《Clementine x Male reader season 1》Chapter 1 Meet Y/n



It was a nice quiet afternoon and I had just gotten home from school, usually my dad would come and pick me up but he was extra busy today so I had to ride the bus. "Oh boy, I'm so HUNGRY right now", I practically yelled to myself. So, being the smart kid I am, I go and find some fruit to munch on until my dad gets home. A few hours pass and now it was 6 pm and I hear my dads F/c truck turn into the driveway and I was super happy. I then ran to the door as quick as my legs could carry me and I heard the front door unlock. "Click", the door's lock made as it was unlocked.

I moved back and as soon as he stepped through the door I jumped at him and he caught me.

Dad: Hey kiddo! How was your day at school?

Y/n: It was pretty awesome and I had lots of fun!

Dad: That's great kiddo, now how about since I couldn't pick you up today we order some PIZZA!


So after we had decided to get a pepperoni pizza because it tastes amazing, we ordered and we had to wait an unfortunate 30 minutes to taste the masterpiece.

Dad: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah dad?

Dad: Since we have to wait 30 minutes for our pizza how about I continue to train you in martial arts?


You see back before I was born my dad was a marine and during his time in military he learned and bunch of different skill sets in martial arts. Thanks to my dad I know JuiJitsu and Boxing, and every once in awhile to make sure neither of us were rusty we'd train with each other. Dad was in the marines for 4 years and he would come and visit whenever he could, but then he had to come home and get a job as a cop because mom got sick with cancer and couldn't take care of me anymore. But we went to see mom every day, we'd laugh and we'd all tell each other how much we loved one another, well that was until a year ago when she passed on. But her last words to us were " Please don't be sad we all have a time to go, just know I love you both very much and you two were the best things that have ever happened to me" we gave her a final hug and she passed while we were holding her with a smile on her face.

Dad: No problem kiddo! Let's get started.

I then proceeded to train with dad until the pizza arrived. Then ,one training montage later, the pizza guy had arrived and handed us our delectable art.


Pizza guy: That'll be 16 dollars even.

Dad then proceeds to hand him the money and closes the door.

Y/n: Oh BOY, my Mouth is jealous of my nose right now!


We both decided to eat and watch movies till about 8 pm and unfortunately it was time for me to go to bed now.

Y/n: Please dad, can I stay up a little longer?

Dad: Nope, but how about tomorrow since you won't have school you can stay up as long as you want.

Y/n: YES! well goodnight dad, love you.

Dad: I love you to kiddo

My dad picks me up and gives me a hug, which I reciprocate obviously. I then go to room lay down and drift off to dreamland.

Author note: Forgot to add your appearance so here is what you look like like. Your a bit more muscular than the average 9 year old and 5'3, so your a bit taller then clementine by about 7 inches since google said she was 4'8 in season 1. Also you have your hair/hair color, skin tone/color, eye color, etc. Your attire is black boxers, black socks, straight fit blue jeans, Jordan 1 retros, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. at least it's what I'd be wearing. Now back to our story.

Y/n Pov.


I jolted upright to see my clock saying it was only about 11 pm. I got fully dressed because I was thinking my dad and I were going to check out the noise and I ran downstairs. When I got down I saw my dad running back into the house but he was covered in...blood.

Y/n: Dad..who's blood is that?

Dad: Y/n, the Foreman's have gone crazy, They've just started to eat people. I saw Mrs.Foreman and her husband attack one of our neighbors then they came for me so I had to protect myself.

[Flashback a couple minutes ago...}

Dad POV.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room about to get ready for bed when I heard a car crash outside. I jumped up immediately, put on my boots, and went outside to see what happened.

Me: What the hell is going on out here?!

I saw fire on the Joseph's home, people running and screaming, and then I saw Mr.Foreman's body laying on the road near a hydrant after he got creamed by a car. I went to check him and it wasn't good...he had been hit so hard his chest caved in and when I felt for his pulse he didn't have one. I sighed and saw Mrs.Foreman staring at her husband's corpse from a few feet away till she came running over and I backed away.

Mrs.Foreman: Oh baby, please no. NO no no..

