《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 29


when we returned from our walk, Laura goes deep into the crowd in search of her boyfriend, leaving Aliyah and I. Not long after, Aliyah leaves to meet Adam.

"Now I'm alone!" I sigh and mix with the people too. I have to find Omar. I sight the black haired cocky guy sitting and smiling. Crooking my head to the side, I see a stunning woman with beautiful emerald green eyes and captivating sweet smile. Her black headscarf wrapped perfectly. Matching her over-sized black jacket and black pants. Her make-up was light and brought our her natural beauty and glow. I admire how she laughed and smiled.

She looks like those models I often see in fashion magazines and fashion runways that very popular celebs go. My heart drops at that moment when she looks at him flirtatiously. How dare she flirt with him? Doesn't she know that he's taken? I'm his wife!

Wait, why am I this way?

I take a closer look and realize she wasn't flirting with him. I was just assuming things. And yeah, a bit paranoid.

I cover up my frown with a smile and approach them. "Assalam alaykum." I wish her. She smiles sweetly at me and wishes me back. Omar stares at me, trying to figure out what I'm up to. I'm not up to anything, I just don't like the way they were talking, seating, looking and all. I'm not jealous. Why would I be?

"Aisha, this is Fareeda; my cousin. Fareeda, this is my lovely wife; Aisha." He introduces. She brings her hand forward for a handshake which I return. "Nice to meet you, he has told me a lot about you. He's proud of you. You're so beautiful Masha Allah. Now I can see why he married you. It's so good to finally see you in person. I'm sorry I missed your wedding, I was on a very important business deal."

"It's so good to see you. No worries, as along as you promise to join us tomorrow for dinner."

"That's so nice of you, you will see me. Insha Allah" She smiles.

"ladies, see you later." He announces and takes off into the crowd.

"I know about the deal."

My eyes snap to her with a hundred thoughts racing in my mind.


Did Omar tell her?

Of course he did, they're cousins. But why?"

Wait, when?

Why did he break a rule he made and wrote himself?

What's with him and breaking rules?

"It's fake."

"What's fake?" Fareeda asks.

"The marriage and everything thing."


I couldn't just keep it to myself anymore. I needed to air it out and the only person I could trust a hundred percent is Fareeda. I grew up with her and she is like the elder sister I never had. Can be tough and stubborn but she's caring and loving.

I can't just stop thinking about Aisha. Pictures of her in that gown keeps intruding my thoughts. It's like a very harmful virus that has no cure. I want to caress her soft skin and hold her in my arms. Touch her smooth cute face, brush my fingers through her black silky hair and most of all, kiss that full pink lips of hers. I just want her badly, want to be around her. Even though we fight a lot, I loved it. It's confusing, the feelings and emotions. I don't like it but I still feel it.

"You love her." She states after I tell her everything.

Love? No! That's too much. "I don't."


"Bro, you do. If you don't love her, why then are you planning a big birthday surprise for her and booking the whole park?"

"Who told you?"


Damn that woman, we had a deal that she wouldn't tell a soul.

"Whatever, I don't love her. No, I don't. Not even a little. I'm just being nice."

She crooks her eyebrows. "And when was the last time you were nice."

"Right now for listening to you. I'm always nice to people."

"Oh really?" She smirks. "Your workers hate you. You fire them for little mistakes. Like too much sugar in your coffee, relationships with other workers. When the clinking of heels on the floor gets too much. Sleeping at workplace."

"I'm not paying them to sleep!" I defend.

"It's their break time for Godsake!" She groans. "You have to tell her how you feel before it's too late."

"I don't feel anything for her."

She sighs and walks out. There's no way that I love Aisha. I want her but I don't love her.

"He loves you. He does, but he's afraid."

Afraid? Omar is never afraid of anything. He doesn't even know the definition of love. He seems immune to it. I'm not even his type.

But I can't help it. I kind of feel happy to hear this. I don't know why but the thoughts of Omar loving me is strangely satisfying.

