《MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry》CATCHING THE SPARKLES


Catching the sparkles, twinkles and shine,

I carry in my heart

All dreams of mine.

One day I'm splashing colours

To paint my own world,

One day I'm weaving words

To inspire hopes.

Many many dreams, my little heart!

Naive you are, but oh so brave.

A far better world

And far better people

Come my ultimate vision

And absolute goal.

There's more darkness

Than there's light,

In my road to home

That I steadily stride.

But there's also faith,

Will and persistence,

With which I'll chase

Each one of the stars.

Catching the sparkles, twinkles and shine,

I wish to live through

All dreams of mine.

Poet's Pub BCE week 7,

prompt: Dreams

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