《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 19: The Argument.



We just arrived back at the Motel after almost becoming walker food and I won't lie, It sucks here. The only good thing about it is that Lee and Clem are with me, along with Kenny and his family, and Carley. And lately, I've been noticing Lee and Carley spending more time together recently.

Then I was pulled out of my thoughts by my favorite girl in the whole world.

Clem: You're back. Ben found some stickers in a drawer and I put 'em on my walkie!

She said with a smile.

Y/n: That's super cool!

Lee: Hey, sweet pea. That's neat, I'll find you in a minute.

I give her a hug and she rests her head on my chest and it felt..great.

I also noticed her wearing my jacket.

Y/n: Um, Clem?

Clem: Yeah Y/n?

Y/n: You liking my jacket?

I said it with a smirk and she then realizes that she was wearing it and begins to panic.

Clem: I..Uh..It..it was chil-chilly and your jacket is comfy and warm...

Y/n: It's okay Clem, You can wear it, in fact I'm glad you like it.

We both had red faces.

Clem: Th-Thanks.

I then went over to wear Lee and Kenny were.

Lee knocks on the door frame of the open door to Lilly's room. Lilly opens the door all the way to speak to us.

Kenny: Looks like we got the kid on watch again.

I also noticed it and I was a bit uncomfortable knowing Ben was on watch, he just didn't seem reliable.

Lilly: What'd you get?

Lee takes the pistol and gives his rifle to Lilly.

Kenny: We might as well leave out a sign that says "the men are gone, come and rape our women and children".

Lilly: (humorlessly) Ha.

Y/n: Nothing against Ben, but he doesn't seem to be the most reliable guy...

Kenny: Took the words outta my mouth, kid.

Lilly sets the rifle down on her dresser.

Lilly: So, what did you get?

Y/n: A lot of stuff actually.


Kenny hands Lilly the backpack. She places it on her bed and searches it.

Kenny: We're FINE, by the way...

Lilly: Nice work. This will keep us going. If we carry on like this, we'll get through the winter here.

Kenny: The winter? We'll freeze our asses off here.

Y/n: I like the snow but I'm not sure everyone here can handle it like me.

They all just look at me.

Lilly: Because piling into an RV with you two, after what you did to my dad, is SO appealing.

Kenny: Why wouldn't it be? You know I'll do what it takes to keep everyone safe.

Y/n: Yeah, plus we have Lee and Carley to help keep us safe out there. And I'll do whatever it takes for Clem.

Lilly: *Sighs* Kid, we're already safe.

Kenny: Take a look at the wall, Lilly. That's not graffiti. Those are bullet holes. And we got enough arrow shafts sticking out of it to dry our laundry. And that's all beside the fact that Macon is busting at the seams with walkers.

Lilly: We don't have walker problems.

Lee: We have to go eventually, Lilly.

Lilly: We don't have to do anything.

Kenny: You didn't wanna go because of your dad's health, but he's gone now.

Lee: Easy Kenny.

Y/n: Yeah, might be best to not bring him up.

Carley: At it again, are we?

Kenny: Can it, Carley.

Lilly: Don't boss people around.

She said while looking at Kenny. Even though Lee tries to calm the argument down.

Kenny: I'm sorry. Somebody needs to make executive decisions for the group though, and I don't think you're capable anymore.

Y/n: Well, she's in a delicate mind frame right now, I was sad like her when I had to shoot my dad. It's not something you can get past in a few days.

Kenny: Well that proves my point about her not being in her best mind right now.

Lilly: And don't start with me, either.

She said trying not to yell at Kenny.

Kat: Ken, we're all losing it with the attacks and lack of food...


Lee: We're strongest together.

Lee: It can't be you versus us, Lilly. We're sorry for what happened to your dad, but we're in this together now.

Kenny: What about the food situation? What about protection? What about when this place falls? Somebody's gotta be thinking about this shit.

Lilly: How has this not been working? We have everything we need.

Kenny: 'Cause of me, Lilly.

Lilly: That's BS, Kenny, and you know it.

Y/n: Hey, Lee and I helped too, Kenny.

Kenny: I know.

Kenny: What about medicine?

Lilly: What ABOUT medicine?

Lee: We deal with shit as it comes, just like we always do.

Kenny: And when fifteen bandits hop over that wall in the middle of the night? What then? You just gonna deal with that?

Y/n: We won't let them go back over.

Lilly: Everything that happens to us is another excuse for you to pull this crap about leaving. All I want is a week of peace; of not hearing it.

Y/n: Look all I want is a safe place for Clem.

Lee nods in agreement with me.

Kenny: Do you know how we got these supplies?

Kenny: We got lucky and let a girl get eaten out there.

Y/n: Kenny...

I felt guilty about what we let happen just to get the supplies, but knowing what we got could help Lee or Clem down the line helps with the guilt.

Kat: What...?

Kenny: Some girl came screaming out of an alley. She had dead hanging all over her. She gave us enough time to get everything we could out of the drugstore.

Lilly: You just let her suffer, like what, like bait? God, what is happening... You're going to show this boy the wrong things.

She said as she pointed at me.

Kenny: You weren't out there.

Y/n: I went along with them and said I'd accept whatever decision they made... it's my fault too.

Lee: No its not, Y/n.

Lilly: Lee's right, you weren't holding the gun.

Kenny: It's was our choice, Y/n. Not your fault.

I just nod but on the inside the Guilt still felt bad.

Carley: You guys couldn't try to save her?

She said to Lee.

Kenny: Don't take that tone with him; it's the first smart thing he's done in a while.

Y/n: She got bit, it was too late.

Lilly: Glad to know you think being a killer is smart.

Kenny: Hey, if you don't agree with it, then we'll take everything we've got in these bags and put it in a pile marked "no hypocrites" and you can use everything else. I don't like living like this. But, Christ, folks, it's not getting easier.

Lee: We got what we needed. It was just something that had to happen.

Kenny: Lee's right.

Y/n: It's sad to think about but this is what the world is coming to.

Kenny: We've been putting our lives on the line doing these runs into the city. You wouldn't believe the shit we see.

Kat: We all appreciate it, Ken--

Carley: Should you even take Y/n with you?

Lee: I'll protect him and Clem no matter what.

Kenny: Plus, he wants to go and he's a good help.

Kenny: You should be thanking Lee for not shooting that girl.

Lilly: It's not so EASY for Them.

Kenny: Look, Macon and its people aren't savable. It's not a town. It's full of walkers and the people who WERE left are dying and wandering out onto the streets. It's hell on Earth and it's coming this way.


Kenny: How would you know?

Lilly: WHAT I KNOW? I know you're not above murder! I know somebody has been STEALING our supplies--that's right, STEALING--and I know the list of people I can trust here gets SMALLER EVERY DAY! Now everybody GET OUT.

Y/n: Well, looks like we have snake in our midst.

A/N: Boom, done with that. Thanks for reading and as always until tomorrow my friends.

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