《Resisting A Cocky Billionaire》Chapter 25


This chap is for for always reading, voting and commenting. Girl u make mah world spin in joy😁

"Holy fat cow!" I exclaim in happiness as I stare at the Chinese Kobe beefsteak that must have cost a lot of money.

"So you're basically screaming what you're right now?"

I nudge him hard on his chest causing him to wince and laugh afterwards.

"I swear you have the homornes of a woman heavily pregnant with quadruplets."

"You caused this by burning our food!" I shout at him which was a great lie. More like I burned the food.

His eyes widen in disbelief and he folds his hands across his chest. "Last time I checked, you were the one who burned the food!"

"Oh yeah? And who burned the fries?" I shoot back crooking my brows. I open the fridge for some juice and find orange juice from last night.

He glares at me and I glare back. "But you burnt the toast and sandwich? And who fries sandwich for Godsake?"

I raise my hands in defence. "I was trying a new recipe, not my fault that there wasn't enough oil in the pan."

"A new recipe or a new method to burn the house and most importantly, to ruin my perfection? What if the fire touched my irreplaceable skin?"

I may have started a little fire by trying to fry sandwich. Just wanted to know how it would taste and the jerk left the fries to burn in other to quench the fire which left us with nothing to eat but orange juice and we were lazy to cook again.

"I'm fine with that. Can I try it?"

"Hell no woman!"

"I'm just trying to help you look handsome. Can't I help you as a friend?" I drink a cup of orange juice and take the whole bottle, taking it to the sitting room with me. I returned for the steak and settle in front of the TV.

"What are you doing?" I reach out to grab the steak from him but he keeps it behind him.

"You're not eating this, not until you teach me that du'a. "

"When waking up?"

He rolls his eyes at this and gives me a look that says, 'Do I look like five?'

And I give him the look that says, 'Do I not look hungry right now?"

"Whatever du'a it is. Can we do it after I've eaten because I'm really hungry. If you haven't noticed, the last time I ate was two in the afternoon yesterday!"

"So what? Don't worry, I can learn anything in mere seconds. Afterall I'm Omar Malik." He boasts looking confident as ever. And I'm Aisha Ahmad, looking hungry as ever.

The Cocky and The Hungry.

What a Classic!

"'A'oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaatil-latee laa yujaawizuhunna barrun wa laa faajimn min sharri maa khalaqa, wa bara'a wa thara'a, wa min sharri maa yanzilu minas-samaa'i, wa min sharri maa ya'ruju feehaa, wa min sharri maa thara'a fil-'ardhi, wa min sharri ma yakhruju minhaa, wa min sharri fitanil-layli wannahaari, wa min sharri kulli taariqin 'illaa taariqan yatruqu bikhayrin yaa Rahmaan."

I stay star-struck as he recites the du'a to ward off the deception of the obstinate devils. "Wow!" I whisper to myself. "What about the translation?" I challenge because I know that there's no way he could have learnt it that fast.


"I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah - which neither the upright nor the corrupt may overcome - from the evil of what He created, of what He made, and of what He scattered, from the evil of what descends from the heavens, and of what rises up to them, from the evil of what He scattered in the earth and of what emerges from it, from the evil trials of night and day, and from the evil of every night visitor, except the night visitor who comes with good. O Merciful One."

I blink my eyes to ensure that I'm not dreaming. I pinch my hand and when I feel the pain. I'm fully convinced that I'm not dreaming. Maybe I'm in Genjutsu!

Curse my addiction to anime!

I narrow my eyes to him. "How did you do that? I only said it twice. But...but...it's not possible."

"I told you, I'm Omar Malik." He smirks and I roll my eyes. My stomach growls obviously screaming. 'Get the food!'

He hands the food to me and I hungrily feed on it, not even taking my time to swallow before eating more.

Something strikes me odd and I look at Omar with his phone holding back a laugh.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you have four stomachs." He puts down his phone and lets out a tumultuous wave of laughter, falling off the chair.

"Did you just compare me to a camel?"

"I didn't say that!" He defends and laughs again. I hit him with my hand and throw a pillow at him, hitting him square in the face. I slump back on the chair and return to my steak. "It's not like I'm some animal, I'm just hungry." I murmur to myself.

"Wait, why aren't you eating?"

"I ate at the restaurant before delivering the steaks. Pass me the orange juice." I pass the bottle and he uses my cup to drink it.

His face straightens and I put on the TV to divert his attention. Fairy Odd Parents shows and I grin childishly. "You like it?" I nod several times and focus on it.

"This is children's sh*t! How can you enjoy watching four fingered idiot whose hands stay by their sides like a chicken's butt and their ears looking like their ancestors were kicked by a Kung-Fu master using some weird shape-shifting jitsu. And-"

"Just watch the dangling thing!" I end his outburst of hatred for what I call awesome.

"Still into that no swearing and cursing stuff?"

"Yep! Now hush and let me focus." I rub my feet with my palms, excited to watch another episode of awesomeness.

• • • •

"Take the pie out of the microwave!"

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

"I'm busy with the sandwiches!" I reply spreading mustard on the bread. He steps into the kitchen and studies my cooking. "Who puts mustard on bread?"

I give him one of my deadliest glares and he goes to switch off the microwave. "Nevermind."

