《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 16: Demise of The St.Johns



We had just escaped from the meat locker that we were trapped in after Clem was able to crawl through the duct behind the air conditioner.

Kenny: Okay, you ready?

Lee: Let's go.

Y/n: You got it.

We all then proceed to go into the barn by sneaking through. Danny sits on a hay bale at the front entrance, his gun resting on the bale. Kenny, Lee, and I look at the gun and then each other. They sneak forward through the barn.

Y/n: (Whispering) We gotta be extra careful, no need to draw any attention.

They both nod as we enter a horse stall and continue to listen to Danny complain about random stuff, then Andy came up to Danny.

Andy: Dan, what are you doing outside the barn?

Kenny: Oh, shit!

Danny: Just guarding the place, like you said.

Andy: Well, quit sittin' out in the rain like a damn weirdo. Mama says we can't keep that many folks alive and not expect trouble. Pick one to keep and kill the rest.

Danny: Can I pick which one to keep alive?

Andy: Not the kids. Not enough meat on their bones.

Hearing him talk about Clem like she's an animal made me furious and I wanted to rip his heart out right there but I decided to wait.

Andy leaves. Maybelle moos

Danny: Oh, I know, Maybelle. This is my favorite part too. When I let one think they can just walk right out. (chuckles) They never even look down.

These sick bastards, I'm going to make sure they don't lay finger on Clem. I'll die before I let that happen.

Lee: I don't see him anymore.

Y/n: Well I wonder where he went?

Kenny: Well, where the fuck did he go?

Lee: I don't know...

When he said that it made me tense up for a second because of how creepy Danny is.

Kenny: Look again. He didn't go past us.

Kenny: See where he is now.


We look out to find Danny standing in front of us, pointing his rifle at us.

Lee grabs the gun making him miss and then I kick him in the stomach making him tumble backwards into the bear trap he had set out earlier.

Kenny: Where's my family, asshole?!

Danny: You can't have 'em! We need the vet.

Y/n: Tell us now!

I took my knife off of his belt, which I assume he took after Andy knocked me out, and I stabbed him in the leg making him scream before I pull it out.

Kat: Nooooo!

Kenny: KAT! Lee/Y/n! Come on!

Lee: Just go we won't be far behind.

Kenny thinks for a second and leaves. Lee picks up a pitchfork and points it at Danny.

Danny: Eeerrghhh! You see?! You understand now, don't ya?! You can have me! It's how the world works now! Give part of yourself...so others can live!


Lee: Aren't the walkers eating enough of us?!

I put my knife back in it's holster as I look at Danny, fighting the urge to stab in the neck.

Danny: You gotta keep me alive. If you kill me, the meat gets tainted! You can't eat it!

Lee: You're already tainted.

Y/n: You're just a stain on the face of the earth.

Danny: Do it, then! I know you can, I seen you do it! Just like you killed that woman in the camp!

Lee looked at me and I nodded and Lee put the pitchfork through Danny's chest, killing him quickly. Which is more than he deserved in my opinion.

Clem: NOO!

I looked back in shock seeing that Clem just saw us kill Danny.

I walk over to her and she gives me hug but I can tell she's shaking like a leaf.

Kat: God, nooooo!

I let go as Lee and I heard Katjaa scream.

Y/n: Lee, we gotta go save Kat!

Lilly: Just go. I'll keep Clementine safe.


I give Clem a quick hug, then start to go towards the house with Lee until we hear rustling in the woods and when we look over we see Carley.

Y/n/Lee: Carley?!

Carley: Lee? Y/n?

Ben: (walking through cornfield) Ow.

Carley: Shhh! Is everyone okay?

Carley: We heard screams as we were coming up to the house!

Y/n: The St.Johns are cannibals and tried to make us eat Mark, who is upstairs legless by the way!

Carley: That's sick!

Lee: They attacked us.

Ben: I knew it! I told you we couldn't trust them.

Carley: Shit. How many of them are there?

Lee: Two left.

Carley: Where?

Y/n: I think Katjaa's in the house with Brenda, but I'm not sure about Andy.

Lee: Larry's dead

Carley: Shit! Is everyone else okay?

Lee: They've still got Duck and Katjaa in the house and I don't know where the fuck Kenny is!

Carley: Alright, we're coming in to help.

Lee: The main gate is too dangerous, go around the fence and see if there's a back way in. I'll keep looking for Kenny. Do you have a weapon?

Carley: I don't leave home without it. (loads gun) Ben, stick close. And, Lee/Y/n, be careful.

Y/n: Gotcha.

We then sneak up towards the house and we hear Katjaa.

Katjaa: No, no, please, god, no, NO!

Brenda: Just shut up and he'll be fine!

Andy: Something's up. I'm gonna take the boy and check around back.

Katjaa: No, please, don't take my boy!

Andy: Let go, woman!

Brenda: Settle down. I don't wanna hurt y'all.

We reached the stairs and Brenda couldn't see us.

Brenda: Andy? Danny, is that you? What's going on out there?

Lee: We left Danny in the barn

Y/n: He got what he deserved.

Brenda must've realized what we meant because she sounded frightened.

Brenda: Oh...god..

We slowly enter the house as Brenda has Kat at gun point.

Lee: Brenda, come on, now, you know you don't wanna do this.

Y/n: Just let her go, please.

Brenda: (aims gun at Katjaa) Just go away and leave us be!

Y/n: You don't wanna do this, I know you don't.

Brenda took a step back.

Lee: Think about your husband, Brenda! Do you really think he wanted his dairy turned into a...a slaughterhouse?!

Brenda: I'll kill her, Lee!

Y/n: There's no need to do this Brenda.

I noticed a walker Mark that was behind her

We kept trying to persuade her until she walked by Walker Mark and got grabbed by him, who then proceeded to rip her throat out.

Kat got freed and she was still looking for duck.

Kat: They took Duck! Where's Kenny?!

Andy: I said don't move, asshole!

Kenny: Don't you fucking hurt him!

Kat: Oh my god!

We run outside. Andy is pointing a rifle at Duck and Kenny stands a distance away.

Kenny: Let him go, goddamn it!

Andy: That ain't gonna happen!

Lee: Andy, don't!

Andy: SHUT UP!

Kenny ran forward and got shot in the gut only for Lee to pounce on Andy and start fighting him as well. He was winning until Andy got the upper hand and started dragging him toward the electric gate, but before Lee had to put up a struggle I ran over and swept Andy's leg's out from under him. It gave Lee enough time to start get on top of Andy and start punching him in his ugly mug. Lee beat in his face so much he looked deformed.

Carley: That's enough Lee!

Lee stops gets up and we walk away as Andy sits in the rain and the Dairy is swarmed by an army of the dead.

A/N: HOLY SHIT, it took a pretty good time to get passed the St.Johns but we did and I'm glad because man it was starting to erk me. But as always thanks for reading and until tomorrow.

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