《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 50: The Attic


Y/N Pov.

We had just barely escaped death by going into the attic, which is pretty convenient if I must say so.

Ben: (offers gun) Here, um...I'm not good with these. You dropped it down there.

Kenny: That could've gone better.

Christa: Everyone okay?

Kenny: Lee's still bitten.

Carley: Shut up.

Y/n: Okay, let's get out of here and keep moving.

Kenny: Kid's right; we gotta keep moving. Think there's any chance we get Clem and catch up to those goddamn thieves?

Lee: I don't know. Maybe.

Omid: Well, we're not going out through this window. No latches, no roof access, and thirty feet straight down.

Kenny: Anyone have any ideas?

Omid: (looking at statue bust) I bet this guy would. He's got a resourceful air about him.

Christa: Knock it off.

Omid: (reading plaque on the bust) Dixon Kent the III, industrial--

Christa: OMID.

Omid: CHRISTA. I'm just trying to lighten the fucking tone.

Christa: We need SOLUTIONS, not stupid jokes. I'm sorry.

Kenny: So, no ideas, then.

Y/n: Well not at the moment but It'll come to us, we just gotta stay calm.

Lee: There's gotta be another way.

Carley: Check the floor for any other access, a vent, anything.

Kenny: Or we wait for the house to clear out and stick to the high ground

Y/n: That won't work, walkers don't need sleep, water, or food. They'll wait us out as long as they need unless they hear something or see something.

Carley: Hey... (puts hand on Lee's forehead) You're not looking great. And you're warm.

Y/n: I knew we shouldn't cut it off, we waited to long...

Lee: I'm okay, don't--

Before Lee could finish he was interrupted by the crackling of the radio.

Clem: Lee, Y/n, I'm okay, I'm where my parents--oh, no!

Christa: What did that mean?

Lee: She's at the hotel where her parents were staying;

Y/n: He hasn't moved her.

Kenny: Yet.

Christa: Yeah, yet.

Kenny: We need to start thinking about more than just Clementine when it comes to our...urgency.

Omid: What do you mean?

Kenny: How do we get out of here?

Carley: That's the whole point; we don't know.

Kenny: Okay, now your life depends on it. How do you get out of here?

Omid: I don't know. I don't get it.

Christa: I do.

Lee: Stop it. We can't panic.

Y/n: I swear as soon as I find that bastard who tricked Clem, he's gonna wish walkers had got'em!

Carley puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a motherly look of assurance.

Carley: We'll get her back, don't worry.

Kenny: Do you think that worked?

Kenny said while looking at Lee's stump.

Lee: I...I don't know. I hope so.

Kenny: I think we need to have...an "adult" conversation about what happens if Lee takes another spill.

Omid: Hey, look...

Kenny: We could be looking at a Larry situation here.

Y/n: It won't come to that.

Christa: Who's Larry?

Kenny: It don't matter.

Omid: He looks fine to me...

Carley: I'm not going to lie, Lee's temperature is getting higher.

Lee: Okay, what do you wanna do?

Kenny: Just...talk about it.


Lee: Does that conversation end with me getting something dropped on my head?

Kenny: Now, HEY--

Christa: GUYS. I don't know what happened before Omid and I showed up, but we can cross that bridge when we get to it.

Kenny: Lee, I'm not advocating anything here... But how is this not a thing? We're all so worked up about Clementine that we're forgetting what the fuck happened to you!

Carley and I stepped in front of Lee.

Y/n: It'll be okay, we'll deal with it when the time comes but until then...

Carley: No one's touching Lee.

Lee: They're right, my arm is not the issue. I'm not the problem. The five hundred walkers in the house and no door in this room are the goddamn PROBLEM.

Kenny: Yeah, maybe at the moment...but who's to say when it becomes an issue? And at that point, there may not be any time left to deal with it!

Omid: This is getting out of hand...

Kenny: You're gonna listen to ME. We will get Clementine back, with or without you. Because I haven't given up EVERYTHING to die because we were stupid.

Lee: You're not touching me. Do you understand that? You know EXACTLY what to do if I turn and that's enough. Do you hear me?

Kenny: You might become one of them. Do you understand that? How can you be fucking calm about that?!

Lee picks up the bust and throws it at the wall.

Omid: You ruined that dude's face.

Christa: Shut up, sweetie. Look.

Kenny examines the hole in the wall and pulls out another chunk of the wall.

Kenny: It's corroded to hell.

Christa: What's on the other side of this wall, a thirty-foot drop?

Omid: No, this mansion butts up against the one next door.

Kenny: I'll be damned.

Christa: We're not lifers on Alcatraz here; we can't spend the next three months digging through a wall.

Carley: If the rest is as dilapidated as this, we might not have to. Let's see...

Lee smashes the wall with a coat rack, then inspects the damage.

Lee: This wall ain't shit.

Omid: Is this really possible...?

Kenny smashes the wall with a coat rack.

Kenny: Yeah. We can do this.

Lee: Okay.

Kenny: We'll work in shifts. Omid, Carley, Christa, and I. Lee, Y/n, you rest. We have to work fast.

Kenny continues breaking the wall with the coat rack.

Lee: I'm sorry.

Kenny: Me too. I get it. Go sit down.

Lee, Y/n, and Carley sit on one of the couches across from Christa and Omid. Ben was sitting on the floor in the corner.

Christa: I'm glad you told us when you got bitten, it would've been easy not to.

Lee: Yeah, well...

Christa: We probably would've let you go alone if you hadn't told us. Which would've been a mistake.

Omid: If I were you I would've been scared shitless.

Lee: If you were me you'd be a foot taller.

