《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 31



The lean figure on the doorsteps scratches the back of his head. His gray eyes looking down. "Yeah."

I feel a like my head is stuff in a horse's ass. A lot has happened this week. Omar kissed me, he denied loving me, then there's Aliyah and Faisal. My stupid feelings and now Yousuf.

Anger overwhelms me and my hand find its way to his face. Not satisfied, I slap him again and again.

"I deserved that." He chuckled. How dare he laugh. I slap him again.

"How dare you come to me like nothing happened! Firstly, you left on our wedding day. Secondly, you didn't even try to contact me or something else. No one knew where you were. Thirdly, after three months, you come here and act like you never left. Fourthly, you dared chuckled. Is this some sort of game to you?"

His gray eyes lowers to the floor. "I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Who's at the door?" Omar walks to me, his eyes open widely at the man.

"Hey brother." Yousuf smiles sadly at Omar whom in return punches him.

"You son of a b*tch!" Omar curses and throws Yousuf another punch. Yousuf staggers backwards but regains his balance. Omar is about to punch him again when I stand between them. "Stop!" I put a hand on Omar's chest, he looks at me, then back at Yousuf with disgust.

"You punch good brother. Still short tempered as always." He smirks. Without thinking, I give him a hard slap on his right cheek. He stares at me with shock.

"Why?" I whisper holding in the tears of anger.

He looks at the floor with guilt.

"I just...I just couldn't do it. I was ready to marry you but I just couldn't on that day. Something told me you and I weren't meant to be. You guys still love each other. From what I can see, it was a good thing I left."

Is he kidding me?

"You decided to leave me in the hands of this pile of shit! You think it was a good thing? No hard feelings." I look at Omar who shakes his head.

"I'm with you on this one. You left me with this sac of fat! No hard feelings right."

I frown on what he called me but that's not the case now. "Now is not the time, I can kill you later."

He gives me a short glare which I return with an eye roll.

"Look Aisha, I messed up, I know that. I shouldn't have left without a word, you didn't deserve to be embarrassed and hurt. I'm so sorry for everything. I don't know what got into me, I couldn't go through with the wedding and I sincerely apologize for it. I would be honoured and happy if you forgive me." His dark gray eyes shows how deeply and honestly sorry he is. I'm mad at him for leaving but I understand that we all make mistakes in life and we need to forgive. To err is human, to forgive is divine.

As Aisha Ahmad Malik, the wife of Omar Malik for the next four months, I have the heart to forgive the man I was going to be married to. But with my inner lips curling into a smirk, nah I'm not going to.

We all have that mini devil in us that tells us to play a game and right now it's whispering some negative words.


And I'm following that mini devil right now.

"This doesn't mean we're cool." I snap and shut the door. I look at Omar who's still fuming, obviously furious that his brother just mysteriously showed up at our front door. I ignore Yousuf's continuous knocks and go to my room.

I was a bit mad for what Yousuf did but I'm glad he's back, honestly I'm. Seeing him didn't spark up any feeling. It felt like seeing an old friend that magically vanished.

When I get there, I hear the front door opens and shuts. I could hear the punches from upstairs but decide not to intervene, it's their fight. The fight was expected, though ended too soon. After what seems like ages, I find my way downstairs and there they sat on the same sofa watching Itachi versus Sasuke. Yousuf is so glued to the fight as he places an ice pack on his cheek. I could sense his discomfort, must have gotten rough in here. Omar, however, didn't hide the fact that he doesn't like the position.

"You want some?" Yousuf holds a bucket of good old chicken. I feel my mouth watering but kept cool. Omar frowns but still picks a piece and mutters a thanks. Yousuf just nods and returns to watching the show.

"Quit acting like pregnant women and make up."

"I had be a charming pregnant woman though." Omar says like the type of creature he's. Honestly, I have no name for these types.

They look at each other and that's when they showed their true colors of being morons. Each picks a pillow and stuff it in their shirts.

