in mine.

She pokes her head out of the taxi and frowns before getting back in.

I manage to overtake some cars in order to close the gap. However, a car is still in between us.

It happened too fast, a blue SUV speeds out from an alley. The taxi driver, unable to see it fast doesn't stop and the car smashes right into it. The bumper of the SUV hits the side of the taxi. The colliding impact frightens me. The bumper of the car behind the taxi clashes the boot of the taxi. The glasses of all three cars could be heard as the pieces fall on the tarred road. I step on the break in time to avoid further damage.

A huge crowd gathers but no one approaches the totally wrecked cars. What's wrong with them?

"Help them!" I scream. Some of them come forward to pull out the victims and someone calls an ambulance. While others kept their distances, inspecting the accident from afar.

Pictures of Aisha flashes through my mind as I run into the crowd to get to her.

I stop on my tracks as my energy drains. The door gives a creak as I manage to open it.

Her head rests on the driver's headrest. Her light pink hijab is soaked in blood as her head bled.

I reach for the seatbelt, but stop in horror as the metallic part pierced through her skin deeply at the side of her stomach. The diver is taken out of the car. We cut the rope and pull the metal out, I take off my shirt press on the area to stop the bleeding. She doesn't wince or respond to the pain.

I lay her on the ground and place my hand on her wrist to check her pulse.

At that moment, a flood of sadness washes over me. The pain that electrifies throughout my whole body is much more worse than being stabbed by a million daggers. The ache in my heart extends to the my nails and I couldn't believe it.

"No not you too." I whisper as the salty liquid touches my tongue.

She layed limp.



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