《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 11: Secret's?



As Brenda, Katjaa, and Mark walked toward the house it was becoming very apparent that something weird was going on, Even more then what the St.Johns were letting on but that was probably on everyone's mind just as it was mine.

Larry: What kind of shit is this?

Lee: We ran into some people on the way up here...bandits, I guess. I think it was them that attacked us.

Y/n: I mean it would make sense, right?

Andy: They gave us a lot of problems in the beginning, killed a bunch of our farmhands. We were able to get 'em to stop by makin' a deal.

Kenny: You KNEW about these people?!

Danny: Food for protection. Not like we had much of a choice, but they did stop hasslin' us.

Larry: Goddamn it!

Larry: Carley said this place was locked down tight!

Y/n: Well in her defense we were led to believe that

Larry: Shut it.

Y/n: Make me old man!

He glared at me but Lee was standing beside me just in case he tried anything but even if he weren't there I'm not afraid of Larry,I can handle myself and I'm not the type to be pushed around by some Geriatric old douche.

Larry then stopped glaring at me and turned back to Lee.

Lee: Maybe it isn't as safe here as we thought.

Andy: We're sorry! We've never had them screw with us like this! Not since we started givin' 'em food!

Andy: Listen, we may have had an agreement with those people, but we will NOT stand for this shit.

Danny: Ain't no way we're gonna let those sons o' bitches get away with this!

Y/n: I have to agree.

They turned to me.

Y/n: They won't stop until they get put in there place, I think they should get a taste of their own medicine.


Kenny: Kid's right, you know where these assholes are?

Danny: They're hard to pin down, but I think I know where at least ONE of their camps are. When you're ready to go scope out that bandit camp, come find us.

Andy and Danny then walked away.

Lilly: Bandits? Are you serious? This place isn't safe, we can't stay here.

Kenny: Not safe?! This place is a hell of a lot safer than that motor inn! I think all of us and our guns can handle a couple of punks with bows and arrows! What we need to do is find a way to get our whole group out here to stay. Take this place over if we have to

Larry: Whoa! Cool your jets there, Rambo. These are nice people. Let's not do anything to get us thrown out before we eat!

Y/n: Well I think that they're hiding something, something they don't wish for us to know.

Larry: Stop being paranoid!

I was about to say something but I hold my tongue because as much as I despise Larry, he could be right and what's worse is I'm unsure and Clem and Duck are here so If something is going on they could be in danger and we don't know.

Lee: I'm gonna head out and help Dan deal with these bandits. You guys should try to make friends with Andy and Brenda while I'm gone.

Larry: Well, that's easy. I got charm coming outta my ass.

Lilly: Yeah, that's...real charming, Dad.

Y/n: I'm coming with you Lee, extra back-up never hurts right?

Lee: Alright, but you know the drill, stay close.

I nod and run off to find Clem before Lee, Danny, and I leave, when I hear Andy start to talk.

Andy: Hey, kids, look what Lee and Y/n got working for ya!


Clem: A swing! I love swings! Just like at my tree house! Come on, Duck/Y/n! Thanks, Lee and Y/n! You're the best!

Duck: Yeah

I smiled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me over.

Kenny and the kids walk away. Duck sits on the swing and Kenny pushes him. Everyone else disperses.

Y/n: So Clem, did you miss me while I was gone?

I said this with a smug grin and she blushed.

Clem: I..I m..mean of course. Duck is nice but your like my best friend.

Y/n: You're my best friend too Clem

Clem: Well how bout' you? Did you miss me?

She had a smirk on her face when I started to stutter.

Y/n: I...I m..mean of course, I mean I like helping Lee but I want to be by your side.

I blushed and so did she.

Clem: Oh yeah, here's your knife.

She gave me my knife and I clipped my sheathe to my belt and put my knife in it.

Y/n: Thanks for watching it for me while I was away!

I hugged her and she hugged back no problem.

Duck got off for a few minutes and I pushed her a bit, then she got off.

Lee then looked over at us near the swing.


Me: They look happy.

I said while grinning at them.


Lee walked over to us.

Lee: Hey you two, do you like the swing?

Clem: Yeah! It's super fun!

Y/n: Yep, I've been pushing Clemmy.

Clem: Thank you both for fixing it!

She said while looking at the both of us.

Lee: You're welcome.

She then looked at Lee

Clem: Will you push me on it?

Lee: Sure, happy to push you on the swing. (to Kenny) Mind if Clementine takes a turn?

Kenny: Alright, Duck, let Clementine have a try for a bit.

Duck: Okay

Duck jumps off the swing and sits on a nearby tree stump with Kenny standing beside him. Clementine sits on the swing while Lee pushes her.

Lee: How are you holding up, Clementine?

Clem: I'm okay, I guess. Are you okay?

Lee: Yeah. I'm just a little worried about Mark.

Clem: Is Mark going to be okay?

Lee: He got lucky out there. If Y/n didn't give me cover it could have been a lot worse.

Clem: Are you and Y/n going to find the people who hurt Mark?

Lee: We have to make sure they don't hurt anyone else.

Clem: Be careful. I want you both to stay lucky, too.

Lee: Ever since I've met you both I've had good luck, so don't worry.

Clem: Okay.

Lee ask me how I was and if I felt Okay. I told him I felt fine mostly but I did feel a little bad for killing, even if it was those bandits in the woods. He said that it was good I felt like that when killing because it means I'm still human. Killing should only be a last resort, that's why not all my shots were lethal only wounds.

Clem: I know that you're going to be okay when you go with Lee but promise me you'll come back, Okay?

Y/n: Yes Clem.

Clem: Promise?

Y/n: Promise.

I hugged her tight to let her know we'd be okay.

Y/n: I'm going to go get Lee so we can find Danny and get started and get back before dark.

Clem: Okay, see ya later and you better remember our promise.

Y/n: I will.

Y/n: (Thoughts) Where are you Lee?

A/n: Thank you so much for reading and I've already been thinking of twists for later seasons. So until tomorrow, goodnight.

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