"OMG! I feel so heavy." Omar acts while groaning in pains. I'm not shocked because I've seen worse, like buying a pregnancy kit. He conquered yet another slut and he suspected that he was pregnant due to his hot body and nausea. Turned out that some kind of evil witch was draining his awesomeness.

His words not mine.

Yousuf joins in and before he gets the chance to act like a moron, I hit him with a pillow. He falls on the floor and winces. Omar rushes to his side and cries dramatically.

I roll my eyes as he starts screaming bloody murders. "You assaulted a pregnant woman! How could you?" He gasps and holds Yousuf hands. Yousuf coughs and touches his belly. "Mummy loves you baby. I think she's coming." He yelps.

I gently sit on the sofa with the bucket of chicken and watch Yousuf give birth. These two are taking things way too far and so was I with the chicken.

I look into the bucket and see a piece left. I reach for it and before I could bring it to my mouth, Yousuf snatches it. How did he do that? He was just lying about ten feet away from me.

Omar and I share a look, surprised by his action and definitely thinking the same thing. Well, that was before he said something stupid.

"You just gave birth, you shouldn't be eating chicken." I mentally face palm myself and shake my head. I was thinking about Yousuf being a ninja, that's more reasonable.

"A woman's gotta eat." Yousuf purses his lips dramatically. We all laugh and returns to watching TV. Omar goes upstairs, leaving Yousuf and I.

Immediately he's out of sight, Yousuf faces me. "You guys make a beautiful couple."

I glare at him. "Only because you walked out on us." I can clearly see the guilt in his eyes as he shakes his head.


"I always knew you would find happiness with him not me. I predicted you guys would be together. You're the only woman who can condone his arrogance, cockiness and all that. You're the only one that can help him by not submitting to him. You probably still hate me, I'm sorry. I just need you to help me please, always be with him and help him. Honestly, it kind of sucks that I didn't end up with you." The love he has for his brother is so evident. Did he leave because he thought I should be with Omar?

"Looks like I'm late right?" He sighs.

"Yep, three months late." I had the urge to tell him about the deal, but choose not to. I can't give him the opportunity to toy with my feelings

The funny part is how I don't feel sad at all. I always imagined breaking down in front of him, but surprisingly, I was just happy to see him. I'm a bit mad at him but I don't love him anymore.

Totally different from my imaginations. I expected some dramatic acts with me crying and going all Shakespeare. Then he apologizes, I don't accept and chase him around with a knife. And Omar delivers the final blow. End of the show.

My phone beeps and I check my Instagram. I read the message from my friend; Maryam. Maryam is this girl I met on Instagram that goes by the name lucid_writer. I enjoy reading her poems, just a hi from her and we just clicked. We Also have a lot in common like foodies and anime. I plan to visit her in Nigeria someday. Insha Allah, I would meet her.

I reply her joke. I post one of her poems and tag her. I get interrupted by the giant staring at me.

"Geez, what is it?" I drop my phone.

"So are you free? let's go watch a movie."

"Yeah, give me a sec." I go upstairs to meet Omar. "You coming to the cinema?" I ask immediately as I get to the room.

He just shakes his head without looking at me. "You can go."

"Okay, so I'm going with Yousuf, bye."

In a swift, he stands in front of me. "No!"

"Why?" I ask, shocked by his sudden reply.

He looks around as if trying to find a reason. "Err...because we aren't done with our conversation."

I raise an eyebrow at him. He's joking right? "You said you didn't want to talk about it."

He furrows his brows. "Now I do."

"Well, I don't want to." He doesn't get to pick the time to talk about things. I walk downstairs to Yousuf who's talking to Aliyah.

"Oh hey, I came to drop this. My room is filled with these." She points to boxes on the floor. I open it and grin in awe at my old comic books.

"You still have these, I miss highschool." I whine.

Aliyah laughs and picks a book. "Adventures of Pickleman. I miss Mr Pickles. Remember that time we got detention for laughing at him."

