《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 18: Long road ahead



It had been a little while since the whole St.Johns ordeal but it was still messed up to think about and about what happened in that meat locker and to Mark. Right now we're in Macon or rather what's left of it.

Kenny, wearing a backpack and holding a pistol, and Lee , holding a rifle, and I had my pistol and knife. We sneak through Macon and peek around a corner. Seeing that the coast is clear, they walk into the empty road.

Y/n: Man, this place looks worse then last time but at least it's quiet.

Kenny: Looks like this is our lucky day.

Lee: Yeah, this might actually go smoothly.

Kenny: We deserve it after last time.

Y/n: At least we made it out alive, right?

Lee: Yeah but can't help but think it was luck.

Kenny: Same here.

Lee looks inside a broken and partially boarded-up window into Tim's Tools & More, then moves on after presumably seeing it empty. Lee and Kenny keep walking, and Kenny grasps his side in pain.

Kenny: (groans) Man.

Y/n: You okay, Kenny?

Kenny: Yeah, Yeah...I'm fine

Kenny then turned to Lee.

Kenny: Lee, where do you come down on stayin' or goin'?

Lee: You mean packing up the motel and getting in the RV?

Kenny: Yeah. We've been talking about it, but you made up your mind yet?

Lee: We should go. The motel's run its course and it's not safe.

Y/n: I agree, that place isn't as safe anymore with those bandits showing up.

Kenny: You're damn right it has. We pile into the RV and don't pull over 'til we see water. And if Lilly's dead-set on staying, then, well, that's the way it goes.

We reach the destroyed remains of The Drug store.

Kenny: Okay, just like last time. Over the rig, into the pharmacy, and scrape together whatever supplies are left.


Y/n: Okay, it should be faster now since we mostly cleared it out.

Lee: Yeah.

Lee: We didn't leave much in there.

Kenny: We're out of options. Somethin's better than nothin'.

Y/n: Agreed, but let's hope someone else hasn't come by.

Kenny climbs up the ladder on the side of a truck near the pharmacy. As he reaches the top, one side of the ladder comes unattached.

Kenny: Shit!

I stepped back to avoid the Ladder.

Lee: You two okay?

Y/n: Yep.

The ladder's come loose. I'm not sure how many more trips she's got in her.

Lee: I'm not sure how many more trips we've got in US.

Kenny: No kiddin'

Y/n: We'll be fine...hopefully.

I grab onto the ladder and unfortunately it breaks off so I just throw it away.

Lee: Looks like she's had it.

Y/n: Yep

Lee: I could always put you on my shoulders then you'd be tall enough to grab onto the truck.

Y/n: Nah, I'll come up with you.

Kenny: What now?

Lee: I'll find us another way up.

Kenny: Better get a move on.

Y/n: Maybe we could use the jeep, it has the cord and a hook.

Lee grabs the winch on the jeep and walks forward, pulling it along.

Kenny: Lilly's not doin' so good, huh?

Lee: Well, we killed her dad.

Kenny: We did kill her dad.

Y/n: Larry was already gone, you couldn't take the risk. Lilly will be fine.

Kenny: You really think so? I dunno, kid. I've been thinking, and, huh, I just don't know.

Lee attaches the winch to the trailer axle of the truck.

Lee: Hmm.

Lee turns on the winch control, which reels in the winch and pulls the jeep to the truck.

Kenny the turns to me.

Kenny: Your girl still upset with me for taking stuff out of that car last week?


I blushed when he called her "My girl"

Y/n: Clem is just my best friend and I hope not.

Kenny: She'll get there.

The jeep reaches the truck, and Lee and I climb onto it.

Kenny: Duck was asking about that guy at Hershel's Farm last night.

Lee: Really? I wasn't sure it phased him.

Kenny: Of course it did.

Y/n: Well, I saved the guy so it should be fine, right?

Lee: It was a scary situation for him; Shawn almost dying and all.

Kenny: I'm just worried he'll always think it was his fault.

Y/n: He just had an accident, they happen and as I said, I saved him.

Kenny extends his hand and pulls me up.

Kenny: Alright, you're next Lee.

Lee: You sure you're up for this?

Kenny: I'm fine. I've got this. Gimme your hand.

Kenny begins to help Lee up, but drops him onto the jeep and groans in pain, holding his side.

Y/n: Lee!

Lee: SHIT!

Kenny looks out at the street, but sighs in relief when no walkers appear.

Lee: Jesus, are you okay?

Kenny: I'm fine. Shit, I'm sorry, pal, I thought it'd be healed up better.

Lee: You're lucky it wasn't any worse... You coulda--

A bloodcurdling scream is heard. A grime-covered woman runs out of one of the buildings, screaming as walkers chase and surround her.

Y/n: What is that?!


Kenny: What the--what the hell is that?! A walker?!

Lee: Walkers don't scream! Do they?

Kenny: Jesus! I don't think so.

Y/n: Guys, I'm pretty sure it's a woman!

Lee looks through the scope of his rifle. The woman continues screaming and calling for help; a walker grabs onto her as she falls, but she manages to push it away and get up.

Y/n: Dude, that's not good.

Lee: It's a girl. We have to help her.

Kenny: How?! There's no gettin' to her.

Lee: We gotta do somethin'.

A walker bites the woman's leg.

Y/n: She's bit, it's over...

Lee: Fuck, we gotta shoot her. Put her out of this misery.

Kenny: They don't know we're here.

Lee: What do you mean?

Kenny: I mean, we leave her alive and she draws them all to her, buying us time.

Lee: Ken...

Kenny: Think about it! We're always worryin' about the ones we can't see--she stays alive and brings them all out of their holes!

Y/n: Look, I'll be accept whatever decision you make.

Lee decided not to shoot the girl but I understood why.

Kenny: Good, let's go--she'll keep 'em busy.

Kenny and I help Lee up the truck and we enter the backdoor, closing it behind us.

Y/n: Well now that we're here, we shouldn't waste any more time.

Kenny: Agreed.

Kenny: We should be good to clear this place out, but we ain't got all day.

So that's what we did and we cleaned the placed out but as soon as the woman quit screaming they came after us and Lee got trapped under a door so Kenny and I helped him up and we got out.

A/n: There, I'm now officially done with the first chapter of episode 3 and there will be more. Thanks for reading. As always until tomorrow. But you all should check out if you haven't because they have good walking dead story's too. And what would you guys think if I did a noodle x male reader story, noodle from gorillaz.

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