《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 49: Home Sweet Home


3rd Pov.

Lee and the group return to the house. Lee shoots a walker nearby. They reach the shed. When they get there they see the Door's open and the boat's gone.

Y/n: Really? Are you kidding me?!

Carley: Holy...

Kenny: What the fuck?! Come on...just...come the FUCK on...

Christa: Well, we're not coming back here after we find Clem.

Kenny: Who? Fuck! How could this happen?

Lee: This was Vernon.

Christa: You think so?

Lee: Definitely

Omid: Hey, guys... (reads note in the shed)

Omid: Lee's right. It was Vernon and that support group.

Kenny: No fucking way! THE INVALIDS?!

Omid: Their actions, uh, contradict your characterization, but, yeah, the invalids.

Christa: He's right; they're not invalids. They're just people. People who have been dealing with shitty situations even longer than we have. No wonder they got the jump on us.

Kenny: I don't give a fuck if their Make-A-Wish was a fucking boat ride, when I find 'em, I'm gonna rip their throats out.

Carley: We'll never find them.

Y/n: They're long gone by now...

Lee: I can't believe they did this to us.

Kenny: It's sick! It really is. They use your goddamn SYMPATHY for sick folks and then stab us right in the back.

Christa: They didn't "use" shit--they did what anybody would've done. They've been living like ghosts forever and they were fed up. That's it.

Y/n: I never trusted that old guy from the start, he just had bad Mojo.

Omid: He says he feels bad about it. Leaving us...AND Clementine behind.

Kenny: They fucked us.

Christa: Omid, can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard? We shouldn't be out in the open.

Omid: Yeah. (leaves to do as Christa asked)

Kenny: This is not happening...everything is so fucked...

Carley: Clementine is still out there.

Kenny: So we get Clementine and then what?!

Christa: We get the fuck out of cities. I'm done with cities. We go into the countryside and make a go of it.


Ben: Yeah, that seems like a good idea to me.

Kenny: Nobody asked you.

Ben: You just did.

Kenny: Don't get fucking smart with me, Ben.

Carley: Chill.

Kenny: Do you remember we had a boat?! A BOAT!

Ben: Get over it!

Y/n: Look, I don't care where we go as long as we get Clem first, afterwards lets just see where the wind takes us.

Lee: Everyone keep it together. Nothing has changed, has it?

Kenny: Nothing has changed?!

Lee: I mean, immediately. We stay the course. Don't turn on each other.

Y/n: I agree, we just need to stay level headed and most importantly stay together.

Ben: Yeah, chill out, Kenny.

Omid opens the door of the shed leading into the backyard.

Christa: We can do this in the yard.

Y/n: That would be preferable.

Kenny: Ben, I swear to god...

Everyone but Christa, Y/n, Carley, and Lee enter the backyard.

Christa: What do we do without a boat?

Lee: Get to the countryside. We've dicked around with cities and coastlines and boats too long. Take them out there and live as safe as you can, okay?

Christa: Look. I agree with you, I think out in the country is the safest place to be. But you're not dead yet, so put a pin in that, okay?

Carley: She's right Lee, what if we managed to cut it off in time?

Y/n: I'm not to sure myself but I'm holding out hope.

Christa, Y/n, Carley, and Lee enter the backyard; Kenny and Ben are arguing.

Kenny: Where the hell do you get off?

Ben: I'm just saying we should ALL chill, not just you.

Kenny: CHILL? Lee's bitten and god knows how long HE has left, Clementine is who the fuck knows, and we're robbed of the only hope we've had.

Ben: So?

Kenny: So, Lee and Y/n should've left your ass in Crawford. We got enough problems.



Ben: I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck, I AM. And I know I fucked up, but STOP pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead. (Kenny is about to speak) NO! You know how they died. You've said goodbye, I never got to see my family, my parents, my little sister...do you get that? Your family is gone, but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive or dead or walkers or WORSE and I DON'T KNOW. SO GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!

Kenny: Aw, Ben, I'm--

A herd approaches the house.

Christa: Oh, shit, here they come.

Omid: In the house!

Kenny: They shouldn't be able to get into the backyard, right? (hears walkers) Maybe not.

Carley: We can secure this place!

Lee: Christa, Carley!

Lee: Search the house for weapons!

Christa: On it.

Lee: Kenny, Y/n!

Lee: Move anything you can up against the doors and windows.

Y/n: Got it!

Kenny: That's what I was thinking!

Lee: Help Christa and Carley!

Ben: Got it!

Lee: Omid!

Omid is staring at something, shocked.

Lee: What is it?

Omid runs to close an open door.


Lee starts to run, but falls on his back as a walker reaches through the pet door and grabs his leg. Lee repeatedly kicks the pet door with his other leg until the walker's arm is severed. Lee gets up; everyone else is holding the front doors closed as walkers reach through.

Kenny: LEE, HELP!

Christa: Cut their fucking arms off!

Omid: There's gotta be a knife or something in there!

Christa: HURRY!

Kenny: Take their goddamn arms off!

Lee chops off the walker's hands and group pushes the doors all the way closed.

Omid: Now what?

Y/n: We're safe for now, right?

Lee: I think we should get ready to fight.

Christa: This place seems sturdy to me. I think we're fine.

A walker's arm crashes through a nearby window. More walkers break down the door and climb through the windows.

Y/n runs and drop kicks a walker in the chest making it fall into the crowd, slowing them down for at least a couple seconds, then he gets back up and runs towards the group.

Lee: Sturdy, my ass!

Carley: Get upstairs!

Kenny: GO!

Everyone but Lee runs upstairs; he kills walker Brie, then joins the others, who are shooting at the walkers. Kenny is trying to push a desk.

Kenny: GUYS, help me with this!

Y/n and Lee help Kenny push the desk.

Christa: Everyone get to the end of the hallway!

Ben: What do we do now?!

Kenny pushes a desk into the hallway.

Kenny: This'll slow 'em down. We get to the end of the hallway...and take a fucking stand.

Everyone gathers at the end of the hallway with their weapons drawn.

Carley: We can't let ourselves get trapped.

Kenny: Let's get as many as we can. And when we see an opening, we go for it. How many bullets y'all have?

Christa: Three.

Carley: Four

Y/n: Three

Lee: Five.

Omid: Four.

Ben: Two.

Kenny: Y'all know where to aim.

Christa: Get ready.

Walkers approach the group and everyone fires at them, eventually running out of ammo.

Christa: I'm out!

Carley: So am I!

Y/n: I am as well!

Kenny: Me too!

Omid: Fuck, where do we go?!

Kenny: There's no goddamn opening!

Christa: UP!

Lee pulls the string that opens the attic door.

Lee: GO!

Everyone runs to the attic; Lee drops his gun while climbing up the stairs. He closes the attic door.

A/n: Early Morning/Late night chapter, Thanks for the support guys.

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