《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 13: Back at the Dairy



We returned to Dairy after the run in with that crazy lady who somehow got Clem's hat.

Danny: Man,that was a hell of a ride, huh?

Y/n: Well I didn't expect to almost get a bolt to the face so yeah.

Lee tossed his rifle to Danny.

Lee: What?

Danny: You were a madman back there! Took that crazy bitch down!

The St.Johns mom Brenda stood up from her seat on the porch stairs, because i'm guessing she saw us already.

Brenda: You're back! What happened?

Danny: Lee took care of it!


Danny walks off. Brenda sits down again and I approach her.

Brenda: This isn't what Terry would've wanted...

Me: Who's Terry?

Brenda: My husband. Miss him every day.

I overhear Kenny and Lilly arguing for the thousandth time today.

Lilly: Then screw it up for everybody then, why don't you?

Kenny: Oh, calm down, princess. I'll do it myself.

Kenny walks off and Lilly returns to the gazebo.

Me: What's going on with them?

Brenda: Dunno. Squabblin', looks like. A lotta tension with y'all, huh?

Me: Don't mind them. It's how they are. Each of them wants to be in charge, you know?

Brenda: Well, it's probably just the hunger talkin'! We all get a little testy. We'll fix that shortly!

Brenda: And, Lee, don't worry your head about them bandits. I'm sorry you've seen more violence than I'd'a thought in your short time, but y'all are safe here. Don't worry.

Me: Think I'll go have a look around.

Brenda: Don't wander too far. Dinner will be ready before you know it. And thank your friend Katjaa again for me. She and the kids are in the barn with the . That woman is a lifesaver!


After listening to Lee talk to Brenda I went to look around for a little bit until I came over towards the barn, I notice Lee and we walk into it.


Katjaa: It's okay, Clementine, you can pet her.

Clem looked to Lee, I'm guessing it was to ask for permission.

Lee: It's okay, go ahead.

Clementine slowly approaches Maybelle and pets her.

Clem: Whoa... Katjaa says Maybelle could have her baby tonight!

Y/n: That'd be pretty cool!

Katjaa: We'll see, Clementine.

Lee notices a salt lick nearby.

Lee: What's this thing?

Duck: Daddy said it's called a salt lick.

Clem: Yeah, but don't lick it. It's gross.

Y/n: Did you lick it?

Clem: I don't know...

I just laughed at her adorableness, and she smiled at me.

Y/n: So what were you doing while I was gone?

Clem: Mostly just playing with Duck.

Y/n: Kinda boring then.

Clem laughed

Clem: Yep

Lee: How do you like that cow, Clem?

Clem: She's pretty.

Y/n: Just like you.

Clem and I blushed and Lee nodded in approval.

Clem: T...Th..Thanks Y/n.

Lee returns Clem's hat.

Lee: Here, Clementine.

Clem: My hat! You found it!

Clementine takes the hat and puts it on.

Clem: I knew you'd find it! You said you would!

Y/n: Yo Clem, did you give your hat to anyone.

Clem: No.

Lee: Did you see any strangers around the motor inn who might've taken it?

Clem: No. Why?

Lee: It's probably nothing. Just let me know if you ever see anything like that.

Clem: Okay, I will. Hey, Lee. Do you think you'll ever have kids?

Lee: I'd like to, someday. Maybe a little girl like you.

Clem: That's nice. You'd be a good daddy.

Y/n: You'd be a great dad, I agree.

Clem: Well, thanks for finding my hat.

Lee: You're welcome, Clem.

Clem: Do you wanna pet the cow with me?

Lee: Nah, but you go on ahead.

Duck: (sniffs) Hmm. It smells funny in here.

Clem: Like shit, right, Lee?


Y/n: Yes Clem, like shit.

I started laughing

Duck looks surprised, and Katjaa glares disapprovingly.

Lee: Hey, don't use swear words you two, okay?

Clem: Okay...

Y/n: Sure but does it really matter, I mean a world full of cannibalistic dead people and Bandits I think swear words are pretty low on the bad list.

Lee just puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me a 'Just do what I say' Look

Y/n: Alright, message received.

Clem was looking down till I grabbed her hand and held it for a bit.

I let go and walked over to Lee and Kenny who were over near a locked door at the back of the barn.

Y/n: Hey guys, why are you back here?

Kenny: You guys found it too, huh? Guys, they're hiding something. Behind this door. I got a quick look. They got boxes of stuff. And something metal and sharp.

Y/n: Yeah, I've been creepy vibes from the St.Johns all day and they just keep getting worse.

Lee: Don't get paranoid.

Kenny: It's my JOB to be paranoid, Lee. I got my whole family on this farm right now. How about you? What about Clem and Y/n?

Lee: I'll protect them no matter what.

Y/n: I'll also protect her, no matter the cost.

Kenny: I know you both will.

Kenny: Look, that guy with Katjaa... What's-his-name. He locked it up real tight the second we came in. I definitely heard a noise back there, Lee.

Y/n: I think something fishy is happening, we just do don't know it yet.

Lee: What?

Kenny: My point is, we gotta know for sure. So go find a hammer or something, and I'll have this thing off in a second. You back me up in case them farmers come running.

Y/n: That would make too much noise and somethings telling me we need to be sneaky.

Lee: Hang on, man. Think this through. You smash the lock. Then what if it turns out you're wrong? You just fucked your chance to get a good meal in those kids you're trying to protect. Use your head, Kenny.

Kenny: Alright, professor. What'd you have in mind?

Lee: Let me have a look at what we're dealing with first.

Lee looks at one of the screws or the lock.

Kenny: Hey. Lee. You know how to pick a lock, right?

Lee: No! Why would you say that?

Kenny: Well. You're...you know...urban?

Lee: Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying.

Kenny: Jesus, man! I'm from Florida! Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes. Sorry.

Y/n: I know how.

They both looked a little surprised.

Y/n: My dad sometimes forgot his keys so he'd pick the lock to our house, only problem I don't have what I need to do it with so were out on that option.

Lee: Hmm?

Kenny: What?

Lee: See those screws? Instead of breaking the padlock, we can just take off the assembly, have a peek inside, and then replace it all again, like nothing ever happened.

Kenny: See those screws? Instead of breaking the padlock, we can just take off the assembly, have a peek inside, and then replace it all again, like nothing ever happened.

A/n: That's it for today, thank you so much for reading my book so far and just as I always say until tomorrow.

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