Me: Julie, I'm so sorry for your loss...


Mrs.Foreman kept crying until...we saw him slowly open his eyes but they were different. There were no longer green pupils...just a milky white color, as if he was soulless.

Mrs.Foreman: OH BABY THANK GOD!!

Me: But that's impossible, he didn't have a pulse and his chest was caved in

Mrs.Foreman: WHO CARES!

Mrs.Foreman goes to give him a kiss when...he lunges up and bites her in the neck.


Mrs.Foreman pulls back and screams in pain, she tries to get back up only to almost get chomped into again, but I kicked Mr.Foreman away.

Me: Oh my lord, Mrs.Foreman we need to get you to a hospital!

I didn't get a response, I went to feel her pulse and...nothing.

Me: Dammit, SON OF A BITCH!

I then go to get up and go to the house to call an ambulance and to make sure Y/n's Okay when something or someone grabs my ankle. It was Mrs.Foreman.


I pulled my leg and started to back away when the reanimated corpses of the Foreman's started to walk toward me. And out of instinct I pull out my 1911 pistol.

Me: Stay back you the both of you! I don't want to shoot you.

They...kept...coming, then they lunged at me and I shot both in the chest but they kept coming as I backed away. After a couple more shots I managed to find a way to stop them which is by shooting them both in the head which splattered their blood onto me and the gunfire drew more of my dead neighbors like moths to a flame. So I ran to my house, went inside and locked the door. But I felt a sharp pain in the middle of back as my adrenaline had now worn off.

[Flashback over]

Dad POV.

Y/n: Dad, why's there a hole in the back of your shirt? And why...are there teeth marks?

Me: No...No NO NO.

I looked back at Y/n and I knew what was gonna happen to me..and that my time was now cut short. I heard the moans from outside and the dead beating against the door.

Me: Son...you don't have much time there's a lot of those monsters outside and they won't stop till that door comes down. So...you gotta go.

I said this to him with sadness filling my voice and I could tell from the tears in his eyes he was gonna be stubborn.


My dad had just said something I couldn't bare to hear.


Dad: I'm sorry kiddo, but this is my last stop. These teeth marks on my back means I got bit and it also means I'm gonna turn into one of those damn monsters.

Me: I already lost Mom, I can't lose you too! I love you dad.

I said with tears rolling down my face and a breaking voice.

Dad: Son...me and your mom love you more than life itself and we want you to grow up big and strong. In order for you to do that your gonna need to survive, which means your gonna have to leave me...

My dad said those words, it broke my heart but inside I knew he was right...

Y/n: Okay dad...

I said while hugging him tightly, but then he fell back against the wall and he was looking bad. He was pale and was running a high fever.

Dad: That's good son, you make me and your mom so very proud and I know you will continue to do so. Promise me you won't let this world break you, promise me you'll survive.

My dad said that with pain in his voice but a smile on his face...Not showing fear.

Y/n: I promise you I'll beat this world and survive no matter what.

Dad smile at me and pulled me into a hug.

Dad: I know you will because your my son, the son of a marine. I love you kiddo.

He said with a smile.

Y/n: I love you too dad.

My dad then looked down and handed me his knife which was a CKSURC tiger camo knife and his black 1911 45.

Dad: Son I hate to ask you this but I need a final favor.

Y/n: Of course dad anything.

Dad: I need you to shoot me kiddo.

Y/n: WHAT? Dad please...

Dad: Please I don't wanna be a monster and I know you don't wanna see me as one.

I thought about it for a second but I finally conceded and said...

Y/n: Okay Dad, for you.

Dad smiled, pulled me into our final hug and said to me...

Dad: You truly are a kind child

As we let go from our last embrace I felt tears pouring down my face once more, I stepped back a few feet and aimed my gun at his him and even when he knew he was going to die all he did was smile, no fear of any kind showing.

Y/n: I love you dad


Author Note: Thank you so much for reading this and since I'm a christian I might end up adding some moments in here where Y/n says "Praise Jesus" or " Thank the Lord". If your not a christian its fine I'm just telling you ahead of time. Holy crap this is almost 1800 hundred words, sorry for making it so long but still thank you for reading and nex

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