《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》When winner tell tales


You see the glitter on their stage,

You see the gold on their medals,

You see their glowing name on the page

You see their certificate in bundles..

You see their bounty galore,

You see them bask in glory,

You see them soar high and more,

You see their splendid success story..


When a winner tells you their tale,

You know of starless, sleepless nights,

Hearts shattered, faces gone pallid

Of dampened spirits, tear struck eyes..

Chapters of frustration, desperation,

Commotion, chaos and confusion, yet..

There's will in agony, hope in despair

Undeterred walk, ceaseless crusade;

Stories of struggle behind each feat

Of sprinting to track after each fall,

Holding firmly to the end of rope

Then scaling peaks with that very hope.

You see, the skies 'r not easy to reach

Still to try and try, is what they teach.

Don't let their shine fool you to folly,

For their tale is not just jest and jolly.

When you pocket your dreams to take on every day,

Make sure to carry perseverance all the way.

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