"He told you that?" I ask her but when I turn, she wasn't there. It's like she disappeared into thin air without a trace.

"She's just after his money." I hear a faint voice say. I pierce my eyes through the people and not more than a few feet stood three woman. They were talking in low voices.

"I heard that she's the one throwing herself on him because his brother left her." The one in the middle with black headscarf says.

The woman with shoulder length sun kissed blond hair joined in. "Who wouldn't leave her. I heard he ran away on their wedding day. He must have realized how much of a bitch she is. She looks like an elephant. I pity Omar."

"Gold digging cow." They all burst into laughter.

I don't know how it happened but I felt tears come to eyes. They were saying bad things about me and I was just a few feet from them. I'm not a gold digger. I'm just saving my family's reputation. As for Yousuf, I really hated him badly. Why did he leave? Am I really that huge? I'm not. I'm just a bit thick and short, that's all. I'm not even that short.

Anger, sadness, glumness. I feel numb. I quickly wipe the tears so I don't get caught crying. I turn and find Omar staring at the women with anger. His nose flares in anger and he glares at them. He storms towards them without even looking at me. He's furious! Dead furious!

"You're all fired!" He roard. "Mark my words, I'll put all your asses behind bars and your life would be a living hell! Apologize to her right now!"

They all look at me with fear and I look back surprised. Lost, speechless.

"We're sorry." They say terrified.

"Now get out of here!" His voice echoes throughout the place. Everyone stops what they're doing and focus on us.

I walk up to them. "There's no need to act this way." I whisper to him.

"They said mean things about you dammit! I'll lock you all in prison."


"No you won't, they apologized already. I've forgiven them. You're creating a scene. Please stop it."

I flash the three women a smile. "Just go. We all make mistakes, I have forgiven you. Just go."

They look at each other, then back at me. "Thank you." They abruptly leave.

He storms to his office and I follow him. "Why are you behaving this way?"

"What way?" He stops and faces me.

"This way." I point to him.

"Because I lo...ugh! You're my wife, nothing more."

"They already apologized. What else do you want them to do. I was the one who was wronged not you. Of course it hurt me but sometimes we just have to forgive."

"They called you a gold digging cow!" He punches the wall and faces me. "Aren't you affected? You're nice, why? No one calls you names except me. They have no right to!"

I place my hands on his cheeks and make him look at me. At that moment, I was lost of words. His captivating eyes held mine like I was under a spell. I feel his hand encircle my waist and draws me closer. As he lowers his head, I realise what he's aiming for. His lips brush my cheek as I avoided his lips on mine.

"You're so nice, my fat nice wife."

"And you're so handsome, my egocentric handsome husband." I tease. His face softens and he lets out a laugh.

"You were joking about imprisoning them right?"


"Come on, don't."


"Omar!" I snap.

He huffs.


My phone suddenly rings and I look down at the screen. It's my alarm. Time to pray Isha. We pray in his office and decided to go find Adam and Aliyah afterwards.

We searched the whole place but couldn't find them.

"I think we should split up, it's faster." He nods in agreement and we go different ways. I sight Laura talking to her boyfriend and Jenny was doing stuffs with Liam.

After several searches, I don't find them so I call her.

"Hey, where did you run off to?"

"We went for a stroll, be back soon."

I disconnect the call and call Omar but he doesn't pick. I turn to go find him but bump into a woman. Her drink spills on my costume. "Excuse you." She sneers.

"Sorry." I look up to see her, she is pretty tall about four or five inches taller than me and her silver stilettos made her way taller. She's slender and her make up is heavy. She dressed as a mermaid with her pink tail hugging her slim figures.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize again.

"Of course you are. Don't you have eyes? Stupid. You just wasted my drink."

What a rude goat with a reversed retarded version of a mermaid's pink ass she is.

"Hey fish brain! You spilled your drink on me idiot."

"Oh it's you. I don't even know what he sees in you."