Omid: Hey!

Lee: And about fifty pounds heavier. You, uh, wouldn't get scared as much.

Omid: With your arm and my leg, I'll cripple fight you right here, buddy.

Lee: I've still got this one. I can put my right palm on your forehead and just let you swing away.


Omid: Ha, fine...you win, jerk.

Carley rests her head against Lee's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her and I just sat beside him, thinking of the future.

Christa: It's so weird; I keep doing a double-take on your arm, expecting it to be there.

Lee: I'm hoping whatever's in their bite is gone too.

Christa: What do you think the odds are of that?

Lee: I don't know. I know everyone's wondering. Even if it just slows down the process, I'd be happy.

Carley: You don't mean that

Omid: So when we get this guy...what do you think?

Lee: We make sure he never takes anybody from anyone again. World's got enough evil in it.

Y/n: As I said, when I get my hands on that bastard who tricked Clem, he's gonna wish the dead had got'em.

Omid: And...you know...whatever happens to you...uh...

Carley: Seriously, can we not talk like that?

Carley said as she held on to Lee even tighter than before.

Christa: The entire time we were at the hospital I could sense you think you're as good as dead.

Lee: I was bitten, Christa.

Carley: You cut it off.

Lee: What good is it to plan around that workin'?

Carley: What good is it for you to give up?

Lee: I haven't given up.

Lee: I want you four to take her.

Lee said to Me, Carley, Omid, and Christa

Christa: Stop it.

Lee: I'm serious. She'd be safe and happy with you four.

Christa: We're not doing this right now.

Omid: Christa. Listen to him.

Lee: It's what I want. Okay?

Y/n: Well I'll never leave her side no matter what, as soon as we get her back.

Lee: *Smiles* I know kiddo

Omid: What about him?

Omid was talking about Ben

Lee: He'll figure himself out one way or another.

Christa: What do you mean by that?

Lee: He'll either get his act together or something will happen to him.

Christa: That's it?

Lee: What else is there to say?

Omid: He lose his shit like that often?

Carley: No, that was a first.

Christa: It's good that he did; Kenny couldn't pull that shit on me.

Lee: The kid killed his family, so there's been some tension there.

Omid: Really...? What happened?

Y/n: Kenny's son, Duck, got bitten during a raid by some gang that Ben was secretly helping. They used him. Kenny's wife...died because of their son.

Christa: Jesus...

Omid: Well, it seems like it got through to Kenny. Whatever that's good for.

Kenny approaches the group.

Kenny: Alright, I'm outta gas. You look good and rested.

Omid: Sure, if you don't count an infected leg.

Christa: You want me to do it?

Omid: Nah, hon, you can hop in after me.

Omid takes over smashing the wall with the coat rack, and Kenny takes his seat on the couch.

Kenny: Shouldn't be long now. It's good we're forced to take a breath.

Kenny: That, uhh...feelin' any better?

Kenny asked Lee about his arm.

Lee: I can handle it; the pain, that is. I'm just really goddamn tired.

Kenny: I mean, do you think it worked? Did it--did it help at all?

Lee: I feel like a man who got bitten. So take that for what it's worth.

Carley looked over at me and the others took notice.

Carley: How do you feel, hun?

The others looked at me.

Y/n: Well not good, I mean we're not even sure if this worked and I-I'm not gonna lie I'm scared. I know I'm tough but if it doesn't work than that means I may have to be the one to do the deed...again.

Lee put his hand on my head and it made me chuckle.

Lee: You're a lot tougher than me at your age, that's for sure.

Y/n: Yeah, well an apocalypse will do that to you.

Lee, myself, and the others laughed at what I said.

Y/n: God, if this is this tough on me than I don't even want to imagine how bad Clem's gonna take it...

Kenny: I still can't believe you went and got chomped. Just...fucking hell.

Christa: At least he told us.

Kenny: Took some brass. I don't think I woulda.

Kenny puts his head in his hand.

Christa: How are you?

Kenny: I'm...I don't know how to answer that.

Christa: I'm sorry. You've lost more than anyone. Well, as much as anyone.

Kenny: Lee's family's gone, too.

Y/n: Guess we all got the short end of the stick these days, huh?

Christa: Damn, right.

Lee: He wanted to die...in Crawford.

Kenny: What's that now?

Lee: When we had him there...in our hands. He wanted us to drop him. He asked us to.

Kenny: Ah, Jesus...

Lee: What?

Kenny: I'm glad it was you two making that call and not me.

Kenny leans down and takes a whiskey bottle out of a cardboard box nearby.

Kenny: These guys tell you much about what we been through?

Christa: Bits and pieces.

Kenny: Well, he can't fight for shit.

Christa: Well, look at him.

Lee: Hey!

I laughed at them going back and forth, it was a nice change of pace.

Kenny: Soft as rotten fruit.

Carley: Like you guys didn't have enough problems without punching each other in the face?

Kenny: Eh, he had to knock some sense into me before we met you on the train.

Lee: I'm sorry for hurting you in any way, Kenny. It's impossible to go through life without causing some sorta pain, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if I coulda caused a little less.

Kenny: You and me both, doc.

Kenny: Well, cheers.

Kenny takes a sip and offers the bottle to Lee.

He takes it and drinks a little.

Lee takes a sip and passes the bottle to Carley who has a sip before passing it back to Kenny.

Kenny offers the bottle to Christa. She hesitates for a while, then grabs the bottle and takes a drink.

Omid: I'm through.

Omid sets down the coat rack and looks through the medium-sized hole in the wall.

Omid: No walkers. Things are looking up.

Everyone goes through the wall and drops down into the adjacent mansion.

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