《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 15: Escaping the Meat Locker



I started to wake up and I was laying on Clem's Lap.

Y/n: What..What happened?

Clem then realizes that I'm awake and pulls me into a tight hug.

Clem: Oh thank goodness your okay!

Clem: After you got hit, I was so scared and then they threw us into a meat locker!

Y/n: Where's Lee?

Clem: He got knocked out next after trying to get Andy.

Larry: You sick fucking bastards! OPEN THIS DOOR, GODDAMN IT! I will knock the goddamn door down!

Lilly: Dad, stop!

We then notice that Lee started to wake up and we ran over to him.

Clem: Lee!

Y/n: You're Okay!

Clem: They tried to make us eat a person!

Lee: But you didn't do it...

Clem: No, Y/n stopped me...

Larry: The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you hadn't dragged your feet...!

Lilly: C'mon, Dad. Now's not the time.

Lee: Clem, Y/n, You okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?

Clem: (shakes head) Mm-mm.

Y/n: I'm fine, if he didn't have the gun I would've beat him up.

Larry: (banging on door) OPEN UP!

Kenny: Lee, those psychos have my family, and we're stuck in a damn meat locker! We gotta get the fuck outta here!

Larry: This goddamn thumbsucker was the one who brought us here!

Kenny: Will you all just shut the fuck up?!

Y/n: Kenny's right, just shut it old man!

Lee stood up.

Clem: I'm scared!

Lee: Don't be. It's gonna be okay... I'm gonna find us a way outta here...

Y/n: Lee's right Clem, we'll be fine.

Clem: O..Okay

I gave her a hug and then let her go so I can help Lee.

Lee and I looked around while the others were still panicking but can't really blame them for being scared.

I saw salt licks but they wouldn't be able to do anything against that door, even if we threw it at the door.


Lee looked at the pallets but there wasn't any hole behind them so it was a bust, We kept looking around but still no luck.

Larry: I'll break the damn door down!

Lilly: Dad! You can't get--

Larry: (grabs chest) Ahh! Urg!

Lilly: Easy...

Larry: Hrrrgtt! Oh, god...

Lilly: DAD?!

Larry collapses and Clementine gasps. Lilly puts her hands on either side of his face.

Y/n: Oh..Shit..

I grabbed Clem's hand and pulled her away from Larry, just in case he died.

Clem: What..What happened?!

Y/n: I think he had a heart attack, we need to stay away from in case he turns.

Lilly: No! Dad, come on! DAD! Oh, god, he's stopped breathing. I think he's had a heart attack!

Lilly starts performing chest compression's.

Kenny: Shit! Is he dead?

Lilly: He's not dead. Somebody help me!

Kenny: Fuuuuuuuuck...if he's dead...


Kenny: You know what has to happen, Lee. Think about it. You saw that poor bastard at the motel. How fast he turned.

Lilly: What are you saying?

Y/n: But are we sure he's actually dead, dead?


Kenny: Lilly, I'm sorry. I truly, truly am. But in a few minutes, we're gonna be stuck in a locked room with a six-foot-four, three-hundred-pound, SERIOUSLY pissed-off dead guy!

Lilly: FUCK YOU! We can bring him back! LEE!

Kenny: We'll mourn him later. But right now, we have to keep him from comin' back.

Clem: Noooo!

Y/n: (Whispering) Clem he's right, Larry's dead and we can't let him come back.

Lilly: Goddamn it, Kenny! He's not dead!

Lee: Maybe you're right.

Lilly: NO! Goddamn it! My dad's survived worse than this!

Lee: Look, Kenny... Back at the drugstore when we all thought Duck was bitten... I gave him the benefit of the doubt... Maybe we should do the same now.


Kenny: That was different. Duck wasn't bitten. But, come on, we KNOW this guy's not gonna make it.

Kenny: Remember what Ben said. Gotta destroy the brain...

Kenny: Come on, Lee, I'm right about this! I know you've got my back. You ALWAYS do.

Lilly: Goddamn it, Lee! I NEED you! Please help me! Come on, Dad. Come on. Wake up! Wake up! Come on! This has happened before--

I just watched as Clem held my hand due to being frightened.

Lee: You're right, Kenny. Let's get this over with.

Lilly: You fucking monsters! Both of you!

Y/n: Clem don't watch.

I pull her into a hug as she cries into my chest and I watch as Kenny picks up a salt lick and Lee pulls Lilly away.

Lee: I'm sorry, Lilly. It's the only way.

Lilly: No, no, no. Get off me! Don't do this!

Lilly pushes Lee away and hugs Larry. Lee grabs her arms and pulls her back as Kenny picks up a salt lick.

I rub Clem's back as she continues to cry and cry.

Lilly: No! Please!

Lee yanks her backward and she falls down.

Lilly: (sobbing and screaming) NOOOOOO!

I watched as Kenny smashes Larry's head with a salt lick and the awful sound it made had Clem tense up and I hugged her tighter.

Kenny: God help us.

Kenny approaches Lilly, who is hugging Larry's body.

Kenny: I'm sorry, I know it--

Lilly: Don't you fucking touch me!

Lee: Clem, Y/n...

Lee walked towards us and he sees her crying into my chest...

Y/n: Shh...It's okay, it's okay Clementine.

Lee: Clem, Y/n, are you Okay?

Clem: Why, Lee?! Lilly said he wasn't dead!

Lee: He was dead, Clementine...

Clem: But what if he wasn't?

Lee: He was. I--I promise.

Y/n: Plus, we couldn't take the chance.

Lee hugs us both as Clem cries.

Lee: Shh... I know, I know. but you gotta be strong right now. I need you to be strong. Think about something else...something hopeful.

Clem: Like what?

Y/n: A safe place.

Clem: We're gonna get out, right? You found a way out?

Lee: I'm workin' on it!

Y/n: Yeah, we got this just gotta find a way.

Then I decide to walk over to Lilly because although Larry was a piece of garbage and I despised him, I know what it's like to lose a father.

Y/n: Hey Lilly...

All Lilly did was look up with tears in her eyes and I hugged her, at first she was hesitant but then she hugged me back and I rubbed her back. Then I went back to Clem and held her hand.

During this time Lee took some change from Larry's pocket's and used it to unscrew the air conditioner and it was just the right size for Clem because I was a bit to tall. She climbed in and got the door unlocked.

Y/n: Good going Clem!

She blushed.

Lee: Clem, stay back with Lilly and Y/n stay close to me.

Y/n/Clem: Okay

A/N: That's all ya getting today, but tomorrow should be the finish of the dairy so until then take care and thanks for reading.

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