"What he doesn't see in you." I snap back.

"I can have you locked up because he listens to me. Just because you married my cousin doesn't make you more mportant that me."

Oh! So he's related to this drink spiller.

"I see you've met my sister, Zaynab!" Farida says as she approaches us together with Omar.

"What happened to your dress?" She asks.

"She bumped into me." I glare at the enemy. How in the world are they sisters? They are totally different.

"Sorry for that."

"It's okay."

She stares at her sister as if telling her to apologize.

She flashes a fake smile. "Sorry for that." She rolls her eyes and leaves.

"I'm so sorry, she's just having a rough day, her fiancé left her a week to their wedding. She's still sad and angry but she's very nice."

I feel sad for her. I can totally relate to how she's feeling at the moment. When Yousuf left, I was sad but Omar's annoyance kept my mind off him. Now, I can't remember the last time I thought of him. Maybe, I wasn't truly in love with him. It must have happened for a reason, maybe if we had gotten married I wouldn't be happy with him.

"Come with me, I have an extra costume." I follow her to her car and she opens the boot. I awe in happiness as I see a lot of costumes.

"I love anime so much. Most of my costumes are anime costumes." She smiles sheepishly.

"I love anime too." I pick a Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul costume and put on red contact lens. Farida did my make up and I was ready to go.

When we got back to the party, the music was slow and everyone was dancing. My eyes meet Omar as he was looking around. A smile breaks on his lips and he walks up to me.

"Your Prince Charming is here. I have no idea where mine is." She chuckles and leaves.

"You look scary, yet cute. Like Chucky doll."

"Am I supposed to be flattered?" I laugh and he grins. "Come on let's dance."

He drags me to the stage and wraps his hands around my waist. I wrap mine round his neck. And slowly dance to the music.

🎶See, you distract me, but I'm distracted without you

I don't know how to focus, baby, teach me how to

'Cause I'm standing still again

But if you love me, just like the way that I love you

I wouldn't mind a little comforting from you

Why do I let you in my head?

And I gotta go sometimes, but you're always on my mind 🎶

"Can you remove the contact lens? I want to look into your real eyes." He murmurs. I don't know what took over me, but I obeyed and shut the case.

He smiles widely and looks deep into my eyes. His eyes melt me as I look deep into those hazel brown eyes.

🎶 You're not helping me, babe, you're not helping me, babe

But I fall helplessly for you, for you (Hmm)

You're not helping me, babe, you're not helping me, babe

But I fall helplessly for you, for you 🎶

• • • •

Fareeda introduced me to her husband, Abdullah. Adam and Aliya later returned smiling, their faces were glowing and Laura and Daniel won The Couple's Best Costume Award. They totally deserved it.

I drag Omar to the photo booth as he keeps complaining that he isn't interested. But I'm and I say, "To the photo booth!"


"Because I said so."


"Because I have the power and mouth to."


"Because I'm Aisha Ahmad."


"If you why one more time, I'll punch you."

He keeps shut but eventually whispers. "Why?"

And I did just that. I punched him on his arm and get into the photo booth.

"Can we make this The Kissing Booth?" He smirks.

"Can we make this the punching booth?" I threaten and his smirk fades. "No thank you."

After setting the camera. It keeps taking shots of us automatically. He refused to smile and I grab his cheeks and drag them to a smile. "I hate you." He murmurs and I laugh.

"We both do." I laugh and after much persuasion. He joins me and we take weird, goofy and crazy photos.

A touch on my cheek draws my attention to him. His eyes holds mine, it slides to my lips and back to my eyes. Unconsciously, I find myself doing the same. My eyes automatically shuts as he leans and presses his lips on mine.

My heart explodes as sweetness rushes through me. My body freezes as everything fades except for his moist and firm lips on mine. My instincts tells me to push him away but my heart betrayed me by staying still.

"Kiss me." He whispers, his lips demanding my response.

My lips respond by welcoming his slow kiss.

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