"You called him Mr Pickles, you kept saying they look alike. You even showed him the book. We snuck out during detention and returned a couple of minutes before it ended."

We both laugh at the memory till the sides of my belly starts to hurt.

"You two were quite wild I guess?"

"Yeah we were." Aliyah says as the laughter dies down. My eyes meet Omar's hazel brown ones, my stomach knots as he stares at me. I couldn't help but stare back. He walks to me without breaking eye contact. He diverts his attention to Aliyah. After greetings, he asks Aliyah if she would love to come with us.

"I thought you didn't want to come with us."

He faces me with a serious expression. "Now I do."

"I'm sorry guys but I have a lot of things to go. Another time, bye." She waves and leaves. He interlocks his hands with mine, making me to look at him. He doesn't look at me but walks to his car. I don't say a thing but follow suit.

I remove mine from his and sit at the back seat while Yousuf takes the front. I couldn't help but think that the only reason he came along was because he didn't want Yousuf and I to be with each other. Like he was jealous. This thought confused me, yet satisfied me in a strange way.

The drive wasn't long and as we got our tickets, we got in. Unfortunately I sit next to Yousuf and a lady sits between Omar and I. I didn't want to get a VIP treatment but to seat like normal people, that's the real joy.

I notice his discomfort but I ignore him. The Nun shows and I smile at the movie, I love scary movies.

"You aren't scared?" Yousuf whispers in my ears as the movie starts. "Nope." I eat my popcorn.

"I wet my pants when I was in college when I was watching The Hills Have Eyes. Still the scariest movie I've ever watched."

I laugh quietly so we don't get kicked out. "Scared chicken."

"Eragon caused me sleepless nights." He chuckled and I laughed again. "Dude that isn't a scary movie. How comes?"

He shrugs and munches on my popcorn. "Dragons give me the creeps."


"Says the lady that eats pizza and chocolate."

I giggle, "Isn't that a normal thing to do?"

"When you live in weird county." He laughs. My eyes shifts to Omar who is glaring at us. Immediately our eyes meet, he looks away. The lady sitting next to him keeps trying to get his attention by intentionally dropping her hands on his as she gasps. What a bitch!

I glare at her as anger overtakes me. "What the hell does she think she's doing?"

I ignore her and continue watching the movie which is very hard because all I want to do is punch her hard then ship her to the hospital.

The movie ends and we drop Yousuf home. When we get home, Omar slams the door shut as he keeps fuming. I make dinner and serve him. "I'm not hungry." He grits his teeth. He leaves for the room and I follow him. Something is wrong with him.

He takes off his shirt as I walk in, leaving him with only his pants.

"Is something wrong?"

I ask.

He looks at me in anger. "No!" He snaps. "I'm not staying in this room tonight." He attempts to walk past me but I stop him with my hands.

"Tell me, did I do something wrong?"

He huffs with disbelief. "Funny, you're asking me that."

I scrunch my eyebrows. "What are you talking about? I don't recall saying or doing anything to make you this mad at me."

He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Sitting with Yousuf isn't anything huh? What about giggling and sharing snacks like some teenage lovers. What do you think people would say when they see my wife sitting with her ex fiance that's my brother?"

"Oh my God! That's what making you act this way. He invited me, it's only nice I sit with him. Last time I checked, you said you weren't coming. We were just talking and laughing at some funny stuffs. He ate out of my bowl, what's wrong with that? What about you and that lady using styles to touch you, don't tell me you didnt notice that? You talk of media!"

I push him away and storm off. His hand encircles my waist and I wriggle in his hold.

"Let go of me!" I scream and stomp on his foot. He looses his grip and I walk away from him.

He stops me again, spins me and pulls me to his body. I gasp as my heads hits his hard chest. My anger suddenly dies down and I inhale his sweet natural smell. My body unconsciously shuts down as he encircles my tense body. He leans and presses his chin on my head.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

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