"The toast!" I scream as I see smoke coming from the toaster, filling the air with ash particles. I cough as I find my way to the socket and disconnect it. The toasted bread looks more like burnt bread.

"Geez! Are you trying to burn down the whole house?"

"You didn't help me out did you? Instead you kept trying to pick an outfit. We're going to a park not a business meeting in the name of God!" I retort back. The plain truth was that I simply suck at cooking multiple foods, but I'm not going to admit it so I turn the tables around.


The look on his face is that of a banana when it realizes I'm gonna smash it.

No hard feelings banana but I really hate you.

It's either he's surprised at how good I'm at pinning it on him or he has no idea we are going to a park. "We're going to a park?"

And there it is people! The question we've all been waiting for and what makes it so interesting is because I've been shouting it to this gorilla with the brains of mighty papers! "I told you over a million times dumb dummy!"

"Don't call me that again." He warns giving me a glare which I gladly return.

"Or what?" I challenge stepping forward like the gladiator I'm. He tries to intimidate me with his sword shooting eyes and I release my beasts on him. A pack of wolves come at me but my beasts defend me, gnawing their way past the wolves. A wolf unexpectedly jumps at me but my lion sacrifices itself to protect me. I pull out my dagger and stab the wolf and feeling the blood on my bare tongue, savouring the taste of war but of course all in our eyes. I glare harder, putting much effort to frighten him but as I step forward....POP!


We both flinch at the sudden loud sound. Looking at the microwave, pieces of pie are evident on the transparent front screen of the microwave.

"You didn't turn it off jerk!"

After cleaning and making new snacks for our little picnic at Wonder Park. I promised to help him with what it feels to be a little kid remember? Oh I still hate him so much but I still have a heart.

"Get the bags, I'm waiting!" He screams and honks. I put on my sandals and run downstairs, taking the bags with me and stuffing some pieces of gingerbread in my mouth.

"You couldn't you wait to get there?"

He arcs his eyebrow staring at me with disbelief. "What? I was hungry."

He shakes his head and lets out a little laugh. I shrug my shoulders and he turns on the engine. We get there in a couple of minutes and unpack everything and lay them on the napkin.

I sit on the napkin and take off my sandals letting my feet feel the grasses as the pale sun barely touched my skin. He brings out his phone and starts texting, I snatch it out of his hand carefully and place it on the large table cloth of the grass. "Why did you do that?" He grunts in annoyance.

"Just sit back and enjoy nature." He follows my act and lies flat staring at nothingness. I take my phone and play Stressed Out by 21pilots. We share the earpiece and I see the side of his lips twist in a smile. More rock songs play and after listening to Diary of Jane. He looks up to me and says, "You have pretty cool songs, why do you like rock that much?"

"Because I love poetry and rock is the musical form of poetry. Something like poetry in a cooler way. Most people confuse rock songs for simply screamings but they are way better than that. Rock songs have hidden messages and they're amazing. You listen to rock songs?"

"Nope, I'm not the music type." He simply says.

"But I've caught you humming to country songs."

"Oh yeah, they're stunning. I like them, cool and flowing."

"I love Kenny Rogers. Dad used to play his songs all the time and there was this time he actually played it at my birthday party. It should be my eighteenth and he kept tapping his foot to the beats. It was funny and I didn't mind a bit, I joined him and after two or three songs. It had become a cowboy dance party."

"Mum was a Zayn Malik fan, she was so crazy about him like a sixteen year old. She had T-shirts, caps and everything that had a 1D on it and most especially Zayn's. When she met him, she told him he was amazayn." He chuckles as he remembered the good ol' days.

We didn't have anything to talk about anymore so we looked around us, watching kids run up and down, couples kissing, cyclists riding their bicycles down the slopes. Everything was peaceful, well until he decided to open that big mouth of his. "I think you should get a bicycle, burn those fats that make you look like a pumped pumpkin."

"I think you should get a brain, brainless makes you look like dog poop, only moulded."

He laughs and replies, "You always have an answer to every word I say."

I ignore him and open the basket, taking out the food and helping myself with waffles. Omar sighs and shakes his head. "You just ate about thirty minutes ago!" He complains.

"That was one thousand and eight hundred seconds ago, I'm human, I'm bound to be hungry."

I take a piece of sponge cake and eat it, moaning with pleasure. "This is so delicious." I like my lower lip and I tell him to eat some. He takes a bite and joins me, nodding with approval.

"I've got a frisbee, you want to play?" He asks standing.

"No, you go ahead and find someone else. I just want to lie down and relax." I tug my hands behind my head and cuddle the sun rays.

Hakuna Matata..

A hand yanks me, making me sit. I frown at him as he pulls me up. "Why am I up?"

"Because you have to exercise, I mean look at you. You look like melted chocolates. Look at me, even a Greek god is jealous of this." He gestures to his body. I roll my eyes and he drags me to the grass. He runs ahead of me and throws the frisbee. I catch it just as it was about to touch the ground and throw it back. After a while of playing with me looking like the melted chocolate he says I'm. I fall.

He made me do this, I was perfectly fine with the situation I was in until he had to use me to show off his abs. Yes, he took off his shirt after complaining about sweating. Yet, I couldn't take mine off and became the obsolete mute.

I open the other bag and smile evilly at what I've installed for him. Although it has its consequences. I'm still going with the flow.

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